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Xcell -WFs Store Sales
Xcell -WFn Store Sales
Xcell- WF Prospects Log

Xcell -NO LIST -Stores Not Interested in WFs or WFn


2024 Price List & Order Form
Display Advice Insert For Book Shipments

Noteworthy Sales Locations Document
My Business Tax Records Form for Accountant To Prepare Taxes

My WFn Prospects Progress Chart
To Do Begun Next
Next State
State Resorts National
Wild Birds
Country & General 
Private Visitor
& Cabins
Gift Shops Tourist
Pennsylvania             *Not Phila              
Maryland             only mtns              
New Jersey             *Not Coast              
New York             *Not NY City              
Connecticut             *only did NW              
Massachusetts             *Not Boston              
New Hampshire                           last Sunburst trading co
Maine     None                      
North Carolina     See Note A                      
South Carolina                            
West Virginia                            

Note A:



CONSIGNMENT WFs = Wild & Furry Animals of the Southern Appalachian Mountains
WFn = Wild & Furry Animals of the Northern Appalachian Mountains
WFs:  270   2/6/2024
WFn:  0
CURRENT CUSTOMER Card1 = Single card of that design  
Book or
Sample Sent, Order Promised or Strong Potential
GB = Guidebook
REEF = A Journey to Liza's Reef
A.H. Stevens State Park Gift Shop
PO Box 310
456 Alexander Street, Crawfordville, GA 30631
August 13 11/10/23 5 WFs by Andre email
8/14/24 5 WFs by Lori
Andre Mclendon Gift Shop/call only M-W-F)
Melanie Boatwright -Ranger retail specialist, nice lady
Only in Sat & Sun - Has full time job elsewhere.
706-456-2221, 706-456-2606  
Lori Higgs-Schroeder Assistant Buyer. Nice lady. Helped her with KDP wants to publish chilrden's book
WFs: 5 Must ship to PO Box 310
A New Chapter
922 Washington Street W
Lewisburg, WV 24901
July 10 2/18/20 3 WFs by Shaye
11/30/20 6 WFs by Shaye
9/21/21 8 WFs by Shaye
7/13/22 12 WFS by Shaye
7/12/23 12 WFs by Shaye
7/12/24 12 WFs by Shaye
Shaye Gadomski  Buyer
WFs: 3, 6, 8,12,12  
A Novel Escape
60 East Main Street, Franklin NC 28734
April 11
Date WFs Shipped In
Total now in Store Payment
Total now in Store
6/16/23 4 0 4 10/1723 3 1
10/23/23 6 1 7 7/10/24 1 6
        10/4/24 2 4
        1/21/25 2 2

3/20/24 Sent reorder email to Liz
3/20/24: Reply from Liz she still has 5 copies

Liz DeWandeler Owner  
828-369-9059  Tues-Sat

Wait on her for sending replacement books
WFs Sold: 3,1,2,2 6/8/23 WFs accepted for consignment in Local Authors Program. GB not accepted. 6/7/23 Had submitted both online for consignment program.
60/40% Consignment -The status of consignment titles is reviewed 2 or 3 times a year.
8/18/19 Previous owner Suzanne had sold 2 WFs
A Walk in the Woods
423 N Main St, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Nov 24 3/10/18 12 WFs by Hope
  12 WFs by Hope
8/23/20 12 HWS10 cards by Hope
7/22/21 Talked to Hope Ok on books and cards
6/11/22 6 WFs and 20 HWSs  
10/31/22 20 HWSs
Hope Rhodarmer
WFs: 12,12, 6
Aaron's Books
35 E Main St, Lititz, PA 17543
Feb 10 12/12/24 Todd asked me to email him. Sent Todd email
1/4/25 Talked to Todd. Resent email
  West of Philadelphia, close to Alleghany Mountains
Ace Adventure Gear
239 N Court St, Fayetteville, WV 25840
May 7 6/21/23 Sent Liz copy of WFs
Sent followup email to Liz
7/11/23 Reply from Liz: Lee,I did not personally see a copy of this book and need to confirm with one more manager, but am not sure the shop ever received it. I would be interested in looking at a copy and think it may fit in our shop! Right now, I am not looking to place any orders for new vendors, but as we enter Spring '24 I will reach out should we be looking to add more books to our product mix.
7/11/23 Replied to Liz that I would follow up next spring. and resend book if I need to.
7/12/23 Reply from Liz: Hey Lee, That address is actually no longer correct so I imagine that is why we never received it. Our current address is 239 N Court St, Fayetteville, WV 25840. I look forward to seeing your illustrations and writing, and have plans to put a small section of books at our resort location come next Spring. Yours seems like it would fit great! Best, Liz
2/29/24 Talked to Liz. Sent her another copy of WFs
Talked to Liz. Got book, in flux with new buyer. Agreed I would call in a month
5/9/24 Still on hold. Building out kid's section. My book is on her list it seems
Liz Curry Buyer
  Orvis Dealer. Services New River Gorge area.
Adirondack General Store
899 E Shore Dr, Adirondack, NY 12808
    518-494-4408   Near bottom of Lake Champlain
Adirondack Trading Company
2513 Main Street, Suite 1, Lake Placid NY 12946
June 19 7/13/24 8 WFn by Greg  Greg Peacock, Owner   Call Saturday mornings
WFn: 8  
ADKX Store  
P.O. Box 99, 9097 NY-30, Blue Mountain Lake, NY 12812
Feb 14 9/16/24 6 WFn by Melinda Melinda Roblee, Store Manager
x4 ADKX then x123 for store
WFn: 6 At The Adirondack Experience -The Museum on Blue Lake. They do sell nature themed books in store.
Alabama Wildlife Center Gift Shop
Oak Mountain State Park

100 Terrace Drive, Pelham, AL 35124
August 7
3-year cycle
10/20/22 11 WFs by Chris
7/17/23 Talked Chris. Still has a couple of copies. Agreed I would check in fall
10/10/23 Talked to Chris. Still ok. Agreed I would call next spring 
5/21/24 Talked to Chris. Still has copies. Would let me know when they need more.
Savannah Thompson  Administrative Asst

205-663-7930 x2 Business Office
Chris Sykes
WFs: 11 Located in Oak Mountain State Park
Orphaned and injured birds
Allegheny National Forest Visitors Bureau Gift Shop
80 E Corydon St # C, Bradford, PA 16701
April 14 4/24/24 3 WFn by Rustin
11/12/24 Called. Receptionist thinks they still have a copy or two.
Rustin Lippincott, Director Visitor Bureau
WFn: 3 Seasonal. Visitors start up in April
Allenberry Resort Gift Shop
1559 Boiling Springs Rd., Boiling Springs, PA 17007
Feb 17 4/24/24 Sent Greg copy of WFn
Talked to Greg. Nice guy. Got book, has to check with owners. Agreed I would check in a week
5/30/24 Talked to Greg. Asked me to check back after the 9th of June
7/4/24 Talked to Greg. Asked questions. Definite order. has to check with owners. Sent him info email. Agreed I would follow up next week if I do not hear from him
7/15/24 Sent followup email to Greg
8/14/24 Talked to Greg. Will talk to Kate tomorrow.
11/8/24 Talked Greg. Has to check with others. Will get back to me within a few days
1/21/25 Called. Greg no longer employed. They are looking for replacement
Greg Williams, General Mgr.  Really nice man  
x2 Front Desk 
Alran Books
9 Townsend Road, Harrisville, NH 03450
Amicalola Falls State Park Lodge Gift Shop
418 Amicalola Falls Lodge Drive, Dawsonville, GA 30534
May 15 5/10/23 14 WFs by Andrea
5/9/24 Sent reorder email to Andrea
9/3/24 Called. Andrea said they are ok for now. Agreed I would check in spring
Robert Berrey, Park Mgr.
706-344-1500 x1
706-265-4706 Andrea Roper  Retail Supervisor
WFs: 14  
Amish Country Variety Store
209 W Telegraph Rd, Airville, PA 17302
Andrew Jackson State Park Gift Shop
196 Andrew Jackson Park Road, Lancaster SC 29720
May 27
5-year cycle
1/11/21 5 WFs by Kirk Johnson
9/21/21 Talked to Kirk. Still have some in stock
9/14/22 Talked to Kirk, still has some in stock.
10/9/23 Talked to Kirk, still has 2 copies
5/28/24 Talked to Kirk, still 2
Kirk Johnston, buyer
WFs: 5 Displays face-up
Annie's Bookstop of Worchester
65 James Street, Worcester, MA 01603
Feb 27 12/6/24 Sent Patty WFn
Talked to Patty. Got book. Will order in a month when they place orders.
Patty Cryan 
  On edge of Berkshires
Anniston Museum of Natural History Gift Shop
800 Museum Dr, Anniston, AL 36207
Jan 8
2-year cycle
1/7/21 4 WFs by Angie Dothard.
1/3/24 3 WFs by Sarah Woolmaker
Sarah Woolmaker, Asst Dir, Store Mgr
256-237-6766 Gift Shop
256-237-6264  Sarah's Office
WFs: 4, 3 They display books with cover showing
Appalachian Book Service
257 Wedgewood Road, Franklin, NC 28734 USA
August 26 10/23/15  12 GB ordered by Bob
9/4/19 10 GB ordered by Bob  Media rate for 10 books was $11.59
8/19/22 10 GB by Bob Media $14.51
9/9/24 Sent reorder email to Bob
9/9/24 Reply from Bob: I always resell at a 40% discount, so I usually need either 50% free freight or 55% and I pay freight to give me a 10% margin.Will need to look at some old invoices to see what we've done in the past, but am going on a trip tomorrow so it will have to wait a little bit. Looking at some old invoices, I see I was getting a 50% discount and paying freight, which was forcing me to sell at -35% (when I remembered to do so).Now, with continuing freight increases and very slow book sales due to the looming recession, I think I'll have to decline for now.
9/13/24 Reply from Bob: Thanks Lee. I appreciate it. I need that 10% margin. I hope you have some decent margin on the books you produce. Despite what I said, I may be ordering before too long.
Bob Lenski
GB: 12,10,10 Not interested in WF
50% + Free Shipping

I always resell at a 40% discount, so I usually need either 50% free freight or 55% and I pay freight to give me a 10% margin.
Appalachian Crafts, 10 N. Spruce St., Suite 120, Asheville, NC 28801 April 18 June 2019 5 WFs ordered by Jackie
9/22/21 4 WFs by Jackie
9/29/22  4 WFs by Jackie
7/11/23 5 WFs, 2 GB
4/25/24 Called -has 3 WFs in stock.
4/25/24 5 GB
Jackie Craig, Owner    11-5
828-253-8499 Spruce St. Store  
WFs: 5,4,4,5
GB: 2,5
6 Month call schedule since she does small orders.
Has been listed in Craft Galleries since 2018
Sold hotel location in 2022
Appalachian Trail Outfitters
2 W Main St, Luray, VA 22835
June 1
2-Year Cycle
3/4/20 12 WFs by Gigi
6/22/23 12 WFs by Gigi
Gigi Foster, buyer (Wed & Thursday only)
Elk Bend, VA store
WFs: 12 Two stores, Luray and Elk Bend
Artic Tern Books
432 Main St, Rockland, ME 04841
  12/6/24 Sent email to Artic Tern Books
1/8/25 Resent email
124 4th Ave E, Hendersonville, NC 28792
March 27 1/7/22 8 GB by Michelle
7/14/22 5 GB by Michele
7/3/23 Sent reorder email to Michele
7/10/23 Resent reorder email
8/21/23 Called Michelle's cell. got salesgirl. Have 2 copies
2/1/24 Sent reorder email
2/21/24 Called -Michelle had difficult shoulder surgery. Out of the loop until March.
5/1/24 Sent reorder email to Michelle
5/15/24 Resent reorder email to Michelle
8/8/24 Resent reorder email to Michelle
Michelle Sparks 
828-693-4545 Closed Tuesday
828-606-5770 cell
GB: 8,5,5 Previously sold GB on consignment
Charge actual media rate.
As The Page Turns
32 S Main Street Travelers Rest, SC 29690
August 28 10/30/20 2 WFs by Amy
10/26/21 4 WFs by Amy
8/14/23 4 WFs by Amy
3/25/24 3 WFs by Amy
8/31/24 Called. Still have 3 copies
Amy Williams, Owner/Manager  (10-1)
Alex -Employee
Lisa Nichols, owner
WFs: 2, 4,4,3 Bookstore
Told me to check every 3 months
Cover is facing out in store
Asheville Area Visitor Center Asheville Shop
36 Montford Avenue, Asheville, NC 28802
April 24 May 2017 14 WFh by Mary
June 2017
8 GB by Mary
Dec 2018 12 GB by Vanna
7/29/22 12 GB and 6 WFs by Vanna
6/1/23 12 WFs by Jennifer, has 6 GB still
4/15/24 Talked to Jennifer. Ok on WFs  12 GB by Jennifer
Mary Ramsay
Jennifer Willett Gift Shop Mgr. (Works Tues-Sat) Nice lady
828-210-2726 Asheville Shop
828-258-6129 Visitor Center
GB:14, 8,12, 12
WFs: 14, 6,12
Asheville Cottages
45 Lark Hill Drive, Arden NC 28704
April 10 Nov 2012 10 GB by Marshall
July 2016
14 GB by Marshall
Aug 2018
 15 GB by Marshall
Aug 21 2019 3 GB by Marshall
6/14/21 Sent reorder email to Marshall
6/15/21 Reply from Marshall: Thanks for reaching out, Lee. I will check to see if we need more and let you know.
8/23/22 Sent reorder email to Marshal
8/24/22 Reply from Marshall Thank you for keeping up!
I think we still have enough but I will check and let you know if we need more.
8/23/23 Sent reorder email to Marshall
4/11/24 Sent reorder email to Marshall mentioning 2023 edition
If no order in 2025, delete account
Marshall Manche
GB: 10,14,15, 3 WFs: not interested
Asheville East KOA
2708 Highway 70 East, Swannanoa, NC 28778
April 4 2025
3-year cycle
July 2016 6 GB by Beth Brand
11/19/22 5 GB by Sarah
6/2/23 Called Sarah. Has some copies
4/8/24 Talked to Amanda. Still has a few copies. Asked to send reorder email which I did.
Sarah Lohstroh,  Manager
Not Fri 
Amanda Schwerin Asst General Manager
GB: 6, 5 Not interested in WFs
Asheville Museum of Science
43 Patton Avenue, Asheville NC 28801
August 9 6/6/18 2 WFh, 2WFs by Kim
10/1/18 4 WFh, 8 WFs by Kim
9/1/22 20 WFs by Meg Toler
7/18/24 Sent reorder email to Maggie
8/8/24 Reply from Maggie: Hi Lee, Thanks for reaching out. We currently have enough stock so won’t need a re order.
Maggie Chardell Operations Manager & Gift Shop
828-254-7162 x0  Closed on Tuesday
Kim Clark (Operations Mgr)
Christa Flores -STEM Lab Manager & Events
Melody Hollinger

Asheville West KOA
309 Wiggins Road, Candler, NC 28715
August 14
2 year cycle

6/17/17 4 GB, 4 WFs by Heather
7/20/22 4 GB, 6 WFs by Heather
8/22/23 Called  Salesgirl checked. Has 2 GB and 5 WFs

Heather Nance 
GB: 4,4
WFs: 4,6
Ausable Chasm Gift Shop
2144 US-9, Ausable Chasm, NY 12911
  1/7/25 Talked to salesperson. Gift shop opens in May.
Call and talk to Katie
518-834-7454 x8
Katie Lahart -Manager
  Tourist attraction open since 1870
Gift shop opens May to Nov
Babcock State Park Gift Shop
486 Babcock Road, Clifftop WV 25831
March 6 Oct 2018 6 WFs by Jennifer Donna Wickline  Gift Shop Mgr.
Jennifer Amick,  Asst Superintendent 
WFs: 6  
Back Cove Books
651 Forest Ave Ste 1, Portland, ME 04101
Feb 11 11/27/24 Sent Becca email
12/13/24 Talked to Becca. If interested they will reach out to me. Delete if no response
Becca Morton 
2501 Main St, Rangeley, ME 04970
    207-864-2335   Gift shop
Balin Books
Somerset Plaza, 375 Amherst St #101A, Nashua, NH 03063
Feb 17 12/6/24 Sent Tammy WFn
Sent followup email to Tammy as instructed
1/3/25 Reply from Tammy: I did receive a signed copy of Wild & Furry Animals of the Northern Appalachian Mountains. Thank you.We really prefer to get books from Ingram, where we can get a 40 plus percent discount and the books are returnable.If your book does become available from Ingram, please let us know.
1/3/25 Replied to her and offered 40% any quantity
Tammy McCracken 
Events Coordinator, Books
  40% any quantity.
Balsam Shop
Mt. Mitchell State Park, 2388 Highway 128, Burnsville, NC 28714
April 14 July 2016 30 BRPWA10 by Carla
June 27, 2017  30 BRPWA10, 25 WFs by Carla
8/28/18 30 BRPWA10, 20 WFs by Carla
8/31/22 40 WFs, 25 each Bears1,Otters1,Bobcat1,Cougar1, Fox1 and Coyote1 ordered by Nick
8/12/23 80 WFs and 25 each Bears, Otters, Bobcat, Cougar, Fox and Coyote ordered by Nick
25 each Bear, Bobcat, Otter, and Coyote cards
Nick Cargo, Gift Shop Mgr.
Gift Shop,
828-675-4611 Park Office
WFs: 25,20,40,80
Cards: 150,150,100
On Electronic auto bank deposit payments starting Oct 2018. Will receive email notification of deposits

State Accounts Payable

Barnes & Noble #2347 -Asheville Mall
3 South Tunnel Road, Asheville NC 28801
Sept 26
1/8/23 Delivered 10 GB  6 WFs to Gary Carl
10/17/23 Delivered 10 GB and 6 WFs to Gary Carl
1/23/25 Delivered 10 WFs and 10 GB . Left with cashier Jane. Emailed Serena. Included invoice for previous sold consignments.
Gary Carl 
Serena Burgess Assistant Store Manager
WFs: 6,6,10
GB: 10,10,10
60/40 %
Must bring in books and give to Gary Carl. Will get paid in cash once books sell. Bring invoice when I deliver more books. He will notify me when more books are needed.
Barnswallow Books
166 Russell Ave, Rockport, ME 04856
Feb 11 11/27/24 Talked to salesgirl Beth. Thought it a good fit. 12/6/24 Sent WFn to Linda
Sent followup email to Linda
1/10/25 Called. Found out Linda has a buyer assistant Annie. Call Annie
1/17/25 Left message trying to reach her on cell phone
1/23/25 Sent followup email to Linda
207-706 3944
Linda Lesher  Owner   Never in store
Annie Chelble
-Linda's Assistant -buyer
  18 Central Street, Rockport, ME 04856
Bartleby's Books
17 W Main St, Wilmington, VT 05363
Aug 18 12/6/24 6 WFs by Ana Lisa Sullivan -Owner Buyer
Ana McDaniel -Manager
WFn: 6  
Bascom Lodge on Mount Greylock Gift Shop
3 Summit Road, Adams MA 01220
June 5 5/31/24 Talked to Monika. They do sell some books. Interested in seeing a copy.
6/3/24 Sent WFn to Monika at home PO Box 73, Windsor MA 01270 (Home address)
7/18/24 Sent followup email to Monika
8/9/24 Resent followup email to Monika
8/28/24 Talked to Peter  They just do consignment. Testy stupid guy.
8/30/24 Resent followup email to Monika at both addresses
9/13/24 Resent followup email to Monika
Monika Sosnowski  Owner  Not M-T
  Closed Nov -May
Basilica of St. Lawrence Gift Shop
97 Haywood Street, Asheville, NC 28801
Feb 4 2026
2-year cycle
8/1/18  50 BSL1
11/7/22 50 BSL1 cards by Barclay
7/23/24 50 BSL1 cards by Barclay
Barclay Roberts 
828-691-1284 (c)

BSL1: 50, 50,50

Notecard of Basilica
Bat Cave Old Cider Mill and Applesolutely Gift Shop
33 Gerton Hwy, Bat Cave, NC 28710
August 22
2-year cycle
11/5/19  8 WFs by Christina
10/26/22 11 Wfs by Ken in person at store
8/21/24 10 WFs by Ken
If they reopen, Contact about invoice #3482 Due 9/20/24 #3482 $143.20 10 WFs in August not paid
Ken Davies, Owner
Bat Cave Old Cider Mill and Applesolutely Gift Shop
33 Gerton Hwy, Bat Cave, NC 28710
704-910-9378 Ken cell   Call Ken's cell for reorders. Ok to do so. Try right after 5 pm
704-376-2059 Law Office
828-625-1947 Store
WFs: 8, 11,10 Law Office of Kenneth Davies PC
200 The Wilke House
2112 E 7th Street
Charlotte NC 28204
Battenkill Books
15 E Main St, Cambridge, NY 12816
Jan 14 12/18/24 Sent Connie email as instructed 518-677-2515
Connie Brooks 
  Near Bennington in NY state
Battery Park Book Exchange
Grove Arcade,1 Page Avenue, Suite 101, Asheville NC 28801
April 18 Nov 2009 5 GB by Donna
Nov 2017
7 WFh by Donna
April 2018 12 WFh by Donna
Sept 2018
5 WFh by Emily
Feb 2019
5 WFh by Thomas
April 2019
10 GB, 20 WFh by Thomas
Dec 10 2019  10 GB, 10 WFs by Michael
3/11/19 10Gb, 10WFs by Thomas
10/15/20 10WFs by Thomas, ok on GB
2/10/22 Ok on GB, 5 WFs
9/8/22 5GB, 5 Wfs
6/15/23 10 WFs by Thomas, ok on GB
5/16/24 10 WFs by Thomas, has 4 GB
7/28/24 12 WFs by Thomas
Thomas Wright 

828-467-0074 cell
Donna Wright
Emily -Sales person
GB: 5,5,10, 10,5
They have their own book holders
Pays by cc/keep
Bays Mountain Nature Preserve Gift Shop
853 Bays Mountain Park Road, Kingsport TN 37660
August 20
10/21/20 5 WFs by Rob Cole
8/22/24 15 WFs by Stacey
Megan Krager, Mgr.
Stacey Guck (Gook) Guest Services and Administrative Support
423-230-6357 -Stacey
WFs: 5,15
Beaman Park Nature Center Gift Shop
5911 Old Hickory Blvd, Ashland City, TN 37015
March 26 12/27/22 Talked to Heather, really nice chatty lady. Very interested in WFs, even though they only have a tiny gift shop. Had really nice conversation and I am pretty sure she will order copies. Dealing with getting rid of huge book collection that was donated. Sent copy of WFs to home: 1609 Lewis Road, Burns TN 37029
3/20/23 Sent followup email to Heather
7/21/23 Talked to Heather. Got book. Asked to call back in early spring.
3/5/24 Talked to Heather. Still not ready to order. Asked me to call next spring.
3/8/24 Sent Card to her home
Talked to Heather. Reminded me we talked about a month ago. Got cards and really liked them. Will talk to board about those. Can't order book now because of space and mice problem... but told me to check in a year about book.
Heather Gallagher, Director
2000 acre nature center
Bear Brook State Park Campstore
61 Deerfield Rd, Allenstown, NH 03275
    603-485-9874 Park
603-485-9869 Park Office
  CCC Museum on site has no store
Bear Creek Nature Center Gift Shop
6300 Cochran Mill Rd, Chattahoochee Hills, GA 30268
August 5 5/5/23 6 WFs on consignment, agreed to by Norma. If books don't sell give to staff.
4/19/24 Reply from Norma: I’m not sure about the books. I don’t remember selling any of them, but I can’t say that I have looked recently at the stock. My shop is mostly tended to by volunteers, so I’ll see what I can find out. This is a very busy time of year for us with all of the schools doing their field trips so we’re doing morning and afternoon program sessions. I’m not interested in ordering anything at this time. I can send you payment for the books you already sent if you need me to, but I am not interested in ordering anything else.
4/19/24 Sent invoice for 6 books
Norma Lewis, Director
770-306-0914  Tues-Sat
WFs: 6 Send books to Norma's home: 3418 Tommy Lee Cook Road, Newnan, GA 30263
Very small gift shop
run by volunteers
Bear Pond Books -Montpelier
77 Main Street, Montpelier, VT 05602
Feb 3 2/4/25 6 WFn by Rob Robert  Kasow -Owner
WFn: 6 Different store than Stowe Bear Pond Books. Not connected, used to be.
Bedford Area Welcome Center Gift Shop
816 Burks Hill Rd, Bedford, VA 24523
Aug 21
2 year cycle
10/27/20 5 WFs by Anita. Order placed by Michelle
1/31/22 5 WFs by Michelle
10/7/23 6 WFs by Michelle
Anita Dengal -Visitor Services and Volunteer Coordinator
Michelle Crumpacker -
Administrative Mgr.
WFs: 5,5,6  
Beech Fork State Park Gift Shop
5601 Long Branch Road, Barboursville WV 25504
March 6
Opens in April
10/1/21 5 WFs by Dave
8/11/23 In process of getting new manager
Jo Watts -Asst Supt -Oversees gift shop
WFs: 5 Gift Shop in April
Bell Farm Shops
244 US-1, York, ME 03909
Bennington Bookshop
109 South St, Bennington, VT 05201
  11/22/24 Talked to unpleasant salesgirl, could have been Linda. So busy, hung up on me...
Talk to Phil
Linda Foulsham
and Phil Lewis
Bentley, Emily
Allen Tate/Beverly-Hanks,300 Executive Park, Asheville, 28801
Jan 1 6/19/24 1 GB by Emily
1/1/25 Sent reorder email
GB: 1  
Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest Visitor Center Gift Shop
(Send to PO Box 130), 2499 Highway 245, Clermont, KY 40110
Aug 16
3 year cycle
8/19/22 16 WFs by Debbie
8/23/23 Talked to Mary Ellen. Still has 12
Deborah P'Pool, (p pool)
Mary Ellen Gift Shop manager who reorders
502-955-8512 x221
WFs: 16  
Berry's General Store
2933 US-201, West Forks ME 04985
Feb 21 12/21/24 Sent email to Lavone and she will print it out and give it to Gordon: 207-663-4461
Gordon or Brandon (son) Berry 
impossible to reach by phone Lavone
  They do sell books, inland
Besties Hand Crafted & More
43 Elm St, Waterville, ME 04901
Beyond Bedtime Books
1453 Potomac Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15216
Big Hill Pond State Park Gift Shop
1434 John Howell Road, Pocahontas, TN 38061
April 8
7/16/24  Talked to Bridgette. Would like to see copy. Sent Bridgette WFs
Talked to Bridgette. Got book. Will order. Loves it but now has found out they are renovating the park and it will take a year plus. Agreed I would call in spring 2026
Bridgette Butler Administrative Assistant
Big Ridge State Park Gift Shop
1015 Big Ridge Park Road, Maynardville, TN 37807
April 21
2-year cycle
5/11/21 5 WFs ordered by Sarah Bumgardner
10/27/22 12 WFs by Robin. Told her how to display books
10/5/23 Talked to Robin. Still has 10
Robin Warwick
Keith Montgomery, Park Mgr. (WFs sent)
865-414-6025 cell Keith
Hannah Paschall
WFs: 5,12  
Biltmore Estate -Bookstore & Gift Shops
Biltmore Estate Retail Warehouse
2000 Riverside Drive, Asheville NC 28804
Feb 28 1/20/22 60 GB and 60 WFs by Liz  PO#000-152711
6/29/22 60 GB, 36 WFs by Liz PO#000-153529
7/5/22 144 BHs cards by Liz PO#000-153558
2/20/23 60 GB, 48 WFs, 144 BHs cards by Liz PO# 000-15443
5/4/23 48 WFs, 144 BHs PO# 000-154819 
10/19/23 12 GB, 12 WFs, 66 BHs by Timothy PO#000-155589  
12 GB, 18 WFs PO#000-155925 by Timothy
3/12/24 24 WFs, 60 BHs  PO#000-156120
4/15/24 12 WFs and 36 BHs PO#000-156409
5/17/24 24 WFs by Timothy PO#000-156713
7/19/24 12 WFs and 12 GB by Timothy PO#000-157217
8/30/24 12 WFs, 12 GB, 12 BHs PO#000-157567
9/8/24 24 WFs, 24 GB, 36 BHs PO#000-157674
Liz Hejl  Book & Stationary Buyer
828-225-1431 Accounts Payable
Timothy Stevens (Retail Assistant Manager -Liz Hejl's Assistant)
Invoice to:  
The Biltmore Company, Attn: Retail Buying Office
Accounts Payable: One Biltmore Plaza, Asheville NC 28803
Shipping Address:
Biltmore Estate Retail Warehouse, 2000 Riverside Drive
Asheville NC 28804

Main Office: The Biltmore Company, 1 North Pack Square, Asheville NC 28801
GB: 60, 60,6012,12,12,12,24
WFs: 60,36,48,48,12,18,24, 12,24,12,12,24
Do not put inserts in cards

Use FedEx Ground for shipments. 
FedEx Ground shipments may be sent freight collect; use our account #825763201. Biltmore Company pays for shipping FedEx Ground

Email invoice, and include PO# on box.

Birds of Vermont Museum Gift Shop
900 Sherman Hollow Road, Huntington, VT, 05462
May 6 9/18/24 2 WFn by Erin Erin Talmage    Tues and Weds
WFn:2 They also sell books about animals. Only buy a few copies at a time. She has MS from UVM Wildlife Biology
Birdsong Nature Center Gift Shop
2106 Meridian Road, Thomasville, GA 31792
  1/24/23 Talked to receptionist. Redoing gift shop.
10/5/23 Called. Have not started on gift shop
Kathleen Brady, Executive Director
Black Balsam Outdoors
562 W Main Street, Sylva, NC 28779
Feb 21 6/12/20 12 WFs by Georgana
5 WFs by Mathew
8/31/23 5 WFs by Mathew
2/10/24  12 WFs by Mathew
Mathew Morelli -Buyer and General Mgr.
Georgana Seamon, owner
WFs: 12,5,5,12 Black Balsam Outdoors and Mountain Crossings are connected stores, both owned by Georganna Seamon. Call each separately for reorders.
Black Brook General Store
781 Silver Lake Rd, Au Sable Forks, NY 12912
Feb 24 1/31/25 Talked to Allie. She will show it to her parents who make buying decisions. Inscribed it to her.  sent it to her home 477 Telegraph Road, Peru NY 12972 518-647-0111
Allie Timmons
Daughter  Really nice
Michelle and Robbie Timmons Owners
  Adirondacks, across from Lake Champlain
Have a nice selection of nature books
Black Dog Books
103 NJ-15 South, Lafayette Township, NJ 07848
March 25 12/12/24 Talked to Catherine Cassidy. Interested in seeing book.
12/16/24 Sent Catherine WFn
Sent followup email to Catherine
1/23/25 Talked to Catherine. Sold bookstore to Ashlyn Szilva. Showe3ed her book and Ashlyn gave "thumbs up" Suggested I contact her in March after she settles in.
Ashlyn Szilva 
  Ramapo Mountains in NJ
Black Dome
140 Tunnel Road, Asheville, NC 28805
Feb 19 3/4/20 Christie ordered 4 WFs
12/8/21 5 WFs by Christie
11/2/22 5 WFs by Christie
10/2/23 6 WFs by Christie
9/12/24 Sent Debby reorder email
Christie Heurmann, Buyer   Not Fridays

Debby Thomas -owner
WFs: 4,5,5,6 Sold GB 2006-09
Black Moshannon State Park Gift Shops
4216 Beaver Road, Philipsburg, PA 16866-9519
March 11 1/30/24 Talked to Ranger Justin Johnson. Told me to send book to Jonathan Siegle
4/1/23 Sent Jonathan WFn
Sent followup email to Jonathan
4/24/24 Reply from Jonathan: I have the book. Thanks for sending it. I have no questions right now and will reach out if/when I am ready to order.Thanks,
Jonathan Siegle -Friends of Black Moshannon State Park
814-342-5960 Park
WFn: concession stands and park office friends gift shops
Run by Friends of Black Moshannon State Park
Black Rock Mountain State Park Gift Shop
PO Box A
3085 Black Rock Mountain Parkway, Mountain City, GA 30562
Feb 12 11/7/23 12 WFs by Denise
9/24/24 Talked to Denise. Still has a few copies
Jessica James, Park Mgr.
Denise Welch Adminstrative Assistant
WFs: 12 PO Box A
Ship Media mail. Has to go to PO Box
Blackwater Falls State Park Trading Post 1584 Blackwater Lodge Road, Davis WV 26260 March 6 9/18/19: 24 WFs by Bryan
4/19/23 6 WFs by Jessica Dolin -WVCBS
7/12/24 12 WFs by Jessica Dolin
Matt Baker Supt, Eric Risinger Asst Supt.
Bryan Pase  304-259-5458  Gift Shop buyer
WFs: 24, 6, 12 Has 2 locations at State Park
Blair Books & More
58 Common Street, Chester, VT 05143
18 Blantyre Road, Lenox MA 01240
  5/7/24 Called re WFn. Under renovations. Will reopen late 2024 413-637-3556    
Blennerhassett Island Historical State Park Gift Shop
 137 Juliana Street, Parkersburg WV 26101
March 6 6/20/19 12 WFs by Tom
4/19/23 6 WFS by Jessica Dolin -
Miles Evenson Supt. 

Cindy Tyles  Gift Shop Mgr.
WFs: 12, 6 Two shops Museum and Island
Blowing Rock Gift Shop
432 Rock Road, Blowing Rock, NC 28605
PO #806 -for mail
May 10 July 2016 10 WA10 by Charlie
May 2017
Has 4 boxes in stock.
June 29 2018 10 WFs by Charlie Did not reorder WA10
Nov 2018 12 WFs by Charlie
6/17/19 Ok for now.
7/819 12 WFs   Also sent Charlie a copy of GB and cover letter
7/12/19 8 GB ordered by Charlie
12/10/19 6 WFs, 6 GB by David   Ok on WA10
7/13/20 12 WFs, 12 GB by David.
5/6/21 12Wfs. 12 GB  5/20/21 Backordered GB media mailed
1/7/22 12 WFs and 12 GB by Cassidy Stevens.
5/25/22 12 WFs
7/22/22 8 WFs
12/9/22  6 WFs and 4GB by Char
3/3/23 4 WFs by Charlie
8/9/23 12 WFs and 12 GB by David
5/13/24 15 WFs and 10 GB
11/11/24  10WFs and 10GB by Charlie
Charlie Sellers
Cassidy Stevens, Salesgirl
David -Sales
GB: 8, 6, 12,12,4,12,10,10
10,12,12,6, 12,12,12, 6,4,12,15,10
Not interested in Wild Animal single cards
Blue Heron Farm and Retreat Gift Shop  
239 Fish Street, Turner ME 04282 
June 11 6/11/24 12 WFn by Mason Christina and Mason Bonda-Riva, Owners
WFn: 12 Outdoor themed resort
had originally sent Christina WFn
Blue Hill Books
26 Pleasant St, Blue Hill, ME 04614
April 25 11/27/24 Talked to Samantha. She would consider buying direct rather than consignment. Would like to see a copy. 12/6/24 Sent Samantha WFn
Talked to Samantha. Got book. Loves book. Will order in spring, Agreed i would call in April. 40%discount
Samantha Haskell
  Always 40%
Blue Licks Battlefield State Resort Park Gift Shop
10299 Maysville Rd. Carlisle, KY 40311
Feb 10 3/26/20 Sent Jean WFs
4/30/20 Talked to guest services. Gift shop closed and Jean not working now, at home, no email.
9/18/20 Talked to Jean. Got book. Funding is now cut off. Loves book, agreed I would call in spring for order. Sweet lady.
3/2/21 Gift shop closed due to Covid
8/26/21 Talked to Jean. Just now closing down again because of Covid Delta variant. Agreed I would check again next spring
8/17/22 Talked to Jean. Still slow. Remembered book, asked me to call next April.
4/22/23 Talked to Jean. Remembered book Asked me to send her reminder email. I did.
5/10/23 Talked to Jean. Still wants book. Need to call in July at beginning of their fiscal year for an order.
7/20/23 Talked to Jean. can't order yet. Maxed out on purchases at this point, told me to check in Oct.
10/20/23 Sent Jean followup email
11/22/23 Talked to Jean. Not at this time... Hmmm. Agreed I would check in spring
4/18/24 Talked to Jean.  Once again no funding!!.  Agreed I would email her. Sent her email
7/12/24 Jean dealing with husband illness. Told to talk to Julie Shepherd -filling in for her.
7/19/24 Talked to Julie. She will reach out to Jean to see what to do regarding placing an order. Also sent Jean email
8/15/24 Talked to Julie: Reached out to Jean. Still had not heard back. Agreed I would check in a month if I do not hear from her. Sent her WFs
Called Julie. Has to check with Jean. Will be ordering 6 copies, possibly 12. Really loves the book I sent her. Will get back to me, but told me to call if I need to. 
12/11/24 Sent Jean email
Jean Dillon, Gift Shop Mgr.
859-289-5507 x
0 Guest Services
Julie Shepherd, Assistant Gift Shop Mgr.   No email
  Hidden Waters Restaurant
Wed-Sat only
Blue Ridge Bird Seed Company
611 E Main St, Blue Ridge, GA 30513
March 14 7/3/24 Called. Their business destroyed by fire. Are reopening. Would like to consider book. Sent Jamie WFs.
Got book. Still considering. Will talk to business partner tomorrow and will be in touch by end of week.
9/10/24 Opening up new store. Call in spring for possible reorder. She referred to book as children's book and corrected her
Jamie Davis, Owner
Blue Ridge Books
428 Hazelwood Avenue, Waynesville, NC 28786
  Former customer that bought GB 2011 Allison Best (owner)
Blue Ridge Hiking Company
70 College St, Asheville, NC 28801
April 2
3-year cycle
10/11/20 12 WFs from Lindsey
11/1/21 12 WFs from Lindsey
9/21/22 Still have 11 copies.
4/3/24 Called. Still have 6
Lindsey Barr, Mgr.  (Thurs-Sunday)
WFs: 12,12  
Blue Sky Outfitter
18 W Main Street, Cartersville, GA 30120
August 20
4-year cycle
11/17/20 6 WFs by Taylor
11/5/21 4 WFs by Taylor
5/21/23  Reply from Katlyn. Still has 3 copies.
5/17/24 Checked with store. Still has 3 copies
Elizabeth Watkins, owner
Katlyn Dailey -Buyer
706-204-7063 Rome location
WFs: 6, 4  
Bluebird Cady Hill Lodge Retail Store
511 Mountain Rd, Stowe, VT 05672
April 3 5/15/24 Sent Val WFn
Sent followup email to Val
6/29/24 Reply from Valerie: Lee, Thank you so much for sending a copy. What a wonderful book! I will contact our retail purchaser and follow back up with you. Have a wonderful day! Valerie Terrazzano
7/29/24 Sent followup email to Valerie
8/1/24 Reply from Valerie: Hi Lee, Thanks for checking in. Unfortunately, I do not have an answer as of yet. I will keep you posted on their response. Thanks again!!
11/4/24 Reply from Valerie: Hi Lee, As of right now, they are not purchasing any more retail. I will reach out when they start purchasing for next year!
Valerie Terrazzano, Asst General Mgr.
  They do sell nature books in retail space
Bluestone State Park Gift Shop
HC78 -Box 3, Hinton WV, 25951
March 6 10/15/19 4 WFs by Ben Leedom
1/31/23 Talked to Krysta Johnson. Out of books. Wants more
Frank Ratcliffe

Krysta Johnson (and Jessica Stoner) Manage gift shop
WFs: 4  
Bluff Mountain Outfitters
152 Bridge Street, Hot Springs NC 28743  
August 10 10/22/19 6 WFs by Wayne
7/23/21 6 WFs by Wayne
8/5/22 6 WFs by Wayne
8/9/23 6 WFs by Wayne
8/10/24 6 WFs by Wayne
Wayne Crosby, owner In Store on Saturdays
WFs: 6,6,6,6,6  
Book No Further
112 Market St SE, Roanoke, VA 24011
Billing Address: 2186 Mountain Pass Rd
Troutville, VA 24175
July 17 11/6/20 12 WFs by Doloris Vest
10 WFs by Doloris

7/19/22 10 WFs by Doloris
5/15/23 12 WFs by Doloris
7/18/24 12 WFs by Doloris
Doloris Vest, owner
Craig Coker
  540-874-5168 Accounting
WFs: 12,10,10,12,12 Craig Coker told me to save for future orders
4118 7100 0289 0445
06/27 318  24175
Bogan Books
130 West Main Street, Fort Kent, ME 04743
  Northern tip of Maine on border
Bookery Manchester
844 Elm St, Manchester, NH 03101
Sept 4 1/4/25 2 WFn by Garrett 603-836-6600
Cassie Doran -Manager
Garrett Olsen Buyer girl
WFn: 2  
Boone's Country Store
2699 Jubal Early Highway, Boones Mill, VA 24065
Feb 29 2027
3-year cycle
Tues & Thurs
3/17/20 12 WFs by Erlene
2/29/24 12 WFs by Erlene
Erlene Bowman, Mgr. In Tues and Thursdays
No email for store or Erlene
WFs: 12,12 3year cycle
Botanical Gardens at Asheville Gift Shop
151 W.T. Weaver Blvd., Asheville NC 28804
May 7 3/25/24 12 WFs and 5 GB by Jan Jan Hines-Book Buyer Volunteer
Kaita Collier -Mgr.  Billing
Kristy Ferrin -Buyer
WFs: 12
GB: 5
Box of Maine
34 Abbott St Suite 10, Brewer, ME 04412
Feb 10 2/4/25 Talked to Joseph. Seemed interested, do sell some nature and Maine related books. Sent email 207-852-7799
Joseph Finnemore
Operations Manager
  Gift shop
Brother is owner
Boxcar & Caboose
394 Railroad Street, Saint Johnsbury VT 05819
April 30 11/23/24 Sent Joelle WFn and selection of Wild Animal note cards
Called Joelle. Got book. Will get back to me. Busy time
1/27/25 Email from Joelle after I called and tried to reach her. I think I am going to hold off on ordering any card designs for right now.  I will be in touch when I am ready to place an order.  Thank you!
Joelle Beck 
Owner -Buyer
New Books, Café, Greeting Cards/Postcards, Puzzles
2 Cross St, Belfast, ME 04915
Breaks Interstate Park Lodge and Visitor Center Gift Shops
627 Commission Cir, Breaks, VA 24607
Sept 18 8/22/20 8 WFs by Vickie
6/21/21 8 WFs by Vickie

8/29/22 8 WFs by Vickie
8/25/23 12 WFs by Vickie
9/18/24 12 WFs by Vickie
Vickie Swiney (Sweenie) buyer  Sweet lady
276-865-4413 x1
WFs: 8,8,8,12,12 Gift shops at lodge and visitor center
Brother Wolf Retail Store
31 Glendale Ave, Asheville, NC 28803
Sept 19 July 2018 10 WFh by Brooke
Aug 6 2019 Still has some
Feb 5 2020, talked to Brooke still has a few copies
1/5/21 Sent Brooke reorder email
1/7/21 Reply from Brooke: Thank you so much for checking in! We do still have a few of the books in stock. We were closed for some time due to covid so haven't had as many shoppers in the store.
3/5/21 Talked to salesgirl. They have 8 in stock.
6/15/23 Swapped out WFh in store for WFs
Brooke Fornea, Retail Sales Mgr.
240-291-8660 cell
828-575-2411 x6 Store
WFh: 10  
Bryson City Outdoors
169 Main St, PO Box 472, Bryson City, NC 28713
April 2 2/22/24 12 WFs by Ben Ben King -Owner
828-342-644  Brett -Accounting
WFs: 12 Ben has 3 stores,
Bryson City Market and two outdoor stores like NOC
Bryson City Outdoors
BC Outdoors (in Cherokee)
Buckhorn Lake State Resort Park Gift Shop
4441 Kentucky Hwy.1833, Buckhorn, KY 41721
May 23
2 year cycle
10/14/20  5 WFs by Chris and Gloria. Paid by cc through Jason Mullins
5 WFs by Chris
Chris Fugate, Kiosk Mgr.  8-4
Gloria Turner  Business Manager
606-398-7510 x4 Gloria x0 Chris  
Send Invoices to her with orders as well as with shipment
WFs: 5 Have a kiosk where they do sell books
Jason Mullins pays invoices: 
Byway Books & More
399 Canal Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301
Nov 27 12/12/24 12 WFn by Severia
1/22/25 Called. Will mail check. sorry for delay
Severia Drake Owner Really nice person, new bookstore
WFn: 12  
C&S Country Store
1122 Enola Rd, Newburg, PA 17240
Feb 25 1/31/25 Talked to Frannie. Would be interested in seeing a copy. Sent Frannie WFn Frannie Esh Owner
  Allegany Mountains
sell some nature books
Cacapon Resort State Park Gift Shop
 818 Cacapon Lodge Drive, Berkeley Springs WV 25411                        
and Berkeley Spring State Park Gift Shop, 2 South Washington Street, Berkeley Springs WV 25411
  7/16/19 20 WFs ordered by Leslie Jay
4/19/23 6 WFs by Jessica Dolin WVCBS
Ivy Hixon

304-258-2711 State Park Office
304-258-1022 x6 x6 Business office
WFs: 20, 6  
Cadillac Mountain Gift Shop
707 Cadillac Summit Rd, Bar Harbor, ME 04609
April 4   207-276-3860    
Caesars Head State Park Visitor Center Gift Shop
8155 Geer Highway, Cleveland SC 29635
April 28 10/22/19  20 WFs by Nicole
8/9/21 30 WFs by Greg
4/26/23 20 WFs by Greg
Nicole Powers, Buyer
Greg Brown, Park Ranger
WFs: 20, 30,20 Supplies also: Croft State Park Gift Shop 450 Croft State Park Road, Spartanburg SC 29302 and  Jones Gap State Park Gift Shop, 303 Jones Gap Road, Marietta SC 29661
Camp McDowell Environmental Center Gift Shop
105 Delong Rd, Nauvoo, AL 35578
Aug 26 4/20/24 20 WFs by Aleigha Aleigha Darty -Store purchases. In camp 9-11 Saturdays
205-387-1806 x120 Camp Store
x7 Envir Center  or x0
Becca Hallmark
Makenzie Parker
WFs: 20 Pam Prescott F-M
Canaan Valley Resort State Park Lodge Gift Shop
230 Main Lodge Road, Davis WV 26260
Sept 11 9/4/19 12 WFs ordered by Alex
5/9/23 12 WFs by Kim
10/24/23 12 WFs by Kim
9/12/24 12 WFs by Kim
Stan Beafore, Supt., Don McFarlan, Asst 
Kim Kimbleton
Gift Shop buyer 
304-866-4121 x0 x2649 Lodge gift shop
WFs: 12,12,12,12 Not part of WV Centralized buying system according to 4/17/23 email from Jessica Dolin
Carter Caves State Resort Park Gift Shop
344 Caveland Drive, Olive Hill, KY 41164
Sept 13 9/16/21 12 WFs by Amy
8/25/23 12 WFS by Amy 
9/13/24  Called Amy. Have 5 left
Amy Sparks, Gift Shop Supervisor -Sweet lady (Wed-Sun)
606-286-4411 x0
WFs: 12,12 Fiscal Year starts in July. Call end of July
Cass Scenic Railroad State Park Gift Shop
12363 Cass Road, Cass, WV 24927
  9/6/19 12 WFs by Whitney
8/12/23 Talked to Rene. Out of books
Rene Campbell, Gift Shop Mgr.                
304-456-4300  x101 offices/store x109 Visitor Center

Tina M. O'Brien
WFs: 12  
Cataloochee Guest Ranch Gift Shop
119 Ranch Drive Maggie Valley, NC 28751
  4/13/20 Email from Ashli Aumen indicating new owners as of April 1 2020 and doing major remodel. No book orders for 2020.
2/7/24 Talked to Amanda. Gift shop will be open by March. Not sure who manager will be
4/2/24 Called. Gift shop won't be open until 2025
Cathedral Caverns State Park Gift Shop
637 Cave Rd, Woodville, AL 35776
Jan 28 1/18/23 12 WFs by Judy
1/30/23 12 WFs by Judy. New 30/40 price list
1/29/25 12 WFs by Judy
Judy Holderfield, Asst Manager Nice lady
WFs: 12,12,12  
Cathey, Stephanie -Beverly Hanks & Associates
512 N Main St, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Jan 1 2/18/21  5 GB by Stephanie
1/3/22 15 GB by Stephanie
1/2/23 Reorder email sent
1/4/24 Sent reorder email
1/1/25 Sent reorder email
Delete if no reorder
828-712-8149  cell
828-697-0515 office
GB: 5,15  
Catskill Mountain Country Store
5510 NY-23, Windham, NY 12496
Jan 20 1/29/25 20 WFn 518-734-3387
Drew Shuster
Free Shipping on all orders
WFn: 20 Sell nature outdoor books
Catskills Visitor Center Gift Shop
PO Box 231
5096 NY-28, Mt Tremper, NY 12457
Feb 12 1/11/25 Talked to Finn. Thought book was a great fit. Sent Katie WFn
Sent Katie followup email
David Hans Visitor Center Manager
Katie Palm Visitor Center Director
Finn Parnell  Steward Coordinator
cell (845) 898-0684
Cedars of Lebanon State Park Gift Shop
328 Cedar Forest Rd, Lebanon, TN 37090
March 27 3/21/23 4 WFs by Teresa
3/28/24 5 WFs by Teresa
Teresa Williams, Office Assistant & Retail
WFs: 4,5 Front office and Camp Ground gift shops
900 acres
Chapman State Park Gift Shop
4790 Chapman Dam Road, Clarendon, PA 16313-2830
March 6 4/3/24 Sent WFn to Cody (as well as WFs)
Talked to Cody. Got book. Finalizing gift shop purchases. Had sent him WFs as well. Seemed very interested in placing an order, asked about pricing, and would get back to me. Sent reminder email after giving best sales pitch.
5/10/24 Talked to Cody. Not placing an order. Not sure how it would sell, has lots of books.
Try one more time 2025
Cody Miller, Park Mgr.
814-723-0250 x3 park office
814-803-0393 cell   
Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center Gift Shop
543 Elliott Trail, Mansfield, GA 30055
April 28
2-year cycle
5/2/20 Sue: 12 WFs,
3/6/24 12 WFs and 3 each of otters, Bears, Squirrel, Fox, Cougar, Rabbit, Opossum, Raccoon, Coyote, Bobcat, and deer card by Sue
Sue Cahill, Buyer, Administrative Support
Wildlife Resources Division
770-784-3140 Margie- Invoices
WFs: 12,12
Cards: 33
Very small gift shop, low traffic
Charlottesville KOA
3825 Red Hill Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22903
Oct 14 9/1/20 Lisa ordered 12 WFs
5/18/23 Lisa ordered 15 WFs
Ashley Martin
Brian (owner)
WFs: 12,15 Open March to November
Chatham Bookstore
27 Main St, Chatham, NY 12037
Aug  5 2/5/25 1 WFs and 1WFn by Sharon 518-392-3005
WFs: 1
WFn: 1
Near Hudson and Mass border
Chattahoochee Nature Center Gift Shop
9135 Willeo Rd, Roswell, GA 30075
March 24 10/10/23 3 WFs by Kim
6/14/24 Sent followup email to Kim
9/24/24 Sent reorder email to Kim
10/31/24 Resent reorder email to Kim-left voice mail
11/15/24 Talked to Kat at visitor desk and gift shop. 1 copy in gift shop
11/15/24 Emailed Kim after leaving voice message
Kim Ellis -Retail Buyer  
x227 Kim or (x7 Admin x2 Visitor Desk x1)
Tue-Wed-Thur 1-5  
  Open year round
Only buys a few copies at a time
Cheaha Mountain Store at Cheaha State Park
19644 Hwy 281, Delta, AL 36258
Sept 11 1/19/21 15 WFs by Leland
4/29/21 25 WFs by Leland
1/19/22 25 WFs by Leland
6/23/23 25 WFs by Leland
6/27/24 25 WFs by Leland
Renee Raney, Superintendent
256-488-5111 x4 store
256-488-0030 x2804
Leland Nowland  Store Manager
Ayla Spear Biaggini Account Clerk - Cheaha State Park
256-488-0030 Cell: 256-412-9938
Address: 2141 Bunker Loop | Delta, AL 36130
WFs: 15,25,25,25,25 Superintendent Renee Raney, absolutely loves the book. Her nickname is Otter. Expressed interest in having me visit for book signing and reading
Ship USPS Media. Fed Ex is too expensive to this location.
Cherry Valley Bookstore
81 Alden St, Cherry Valley, NY 13320
  In between Adirondacks and Catskills
Chesterfield Gorge Natural Area Store
1823 NH-9, Chesterfield, NH 03443
Chetola Resort Gift Shop at Blowing Rock
185 Chetola Lake Dr, Blowing Rock, NC 28605·
March 6 9/11/19 12 WFs by Alex
12/22/21 12 WFs by Alex
2/28/23 12 WFs by Jenn
2/26/24 15 WFs by Jenn
Jenn Braswell Gift Shop Mgr.
828-295-5500 x8 front desk
Ashley Lang  Front Desk Mgr.
WFs: 12,12,12,15  
Chief Logan State Park & Lodge Gift Shops
860 Wolfpen Hollow Road, Logan WV 25601
March 7 7/31/19 10 WFs ordered by Deidra
8/8/19  5 WFs ordered by Jill Stone
8/11/23 Talked to receptionist. She checked, still has six copies in system
Deidra (Dee) Pack, Buyer 
304-855-6100 x ask for gift shop
WFs: 10, 5 2 Gift shops: Park and Lodge & Conference Center
Chief Logan Lodge & Conference Center Gift Shop, 1000 Conference Center Drive, (PO Box 898), Logan WV 25601
Chimney Rock State Park Gift Shop
C/O Olivia Poto, Retail Buyer
431 Main Street, Chimney Rock NC 28720
Sept 4 4/16/21 12 WFs by Olivia
7/21/22 12 WFs by Olivia
9/14/23 12 WFS by Olivia
9/5/24 12 WFs by Olivia
Olivia Poto  
WFs: 12,12,12,12 Email for reorders
Email invoice
Cicada Books
604 14th St W., Huntington WV 25704
July 22 8/2/21 6 WFs by Dawn
10/3/22 12 WFs by Dawn
11/3/23 12 WFs by Dawn
6/13/24 12 WFs by Dawn
Dawn Norman, Owner
Katie, Daughter
WFs: 6, 12,12,12 Places books in prime location up front
City Lights Bookstore
3 East Jackson Street, Sylva, NC 28779
Sept 12
2 year cycle
Customer since 2011
May 2018
3 GB by Chris
Sept 2018
3 WFh by Chris
11/3/21 3 GB and 7 WFs PO 038718 by Chris
11/9/23 2 GB and 6 WFs by Chris PO#048560
Chris Wilcox, Owner 
GB (30%): 3,3,3,2
WFs (50%): 7,6
Always 30% for GB
Always 50% for WFs
Stores in Sylva and Cullowhee 
Clark, Kelsey -Beverly-Hanks & Associates
512 N Main St, Hendersonville, NC 28792
  3/21/21  3 GB by Kelsey
828-674-1436 Cell, 828-697-0515 Office
GB: 3  
Claudia L. Workman Wildlife Education Center at Forks of Coal State Natural Area
50 Rocky Branch Rd, Alum Creek, WV 25003
  1/13/23 Called to see if they have a gift shop. Talked to Kim Jan 2023 and she said they do not plan on having one. But call anyhow to see. Great new facility. Contact Us – Forks of Coal Foundation
304-549-6760 Kim  Director
  Forks of Coal Foundation
Claytor Lake State Park Gift Shop
6620 Ben H. Bolen Drive, Dublin, VA 24084
Feb 14 2/24/23 3 WFs by Austin
7/6/23 6 WFs by Austin
8/18/23 6 WFs by Austin
7/20/24 6 WFs by Jacob
8/31/24 6 WFs by Jacob  PO #004769165
Brody Havens, Asst. Park Manager
540-616-4832 Brody work cell phone
Jacob Olayvar,  
540-239-0747 cell
WFs: 3,6,6,6,6  
Clinch Life Outfitters, Inc.
3022 5th Ave, St Paul, VA 24283
April 15
4/15/21 10 WFs by Mellason
7/18/22 10 WFs by Mellason
2/28/24 10 WFs by Mellason to ship in April
Mellason Gordon, co-owner
WFs: 10,10,10  
Cloudland Canyon State Park Gift Park
122 Cloudland Canyon Park Road, Rising Fawn GA 30738
August 19 1/14/21 12 WFs by Emmanuel Steward
12/14/21 12 WFs by Austin Brown
7/31/23 12 WFs by Austin
8/19/24 12 WFs by Austin

11/25/24 Called Austin no longer at park. Resent past due invoice to Hunter Cochran
Hunter Cochran
WFs: 12,12,12,12  
Coker Creek Welcome Center & Gift Shop
12197 TN-68, Tellico Plains, TN 37385
April 4 7/13/23 10 WFs by Dina.
7/12/24 Talked to Dina. Has a few copies. Agreed I would check end of August looking to surge of fall visitors.
8/27/24 Talked to Dina. Still ok.
Dina Heinemann (Loves book, sweet lady)
423-261-2611 Welcome Center
423-261-2515 Dina -cell
423-261-2286 Welcome Center
WFs: 10 P. O. Box 82, Coker Creek, TN 37314
Operated by the Coker Creek Heritage Group.
Always 50%, ship media
Closed Nov to spring
Colburns' General Store  
PO Box 265, 216 VT-132, South Strafford, VT 05070
Aug 14 1/8/25 6 WFs by Melvin 802-765-4421
Melvin Colburn
Owner,  Very nice man, loves book
Daughter Chrisie handles internet 
WFn: 6 Do sell some local books
Coleman State Park Campstore
1166 Diamond Pond Road, Stewartstown, NH 03576
    603-237-5382   Also called Lodges at Coleman State Park
Connections Gallery at NC Arboretum
The North Carolina Arboretum, 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way, Asheville, NC 28806
April 2
6/12/18 6 WFh, 6 WFs by Tracy
8/21/19 6 WFs and 6 WFh by Tracy
5/2/23 6 WFs by Tracy
9/14/23 12 WFs by Tracy
4/11/24 12 WFs by Tracy. To Ship August 1
Kacey Cramer -Retail Manager and Buyer

828-665-2492 x306 Kac
x316 Connections Gallery
WFs: 12,12,6,12,12 Also send Kacey copy of invoice
Cook Museum of Natural Science Gift Shop
133 4th Ave NE, Decatur, AL 35601
Dec 2
4-year cycle
3/5/21 6 WFs by Debbie
11/2/22 Talked to receptionist. She checked with Debbie. Ok on books
8/7/23 Sent reorder email to Debbie
8/31/23 Reply from Debbie: Thank you for reaching out so often but at this time I do not need anymore copies. I still have 3.
9/6/24 Talked to Destiny in gift shop. Could see no books
9/9/24 Talked to Debbie. Checked out of books. Asked me to email her so she could check with buyer. Sent Reorder email to Debbie
9/13/24 Reply from Debbie: Thank you so much for checking with us and providing the information. At this time we will not be ordering any books, but we may order in the future. Our Buyer is Ashley Ashwander and her email is
Debbie Mckaig, Interim Retail Mgr.
256-351-4512 Debbie's phone
Ashley Ashwander Buyer .
256-351-4505 Front Desk
256-351-4520 Gift Shop
Sarah Tolbert, Accounting
WFs: 6 PO Box 2955  Decatur AL 35602
According to gift shop employee they display books with cover out
Coopers Rock State Forest Gift Shop
61 County Line Drive, Bruceton Mills WV, 26525
March 6 3/10/18 12 WFs by Jonas paid by cc
4/19/23 6 WFs by Jessica Dolin -WVCBS
Jan Dzierzak Supt, Brad Atkins Asst
Jonas McClenahan Office Mgr.
304-594-1561 Office
304-594-0196 Campground   
Gift Shop   
WFs: 12,6  
Cotton Mill Exchange Gift Shop
South Carolina State Museum

301 Gervais St, Columbia, SC 29201
March 10
3/5/21 3 WFs by Scottie Ash, also sent W9 form
12/21/21 Talked to Scottie, still has 2
7/26/22 Sent reorder email to new buyer Dorothy
8/16/22 Talked to Dorothy. Agreed I would send reorder email
10/24/22 Resent reorder email
4/14/23 Resent email to Dorothy after leaving voice message
4/14/23 Reply from Dorothy: Lee, The gift shop is currently closed for repairs. It will be a few months before we are up and running.
9/5/23  Called Dorothy. Still closed for repairs.
4/18/24 Talked to Lisa in gift shop. Sold out
4/18/24 Sent reorder email to Dorothy.
5/3/24 Resent reorder email to Dorothy
5/15/24 Resent reorder email to Dorothy and left voice message
6/11/24 Resent reorder email
7/12/24 Resent reorder email to Dorothy and left voice message
7/31/24 Resent reorder email to Dorothy and left voice message
8/14/24  Resent reorder email to Dorothy and left nice lengthly voice message
8/15/24 Reply from Dorothy: Thumbs up icon
Dorothy Hall, Buyer
803-898-4967 Gift Shop  
803-898-4968 Dorothy Open Tues-Sun
803-898-4921 x0
WFs: 3  
Country Collectibles
387 Main St, Presque Isle, ME 04769
Feb 20 1/29/25 Talked to Paula. Sent email. Seemed interested.
1/30/25  Reply: Good afternoon Lee, I would love to look through your book. If you could send me a copy that would be wonderful! Thanks so much.
1/341/25 Sent Paula WFn
Paula Shaw -Owner
  They do sell books. Located way up near Canadian border
Country Junction
6565 Interchange Rd, Lehighton, PA 18235
Feb 7 1/31/25 Sent Diane email
Diane Sander
610-377-5050 x7

  Alleghany Mountains
Billed as world's largest general store
They do sell some books
Country Keepsakes Gifts
282 Bar Harbor Rd, Trenton, ME 04605
April 3   207-667-6967   Winter hours Th-Sun
Country North Gifts
17 Market Square, Houlton, ME 04730
Country Roads General Store
10339 Bittinger Rd, Accident, MD 21520
    301-245-4619   Blue Ridge and Bear Pond Mtns
Crawford Notch State Park Campstore
1464 US-302, Hart's Location, NH 03812
    Susan Nagle S-T
Crooked Shelf Bookstore
23 N Main St, Lewistown, PA 17044
  Closed Mondays 717-363-4557   Central PA  Blue Ridge and Bear Pond Mountains
Crow Bookshop
14 Church Street, Burlington VT 05401
  1/8/25 Called. Tried to get information about who to send email or book to. Noboby knew... in transition whatever that means.
Try again in fall to see if they have a buyer
802-862-0848 x4
Crowders Mountain State Park Visitor Center Gift Shop
522 Park Office Lane, Kings Mountain, NC 28086
August 2 9/12/22 11 WFs by Stacey  
8/21/23  Talked to Stacey. Still has copies. Agreed I would check late fall
11/14/23 Talked to Stacey. Still ok. Agreed I would check next spring
3/19/24 Sent rerorder email to Stacey
3/19/24 Reply from Stacey: Hi Lee, At this time we are not in need of any books. I have high hopes for the spring but with the economy the way it is ,I just don't know what to expect. Thanks for emailing.
8/22/24  Called. Stacey said things not selling well at this point. Will let me know if they need more books
Stacey Adams,
Buyer  Really nice lady
WFs: 11  
Cumberland Falls State Resort Park Gift Shop
7351 Highway 90, Corbin, Kentucky 40701
Aug 29 8/10/21 15 WFs by Becky  PO #3058
9/8/22 15 WFs by Becky PO#3440
10/5/23 30 WFs by Becky  PO#4116
Becky Canada, Buyer
606-528-4121 x5 gift shop
WFs: 15,15,30  
Cummings Falls State Park
390 Cummings Falls Lane, Cookeville TN 38501
May 8 6/28/23 20 WFs by Ashley Ashley Clark, Ranger in charge of gift shop

WFs: 20 Sent invoice as well as with books
Cunningham Falls State Park Gift Shop 
14039 Catoctin Hollow Road, Thurmont, MD 21788
May 2 Call and Send WFn Amber Cadey Buyer & Shop Mgr.
  They sell a few nature themed books
Season May through Sept
Custom Book Reviews ($30/Ad)
Text-Link Ad on

Jan 1
6-Month Cycle
2015: Text Link ad for 6 months @$75
2016: Asked for discount to $60
. Got reply asking for discount. Agree to $55/biyearly. Paid via PayPal
Moved his text link ad to Media & Libraries page of new Relocation version of guidebook website.
New text link ad on Media & Libraries and Colleges and Schools @$30 per webpage for 6 months
7/29/22 Updated site with new link on Colleges and Schools
Alex Buffet 

Pays via PayPal
On 6 month subscription cycle
Text Link Ad (6 months duration): 2015,16,17,18,19, 20, 21, 22


(Aug 22 to Jan 23)
Colleges & Schools
Some students who study in Asheville struggle with writing papers. So, if you are such a student you can pay someone to write your college essay and get immediate help from experts.

Danville Welcome Center Gift Shop
645 River Park Drive, Danville, VA 24540
March 28 9/20/21 10 WFs by Nicole
10/27/22 Talked to Welcome Center lady. Down to 2 books. However not buying now due to complete redoing of welcome center area. In early stages. My decision to wait until summer 2023 to check again because of this.
8/23/23 Called Welcome Center. Renovations will start in a few months.
4/3/24 Called. Still not finished renovations yet
Lisa Meriwether  -Tourism Manager
434-793-1753 x5
Nicole Jackson, Accounts Clerk, Buyer
434-793-4636 Welcome Center
WFs: 10  
David Crockett State Park Gift Shop
1400 W Gaines St, Lawrenceburg, TN 38464
23 Crockett Park Road, Lawrenceburg TN 38464 (Mailing Address)
Feb 27
3-year cycle
6/9/21 12 WFs by Donna
7/14/22 Talked to Donna, still has a few copies
2/7/23 Talked to Donna. Not ordering now. In a few months
5/10/23 Talked to Donna. Still has a few in stock. May be ordered after July 1
7/6/23 Talked to Donna and in the process of ordering. May do so in the next few weeks.
7/26/23 Talked to Donna. Has to do shirt and hoodie orders first and will contact me when ready to order.
2/12/24 Talked to Donna. Will check and get back to me
3/8/24 Sent followup email to Donna. Said she still has a few copies
7/9/24 Called. Donna has been sick
Donna Johnson -Inventory
931-903-2323 x1 Office x3 Museum Gift Shop
Rachel Lee, Park Mgr.
WFs: 12 3 Gift shops -Crockett's Mill Restaurant, Museum and Front Office
Dauset Trails Nature Center Gift Shop
360 Mt. Vernon Church Road, Jackson, GA 30233
Feb 18 5/26/23 12 WFs by Ike
3/8/24 Sent Card to Ike
Sent card followup email

3/29/24 Reply from Ike: We're good thank you. (No mention of cards)
Ike English, Director
WFs: 12 In Indian Springs State Park
D.D. Bullwinkel's Outdoors
60 East Main Street, Brevard, NC 28712
Feb 24 1/1/18 7 WFh and 5 GB by Allie
6/10/19 5 GB by Allie (Still has all 7 copies of WFh)
11/15/21 6 GB and 12 Wfs by Allie. Ordered by email
5/16/23 6 GB and 12 WFs by Allie
6/12/24 Sent reorder email to Allie
7/4/24 Resent reorder email to Allie
7/26/24 Resent reorder email to Allie
8/28/24 Sent reorder email to Brett as requested
9/12/24 Sent reorder email to Bill K
Allie Carrington (Perkins)
Brett Otterlee  Assistant Buyer
Bill K      Book buyer
GB: 5,5,6,6
WFs: 7,12,12
Deer Mountain State Park Campground
5309 North Main Street, Pittsburg, NH 03592
Deep In The Woods Gift Shop
685 Oxbow Rd, Oxbow, ME 04764
DeSoto State Park Country Store
7104 DeSoto Parkway NE, Fort Payne, AL 35967
August 19
8/28/20 5 WFs by Karley Kraft
1/28/22 5 WFs by Amanda Kennamer
4/18/24 12 WFS by Terra
Terra Wheeler Country Store Manager     
Campground & Country Store
256-845-5380 Lodge
Josh Hughes Park Superintendent
WFs: 5,5,12  
Devaney, Doak & Garret Booksellers
193 Broadway, Farmington, ME 04938
Feb 26 12/6/24 Sent Kenny WFn
Talked to Kenny. Had decided no because of terms, distribution. etc. usual BS. Offered 40% regardless of quantity. Sent Kenny followup email
Kenny Brenther 
  40% Regardless of quantity
Dew, Tracy
Preferred Properties of Asheville, 39 Woodfin Street, Asheville, NC 28801
Jan 1 2/22/24 15 GB by Tracy
1/1/25 Sent reorder email
Cell: 828-423-5700
GB: 15  
Discovery Place 
301 North Tryon Street, Charlotte NC 28202
Feb 10 9/29/22 30 WFs by Anna Konieczny -Retail Manager of Shops
6/21/24 Talked to Anna. Told me to check Monday
6/25/24  Sent reorder email to Anna
7/11/24 Talked to Anna. Still on ordering hold. Told me to call August 1st
8/1/24 Talked to Anna. Down to 1 book. Events Network will be running giftshop beginning in fall. Sent her pricing email. She will try to get back to me with an order so they will have my book in the store when the transition occurs.
8/14/24 Talked to Anna. Not able to place order. Agreed I should check in spring and contact Events Network
704-372-6261 x0 Front Desk
Gigi Ochs Science and Nature Mgr. at Discovery Place
704-372-6261 x251 Gigi
WFs: 30 Discovery Place is main entity. They maintain Trail's End Store and other facilities


Dismals Canyon Gift Shop
901 County Rd 8, Phil Campbell, AL 35581
April 4
Nov to Spring
3/8/20 sent Christy WFs
5/2/20 Talked to Christy. Awesome book, loves it. showed it to Beverly Franklin, owner and they will order after life gets back to normal.
9/1/20 Talked to Christy. shop is reopen but needs to check again with owner. Said she will check today and call me.
9/12/20 Talked to Christy. Told me to call in March. Owner likes the book.
3/31/21 Talked to Christy. Just now ordering. Will send email from me to the owner.
3/31/21 Sent Christy reminder email
10/1/21 Sent another email to Christy
10/30/21 Talked to Christy. closing down for the season. Told me to check back in spring
8/12/22 Talked to Christy, remembered book, should check in with owner again. Agreed I would send her a reminder email Sent reminder email
9/23/22 Talked to Christy. She talked to owner. Owner said she is not investing in any books right now. Check back in spring. Usual "books don't sell bs." Told Christy my book is different, etc.
7/17/23 Talked to Christy. Business has been slow and they are not buying this year. Told me to check next March and an order is possible. She knows the owner Beverly really likes the book.
3/14/24 Called. Phone message stated closed due to storm damage.
4/30/24 Google says still temporarily closed
Christy Saint, Mgr.
Beverly Franklin, Owner
  Private park
Don Carter State Park Gift Shop
5000 North Browning Bridge Road, Gainesville, GA 30506
August 10
3 year cycle
11/24/20  6 WFs by Lori
7/28/22 12 WFs by Lori
6/16/23 Talked to Steven. Still has 8 copies
8/12/24 Talked to new park manager Jami and she said they still have some copies.
Jami Madden Park Manager
Sarah Nix Assistant Park Manager
WFs: 6,12  
Dew, Tracy
Preferred Properties of Asheville
39 Woodfin Street, Asheville, NC 28801
Aug 1 2/22/24  15 Guidebooks by Tracy
828-258-2953 Office
828-423-5700 Cell
GB: 15  
Duck River Books
12 Public Square, Columbia, TN 38401
March 31
2 year cycle
8/4/22 11 WFs by James
9/4/23 Talked to James. Has a few copies
12/2/24 Sent James reorder email
James Lund, owner  
WFs: 11  
Dunbar Cave State Park Gift Shop
401 Old Dunbar Cave Road, Clarksville TN 37043
August 8 2/10/21 2 copies supplied by Tricia Ferguson,
7/29/22 3 copies WFs by Tracey
8/9/23 12 WFs by Tracey
8/9/24 Talked to Tracey. Still has copies
Tracey Voight

David Britton, Park Mgr.
WFs: 2,3,12  
Duncan, Steve -Beverly-Hanks & Associates, 300 Executive Park, Asheville, NC 28801 Jan 1 2018: 20 GB Steve
2/8/21 15 GB, 12 WFs by Cherry (for Steve Duncan)
6/14/23 20 GB
1/4/24 Sent reorder email
1/1/25 Sent reorder email  
GB: 20, 15,20
WFs: 12
Send invoice attention Cherry Livengood
Also runs, as of 2023 The Preserve at Maple Creek (
East Boothbay General Store
255 Ocean Point Rd East Boothbay, ME 04544
    207-633-7800   open 3 days a week Dec
470 Maryland Drive, STE.1, Fort Washington, PA, 19034

2014 and earlier: Had supplied boxed cards BRPWA10 through Brad Cave 828-298-5330
30 copies WFs PO#5101-661284
7/24/22 Email Thank you for checking in Lee, I’m sorry to have missed your calls, I looked through our 2019 records and see that some of our busiest sites kept multiple copies on hand throughout the season then typically sold 1 unit monthly or intermittently. Unfortunately that has led to a competitive disadvantage for purchasing when budgets and display space are limited. The book is dear to my heart and your art is so soulful, I’m sorry not to have better news. Karen
6/2/23 Became New River Gorge Bookstore vendor for WFs
10/5/23 Approached Pilot Mountain State Park re WFs.
11/28/23 Karen is retiring in a month, replaced by Brad Cave. Talked to Candice. Suggested I talk to Karen. Sell to Eastern National New River Gorge Bookstore
5/17/24 Email from Tori after I contacted her on behalf of Mammoth Cave National Park mgr. Rob Watt: While I'm doing that, can I ask you to send some review copies of this book to some other parks of mine?
Sept 4: Obed Wild and Scenic River
208 North Maiden Street, Wartburg, TN 37887
Attn: Niki Nicholas/Review Copy  423-346-6294
Sept 5: Big South Fork National River & Recreation Area
4564 Leatherwood Road, Oneida, TN 37841
Attn: Niki Nicholas/Review Copy  423-569-9778
Sept 6: Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park
2995 Lincoln Farm Road, Hodgenville, KY 42748
Attn: Ryan Jones/Review Copy 270-969-1507
5/20/24 Sent WFs (for Obed and Big South Consideration) to Niki Nicholas at Big South Fork National River & Recreational Area, and Ryan Jones at Abraham LIncoln Birthplace National Historical Park.
5/20/24 Sent Tori digitial information about WFn fo
r her to forward to buyers for northern Appalachians.
5/29/24 Sent Mindy Andros Catoctin Mountain Park Visitor Center a copy of WFn
Email from Tori: Hi Lee, Purchasing forwarded a recent message from you. We appreciate your touching base, but you do not need to keep sending messages.
Merchandising is fully aware of your books and will reconsider them for next season's assortment of new books and products. I believe in a previous conversation; I asked you to send copies of your book to the following parks for approval below. Did you send them? If so, it may take a while for our parks to read and review your books as they're extremely busy, especially during peak seasons like summer.
9/17/24 No response from Pilot Mountain. Removed files
9/18/24 Reply from Sheila Dillingham Folk Art Center:
Unfortunately, the ordering is out of my hands here at the stores. It goes through the buyers. I have suggested it to my District Manager, but he said the same thing, it has to go through the proper channels.  You have to go to the Eastern National Parks site and request to be a vendor and they will determine if they want to have it in the store again. I don't have much pull in that area, so that is what you'll have to do. If you've already done it, and haven't heard back, maybe reach out to them once again and see where they are at in that decision. I would definitely carry your book

Vendor ##8110
via UPS BRP Account #169845, Zip Code 19034
215-283-6900, x1  Accounts Payable x3
New Merchandise:
Karen Searles: BRP Oteen NC Warehouse:
Brad Cave 21-283-6900 Main Office, 828-298-2774
Candice Lengyel: Mgr of Parkway Visitor Center and Eastern National giftshop/bookstore at Folk Art Center 828-298-0495 
Sheila Dillingham
Folk Art Center Giftshop Manager
Folk Art Center 828-298-7928 x3 giftshop
BRP Visitor Center 828-298-5330
Kristin Hylton: New River Gorge
304-574-0305 Main Bookstore,
304-237-3144 Kristin Cell
Tori Ramey  Eastern National Buyer/Product Developer for Southern Appalachians
Eastern National
470 Maryland Drive, Suite 1, Fort Washington, PA 19034
Jennifer Sturch
Buying Operations Assistant
Juliana Haviv
 Online Head of Merchanise  Shop America Online Eastern National, 470 Maryland Drive, Suite 1 Fort Washington  19034

Vendor-List-2017.pdf (
Where We Operate - Eastern National 2023

Store Locator - America's National Parks (

Acadia National Park
Catoctin Mountain Park
-Mindy Andros
Cumberland Gap National Historical Park
Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area

Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River

  Blue Ridge Parkway  BRP
BRP-Oteen Warehouse, Asheville, NC 28805
Bill to: Eastern National, 470 Maryland Drive k, STE. 1, Fort Washington, PA 19034
Blue Ridge Parkway

New River Gorge National Park & Preserve Visitor Centers Gift Shops: Canyon Rim, Sandstone, Thurman Depot and Grandview.
162 Visitor Center Road, Lansing, WV 25862
WFs Vendor Product ID #9780991039821

Mammoth Cave National Park Park Store
1 Mammoth Cave Parkway
Mammoth Cave, KY 42259-0007
Allegheny National Forest Ranger Gift Shops
131 Smokey Lane, Marienville PA 16239

Blue Ridge Parkway Folk Art Center and Visitor Center Gift Shops
WFn & WFs: Juliana Haviv
 Online Head of Merchanise  Shop America Online
Catoctin Mountain Park Vistor Center

14799 Park Central Rd, Thurmont, MD 21788

Pilot Mountain State Park Gift Shop
1792 Pilot Knob Park Road, Pinnacle, NC 27043

Obed Wild and Scenic River
208 North Maiden Street, Wartburg, TN 37887
Big South Fork National River & Recreation Area 423-569-9778
4564 Leatherwood Road, Oneida, TN 37841
Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park 270-969-1507
2995 Lincoln Farm Road, Hodgenville, KY 42748

Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area Park Store
P.O. Box 2, Bushkill, PA 18324. 570 426-2452

EASTERN NATIONAL: Allegheny National Forest Ranger Gift Shops
131 Smokey Lane, Marienville PA 16239
Feb 9 2/1/24 Talked to Jenna. Very interested in seeing book
4/1/24 Sent Jenna WFn
Talked to Jenna. Got book. Absolutely loves it, so do other staff. Will definitely order!
5/24/24 Talked to Jenna. Told her I am vendor with Eastern National. That will help she said. Agreed I would call in a month. Order still in the works
7/16/24 Sent followup email to Jenna
8/13/24 Resent followup email to Jenna
11/5/24 Talked to Jenna Not able to order now. Told me to check in February
Jenna Morgan, Admin Support Assistant Marienville -Really nice lady. Absolutely loves my book
814-728-6100 Alleghany NF Supervisor's Office
814-927-5700 Marienville Office
  Forestry has own gift shops
3 Ranger stations in Alleghency: Bradford, Warren and Marienville  131 Smokey Lane, Marienville PA 16239
Supplied through Eastern National
EASTERN NATIONAL: Blue Ridge Parkway Folk Art Center and Visitor Center Gift Shops May 2 5/24/24 Talked to Sheila Felt like it would do well in both centers., Impressed with my book.   Interested in helping me. Told me I need to contact Eastern National directly. Also said she would reach out to other people regarding my book. Also interested in having me do book signing.
5/24/24 Sent Sheila WFs and also email as she suggested.
5/24/24 Sent Tori Ramey email
5/24/24 Reply from Tori: Lee, I have forwarded your book to ALL our buyers, who will contact you if they're interested. I have to get approval from park officials for your book for my Appalachian regions. If my parks want the book, I'll let you know
5/24/24 Reply from Sheila: It was a pleasure speaking with you as well. What a beautifully illustrated book you have. I think it's so pretty. I will do my best to see how I am able to assist. Let me send this to a couple of people that I think would be interested and would be able to help get this lovely book back in our stores. I think a book signing event would be fabulous as well and we could advertise for it if we got dates together. 🙂 Thank you again, Sheila Dillingham Store Manager
6/4/24 Email from Sheila: Lee, Hi! I hope you are having a wonderful day! I wanted to let you know that I am still awaiting word from our buyers as to whether they will allow for your lovely book to be sold in our stores (VC and FAC). However, I wanted to let you know that I showed your book to my mother, Judy Dillingham. She is the general store manager for the Southern Highland Craft Guild Gallery which happens to be part of the Allanstand Southern Highland Craft Guild. The SHCGG is located in Biltmore Village. Your book delighted her, and she is planning to reach out to you to see about carrying your books in her store in the Biltmore Village
9/17/24 Sent followup email to Sheila on status of request for WFs for VC and FAC
Sheila Dillingham Gift Shop Manager
Usually at Parkway Visitor Center
828-298-5330 x3 Gift Shop
Folk Art Center 828-298-7928 x3 Gift Shop
Tori Ramey  Eastern National Buyer/Product Developer for Southern Appalachians
  Blue Ridge Parkway Visitor Center
195 Hemphill Knob Rd, Asheville, NC 28803
EASTERN NATIONAL: Catoctin Mountain Park Vistor Center
14799 Park Central Rd, Thurmont, MD 21788
Feb 17 5/23/24 Talked to John McCarthy. Told me to call Monday to talk to Eastern National Rep Mindy (new on job)
5/29/24 Sent Mindy WFn
Sent followup email to Mindy
2/5/25 Resent followup email to Mindy
Mindy Andros -Eastern National
Usually at 301-432-5124 x1 Anteium Nat Battlefield Park
301-432-4329 Bookstore
EASTERN NATIONAL: Cumberland Gap National Historical Park Bookstore and Gift Shop
Mailing Address: 91 Bartlett Park Road
Middlesboro, KY 40965
US-25E, Cumberland Gap, TN 37752 and
US 25E South, Middlesboro, Kentucky 40965
Jan 28
11/19/20 Talked to Jacqui Payne. Definitely interested in book. Will get it to review committee meeting in Dec-Jan. She also handles New River Gorge park area in WV (Canyon Rim and others).
11/21/20 Sent Jacqui WFs with cover letter mentioning other parks of interest -New River Gorge, (Canyon Rim)
2/12/21 Talked to Jacqui. Book approved. Still in Covid hold. Will get it in system. She had talked to Eastern National. Not sure how she would get copies, probably through Eastern National. Contact them at that time to confirm, etc
9/15/21 Talked to Jacqui. Book definitely in their system through Eastern National (#8110) and will definitely order next year. Told me to call mid Feb, when she starts to order
7/26/22 Talked to Jacqui. Asked me to send her reminder email. Wants book, has been approved. Will be looking at getting it in Cumberland Gap but also possibly Big South Fork, Mammoth Cave, New River Gorge park gift shops
7/26/22 Sent reminder email to Jacqui
8/17/22  Talked to Jacqui. Book on ordering list, just have to wait for now. May take a while. Agreed I would check back in Oct just in case.
10/27/22 Talked to Jacqui. Book all set to go. Will be ordering in spring.
3/22/23 Sent followup email to Jacqui
4/27/23 Book added on ordering list in March. Jacqui told me to follow up in May. Complicated big system and she is working the problem.
5/23/23 Called. Jacqui Payne just "let go" as bookstore manager.. Staff told me to contact Aimee Meadows, her boss
5/23/23 Sent Aimee email: Aimee: I was told to contact you in regards to my award-winning book Wild & Furry Animals of the Southern Appalachian Mountains. I had been working with Jacqui Payne, the former manager of Cumberland Gap National Historical Park Bookstore and Gift Shop, to get my book into their bookstore and gift shop. In calling today I found out that Jacqui was no longer employed when I followed today, and hence my email to you.
My book had been approved for sale last year by Eastern National (I am a registered Eastern National vendor #8110 -Lee Pantas) in the Cumberland Gap stores and was placed on the ordering list in March 2023. When she and I last talked in May, she was waiting on an order and expected it soon. Now that she is no longer involved, my hope is that you will advise me as to what I need to do, if anything, to get the order sent.
6/1/23 Called Aimee on cell. On leave, told me to call next week
6/15/23 Talked to Aimee. Got my email. Checked and book is in system to be ordered. They order once a month. So, hopefully I will get an order soon.
8/21/23 Talked to Aimee. Somewhat curt. Mentioned book is in New River Gorge. When I asked about Cumberland Gap she said don't bother calling again, we will let you know when we order. Frustrating. Wait a year.
8/16/24 Sent followup email to Aimee
Call in 2027 If Aimee still there, continue to wait until she is gone.
606-248-2817 Cumberland Gap Park
Aimee Meadows, Regional Mgr of Stores   Only email her
304-890-6651 Aimee cell
606-248-7606 Store
EASTERN NATIONAL -Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area Park Store
P.O. Box 2, Bushkill, PA 18324
  Call-who is Eastern National Rep 570-426-2452    
EASTERN NATIONAL: Mammoth Cave National Park Park Store
1 Mammoth Cave Parkway
Mammoth Cave, KY 42259-0007
March 31 8/2/22 Talked to Robb. Would love to see a copy. Has to go through committee process.
8/2/22 Sent Robb WFs
Talked to Robb. Could not recall if he got it and sent it to the committee. Had recently sent 8 books to them. Agreed I would send a reminder email
10/18/22 Sent Robb reminder email
12/14/22 Talked to Robb. Told me to check back first week in January
1/6/23 Talked to Robb. Had to check with Eastern National. Asked me to call Monday
1/6/23 Talked to Robb. Still working problem. Told me to call Thursday
1/12/23 Talked to Robb. Still had not heard back yet. told me to call next Thursday
1/30/23 Talked to Robb. Asked for my phone number. Still working problem
2/28/23 Sent followup email to Robb
3/3/23 Reply from Robb: Not as of yet, everything is going extremely slow right now. Hopefully everything will be back to normal soon.
5/22/23 new process. Will submit it. Told me to call next week
6/1/23 Talked to Robb. Still waiting to hear back from committee. Nice, friendly but kind of a spacy guy. Keep calling. Told me to call in 3 weeks.
6/22/23 Talked to Robb. Just saw New River Gorge picked up book! My book definitely in their system and I will get an order, possibly may have to wait until Jan 2024 but perhaps not.
1/16/24 Talked to Robb. Now in hands of the buyer Tory Ramey. Should hear back with order in a few weeks.
3/14/24 Talked to Robb. Will see Tory in a few weeks, asked me to check Friday March 29. Also sent reminder email.
4/1/24 Talked to Robb. Meeting pushed back a week. Told me to check next Weds.
4/11/24 Talked to Robb. Still in the works Could be another month
5/17/24 Talked to Robb. Still in works. suggested I email Tori Ramey at Eastern National. Sent Tori followup email
5/17/24 Reply from Tori: Hello Lee, Thank you for reaching out to me. And yes, our ordering and approval process has changed. We're trying to streamline merchandising, to get a better handle on inventory control.From what I have been told this book was approved by Mammoth Cave 2 years ago, as it's been a while since the park saw this book, I think I should re-present it and see if the park would still want it. 
5/20/14 Talked to Robb. He will email Tori confirming he still wants book.
7/17/24 Sent followup email to Robb
7/18/24 Reply from Robb: I know I will not have any new items until March of next year. Tori will be getting with me in February about new items. I will keep you updated on the progress in March.
Robb Watt, Floor Manager. Nice friendly man
270-758-2180 x0 Visitor Center
Tori Ramey -National Buyer/Product Developer
Eastern National
470 Maryland Drive, Suite 1
Fort Washington, PA 19034
  Located in Visitor Center. Other stores in Mammoth Cave run by Ortega National Parks company
Mammoth Caves National Park gift shops not interested in book.
EASTERN NATIONAL: Mabry Mill Gift Shop
266 Mabry Mill Rd SE., Meadows of Dan, Virginia 24120
May 1
May to Nov
5/25/23 24 WFs by Scott Fretwell
Talked to site manager Jamie Key. No books in store. Restaurant has closed Has no idea where they could have gone other than they sold. Eastern National now handling gift shop
9/4/24 Sent email to Tori Ramey
Vendor ##8110
SHIP: via UPS BRP Account #169845, Zip Code 19034
215-283-6900, x1  Accounts Payable x3
New Merchandise:
Karen Searles: BRP Oteen NC Warehouse:
Jamie Key Site  Mgr.
Tori Ramey  Eastern National Buyer/Product Developer for Southern Appalachians
WFs: 24 May - Nov
Ship USPS if so.
EASTERN NATIONAL: New River Gorge National Park & Preserve Visitor Centers Gift Shops July 31 6/2/23 24 WFs by Kristin   PO#1501-802286
8/20/24 Talked to Kristin. Ok for now
Kristin Hylton (Mullen ) Main bookstore (WFs sent)
304-237-3144 Cell
Eastern National Vendor #8110
Price: $11.37 regardless of quantity. First order listed this price. Vendor Product # 9780991039821 
Bill To:
Eastern National, 470 Maryland Drive, STE. 1, Fort Washington, PA 19034
Email Invoice To:
Billing Questions:
Ship To: Eastern National, New River Gorge NR,162 Visitor Center Road, Lansing WV 25862
Ship via: UPS Third Party Acct  #169845
Supplies Visitor Centers: Canyon Rim, Sandstone, Thurman Depot and Grandview
WFs: 24 Canyon Rim Visitor Center 162 Visitor Center Rd, Lansing, WV 25862
Grandview Visitor Center  P.O. Box 246, 104 Main Street, Glen Jean, WV 25846; 304-465-0508
Sandstone Visitor Center  P.O. Box 246, 104 Main Street, Glen Jean, WV 25846; 304-465-0508
Thurman Depot Visitor Center. P.O. Box 246, 104 Main Street, Glen Jean, WV 25846; 304-465-0508
EASTERN NATIONAL: US National Park Online Stores
2800 Turnpike Drive, Suite 5, Hatboro, PA 19040
Feb 10 5/23/24 Sent enquiry email to New Merchandise: asking about process for submitting book for consideration to US National Park Stores online.
7/17/24 Talked to Jennifer. Said Julianna Haviv was the right person to send book to.
7/17/24 Sent Juliana Haviv copies of WFs and WFn
Sent Juliana followup email
Resent followup email to Juliana, left phone messages in some extensions to call me
1/31/25 Reply from Julianna: Hi Lee. Thank you for your interest in Eastern National. We purchase all of our books through various publishers. Are you working with a publisher or distributor? thanks
1/31/25 Replied to her email. Sent a 2nd email asking her to consider me at the publisher level since I sell to 400 stores.
215-283-6900 Eastern National
Julianna Haviv Online Head of Merchanise  Shop America
470 Maryland Drive, Suite 1 Fort Washington  19034
267-464-7173 Julianna's Direct Number
  Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Site
Big South Fork National River & Recreational Area
Blue Ridge Parkway
Catoctin Mountain Park
Cumberland Gap National Historical Park
Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area
Mammoth Cave National Park
New River Gorge National River
Obed Wild and Scenic River
Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River
ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain Museum Shop
1 College Street, Burlington, VT, 05401
Aug 1 9/10/24 Offer to Olivia:  A proposition: Since I am confident my book will sell (where others don’t- this has been my experience) I would be willing to ship you 4 copies at no cost to try. If they do sell you keep 100% of the sales price $18.95. If those don’t sell, just keep them at no cost. But if they do, perhaps you will reconsider stocking my book since they will have proven to be a book that can sell in your location.
9/10/24 Reply from Olivia: Hi Lee! I will take you up on that generous offer and we will give them a try. thank you!
10/30/24 Sent 4 free WFn to try
Olivia Burritt -Buyer -works from home
WFn : 4 (free)  
Edgar Evins State Park Gift Shop
1630 Edgar Evins State Park Road, Silver Point, TN 38582
May 16
3 year cycle
4/27/21 10 WFs by Katie
7/14/22 10 WFs by Katie
8/8/23 Talked to Katie. Plenty in stock
4/30/24 Sent reorder email to Katie
5/13/24 Talked to Katie. Initially said she still has 10 copies. BS answer. When questioned she really has to check. Agreed I would call next year
Katie Williams, Buyer,
931-646-3080  x0
WFs: 10,10  
Elachee Nature Center Gift Shop
2125 Elachee Drive, Gainesville GA 30504
Aug 15, 2025 10/17/19 Sent Judy WFs -Since retired
4/23/21 Talked to Amy Bradford. Judy has retired. Shared about book, she thought it sounded perfect for them. Still on Covid hold, told me to check in with her in August.
7/28/22 Sent Amy WFs
8/29/22 Sent Amy followup email
8/29/22 Reply from Amy: Hello Lee, Yes, we did receive the copy of your book, thank you so much! We are excited to use this book with our educational programming. At this time our Gift Shop is not carrying books. As you may know, purchasing trends and the COVID pandemic took a toll of our ability to stock and sell items. Our shop is now mainly snacks and a few stuffed animals. If we do get back to a point of being able to sell educational materials and books again, we will be sure to reach out. Thank you, Amy
8/28/23 Sent followup email to Amy
8/29/23 Reply from Amy: Thank you for reaching out again. In the past year we have reduced even further our gift shop offerings and are still not carrying books. At this time, we do not foresee this changing, but it never hurts to check back!Thank you, Amy
3/8/24 Sent Amy Card
Sent card followup email
Amy Bradford, Director of Operations
  Interactive kids’ science museum & hiking trails in a 1,440-acre nature preserve.
Elk Country Visitor Center Gift Shop
PO Box 315, 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821
August 1 1/31/24 Talked to Jill. Really nice lady.
4/1/24 Sent Jill WFn
Talked to Jill. Got book. On desk. Asked me to call next week.
5/3/24 Gonna hold off on book for now on buying books but told me to check back in late summer. Mention that their Visitor Center is presented in Elk section of book.
9/3/24 Talked to Jill. Still holding off buying books. Have too many in stock. Asked me to check next August
Jill Chiodo, Gift Shop
814-787-5167 x6 x0
Ellacoya State Park Campstore
280 Scenic Dr, Gilford, NH 03249
    Pam Prescott F-M
Ellis River Books
864 S Main St, Andover, ME 04216
    207-518-0428   Inland new and used
Emerson Resort & Spa Gift Shops
5340 NY-28 1st floor, Mt. Tremper, NY 12457
March 20 5/10/24 Sent Marci WFn
Sent Marci followup email
7/6/24 Talked to Marci. Got book. Passed on to Regina Calinda who does book buying
7/26/24 Sent followup email to Regina
7/29/24 Reply from Regina: Hi lee, I did get a chance to look at your book. It’s a great book but at this time we are going to pass on it. We have spent our book budget for the fall already. I will keep it in mind for future orders. If you want your copy back I can leave it in the General Store.
Thank you for inquiring, Regina
Marci Smith -Mgr.
845-688-2828 x1
Regina Calinda  Does book buying
  Catskills: 3 Gift Shops at Resort: Country Store, Toy Chest & Waldo's Gift Shops
Ernest & Hadley Booksellers
1928 7th St, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
April 12
3-year cycle
1/23/23 5 WFs by Easty
11/22/23 Talked to Marrea, salesperson. Computer says still have 5 copies. Books in children section. She will check to see how they are displayed. Agreed I would check back with her.
4/12/24 Talked to Manager Avery. Still has 5 copies. Books on shelf with spine only showing.....  Explained to her at length why this is not good. She told me that they will get displayed cover out occasionally, probably once a year when appropriate.
Easty Lambert-Brown, Owner
WFs: 5  
Essex Book & Leaf
2310 Main St, Essex, NY 12936
  On Lake Champlain
Essex County Visitor Center
2610 Main St Suite 2, Lake Placid, NY 12946
Etowah Indian Mounds State Historic Site Gift Shop
813 Indian Mounds Road SW, Cartersville, GA 30120
March 21 9/17/20 12 WFs by Keith
10/12/22 Talked to Keith. On spending freeze until after July Told me to call in August
8/1/23 Still redoing museum space. Agreed I would check next spring
4/2/24 Called. Still redoing space.
Check in spring 2025
Keith Bailey, Ranger & Interpretative Mgr.
404-906-5244 Cell  (Prefers not to call his cell)
WFs: 12  
Everyone's Books
25 Elliot St, Brattleboro, VT 05301
Feb 20 11/21/24 Talked to owner Red. Nice guy. Normally use Ingram and consignment for local authors but after talking he seemed interested in considering my book as an exception. Sent Red WFn
Talked to Red. Will place an order Monday. I suggested via email
12/12/24 Talked to Red. Busy and had break-in. Not had chance yet to order
Red Durkin
ExplorUS -Acadia National Park

Dawnland at Acadia National Park
Jordan Pond House, Cadillac Mountain, Thunder Hole
99 Bar Harbor Road, Trenton, ME 04605
March 6
1/15/25 36 WFn by Jozlyn PO #6379 Ship April 2 Jozlyn Sopher -Junior Buyer
Overland Park KS

Billing Address:
Dawnland at Acadia National Park
Ship UPS Ground on their account #41FF57
Billing Zipcode: 66209
WFn: 36 Dawnland, LLC: Stores in Acadia National Park:
Jordan Pond House
Thunder Hole Gift Shop
Cadillac Mountain Gift Shop
ExplorUS -Allegany National Park
Allegany Hospitality, Administration Building 2373 Allegany State Park Rte 1, Salamanca, NY 14779
March 6
1/15/25 36 WFn by Jozlyn PO #79 Ship April 2 Jozlyn Sopher -Junior Buyer
Overland Park KS
Billing Address:
Allegany State Park, ExplorUS
Ship UPS Ground on their account #41FF57
Billing Zipcode: 66209
WFn: 36  
ExploreUS Corporate Information
Jan 30 9/18/24 Talked to Jeremy at Alleganyt State Park. Will contact ExplorUS buyer when I send him book. 9/20/24 Sent WFn to Jeremy
1/1/25 Reply from Fran Delgado after numerous attempts to reach someone in ExplorUS retail. I had filledout online form asking to be contacted. Julie Westenskow got the email and forwarded it to Fran (and Jennie ): Hello, I apologize that we are just now getting your message, please send us information about your book and we will see if it will work for our gift shop at Acadia National Park. Fran Delgado
1/2/25 Sent Fran copy of WFn and also emailed her telling her I was sending book
1/14/25 Got email from Jozlyn Sopher​​​​ asking for W9,which I sent and if Net 30 was ok.
ExploreUS -Parent Company
6720 W 121st Street, Overland Park, KS 66209
913-361-0171 x0 Operator x5 Retail
Fran Delgado​​​​ Director of Buying and Merchandising
Jennie Jester Also in Buying and Merchandising

Julie Westenskow​​​​  VP‑ Human Resources
Jozlyn Sopher -Junior Buyer
Overland Park KS


Locations in Pennsylvania, New York and Maine

Allegany State Park Retail Stores
2373 ASP, Rte 1, Suite 3, Salamanca, NY 14779
Allegany State Park stores: Red House General Store, Quaker General Store, Red House Gift Shop
716-379-6450 Park Office
716-354-2008 Allegany Hospitality Company x2 Giftshop
716-354-9167 Quaker General Store

Faddon's General Store
109 Main St, North Woodstock, NH 03262
April 10 12/17/24 Talked to James, son of Sue Faddon. They do sell some nature related books and guides.
12/20/24 Sent Sue WFn
Talked to Sue. Got book. Asked me to call her in April when season starts up.
Sue Faddon
  Slow in Winter. Season starts in April
Fairbanks Museum Nature Shop
1302 Main Street, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819
August 16 8/16/24 5 WFn by Chris. 
12/23/24 Talked to Chris. Emailed him info about check I can't find. They will check to see if it was cashed. $67.35  #18273  8/19/24  #3480 
Chris Edsall, Director of Nature Store   M-W-F
WFn: 5 40% discount regardless of quantity
They display books face out.
Fairy Stone State Park Gift Shop
967 Fairystone Lake Drive, Stuart, VA 24171
August 21 7/26/22 6 WFs by Chrissy
2/16/23 12 WFs by Chrissy
8/15/24 12 Wfs by Chrissy  Paid by cc
Chrissy Pettruncio, Office Mgr.
WFs: 6,12,12  
Fall Creek Falls State Park Visitor Center Gift Shop
2009 Village Camp Road, Spencer, TN 38585
July 24 3/20/20  24 WFs by Melandy
7/26/22 24 WFs by Melandy
Melandy Bolden, Gift Shop and sales

423-881-5298  x1  x1
WFs: 24,24 Same state park as Betty Dunn Nature Center but different gift shop. They both order and stock separately.  Betty Bunn not stocking book since it is sold in 3 other shops in the Falls Creek Falls State Park
Farmington Farmhouse Gifts & Decor
174 Main St, Farmington, ME 04938
Fernbank Museum of Natural History Store
767 Clifton Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30307
Dec 3 12/13/21 12 WFs by Laura
12/3/24 12 WFs by Bobby
Bobby Cashell, Buyer
404-929-6356 Bobby
404-929-6300 x7 store  x
2 customer service
WFs: 12,12  
49 Pisgah Hwy #4, Pisgah Forest, NC 28768
April 15

3/25/24 24 WFs by Thomas
3/29/24 Sent Thomas WFn, print and cards info
5/2/24 Sent followup email to Thomas re WFn, print and cards

5/3/24 Reply from Thomas: Good Morning Lee Good hearing from you! I know that we are set as of now. In July and August, I will be looking to add things to our sites. You sir, are on my list! Thanks for everything
8/27/24 Sent followup email to Thomas re cards and prints
8/28/24 Reply from Thomas: Good Morning Lee!
All is great on my end, and I hope all is well in your world!
Right now, we are not buying anything for the remainder of 2024. However, I will start buying 2025 inventory in November and would be interested in adding some more to our inventory. Have a great day and thanks for thinking of us.

Thomas Barry Retail Operations Director -Very nice man, inscribed WFs to his daughter.
985-1859-6665  cell
Brooke McGuire Retail Operations Manager
828-883-3463  x217 Brooke x3 Retail Sales
828-884-5713 x0  x1 Education
Samantha Tutton Operations Mgr. x 229
Lee Henderson-Hill Chief Mission Officer 
Lee Henderson-Hill Chief Mission Officer 828-553-4049
WFs: 24

Anna Ruby Falls Visitor Center 706-878-1448
Black Mountain & Briar Bottom Campground 828.675.5616
Brasstown Bald Visitor Center 706.896.2556
Carolina Hemlocks Campground 828.675.5509
Cheoah Ranger District Gift Shop 828.479.6431
Cliffside Lake & Van Hook Glade Campground 828.526.5912
Cradle of Forestry Gift Shop 828-877-3130 1
Gladie Visitor Center Gift Shop 606-663-8100
Grandfather Ranger District Gift Shop 828.652.2144
Lake Rabun Beach Campground 706.782.6798
Lake Winfield Scott Campground 706.747.3816
Morganton Point Campground 706.374.1645
Nantahala Ranger District Gift Shop 828.524.6441
Pisgah Visitor Center Gift Shop

Flossie's General Store & Gift Emporium
PO Box 609, 21 Main St, Jackson, NH 03846
Feb 25 1/10/25 Talked to Kevin. Nice man. Told me to send book to his wife who does the buying. They sell books, including nature books. Sent Michele WFn
Talked to Michele. Got book and will order next week
& Kevin Pratt Owners
  Closed T-W
Floyd Country Store
206 South Locust Street, Floyd, VA 24091
May 21 2/24/20 6 WFs by Deborah
12/15/21 6 WFs by Deborah
9/14/22 6 WFs by Deborah
6/2/23 6 WFs by Deborah
5/21/24 6 WFs by Deborah
Deborah Baum, Buyer
WFs: 6,6,6,6,6  
Flying Pig Bookstore
5247 Shelburne Rd, Suite 102 Shelburne, VT 05482
Feb 12 11/21/24 Sent WFs to Elizabeth by mistake
Talked to Kelly. Told to call back in January. Too busy now to consider new books
1/17/25 Called. She told salesperson to tell me to email her. Sent Elizabeth followup email.
1/29/25 Talked to salesperson Axel Intrigued by book. Very nice. Agreed I would email his attention. Sent Axel email to talk to Elizabeth.
2/5/25 Talked to Axel Sent WFs by mistake.
2/6/25 Email from Elizabeth:  Hi, Lee.Thanks so much for following up. While the book is very nicely done, I just don't think we can sell this book in our region. That's based on 28 years of selling animal books at the store.Please let me know if you want to send a call tag for the book for us to return it, or have someone local you know pick it up, or have us donate to the regional library system.I'm so sorry it isn't a fit!
2/6/25 Replied to Elizabeth asking if she would like to see a copy of WFn
Elizabeth Bluemle Owner
Axel Krieger
Fontana Village Overlook Gift Shop
180 Welch Road, Fontana Dam NC 28733 
June 25

5/9/19 4 WFh, 4 WA10 by Laurie Wike
6/26/24 12 WFs by Greg

Greg Brown -Retail Manager -Familiar with book from previous location
828-498-2140 Pit Stop
828-498-2148 General Store
Fontana Village Resort x2 Front Desk
Lacie McVee  Accounts Payable  x2119
WFs: 4,12 3 Store outlets in Fontana Village Resort: General Store, Overlook Gift Shop, and gift shop at the Lodge.
Karen Cobb Anchor South Management
Retail and Procurement Director
12214 Choto Marina Way, Knoxville TN 37922.   865-279-9210
139 Depot St, Boone, NC 28607
Feb 10 10/27/23 12 WFs by Brian
11/7/24 On hold from hurricane.Agreed I would check next spring first of year
Taylor Williams, Mgr.
828-355-9984 Boone
Brian Baldwin Nice friendly guy
  Blowing Rock
WFs: 12 Typically sells more books in fall. Call for September for reorders.

Footsloggers -Blowing Rock
921 Main St, Blowing Rock, NC 28605

Fort Boonesborough State Park Transylvania Shop
4375 Boonesborough Road, Richmond, Kentucky 40475
April 3
April to Nov
7/26/23 6 WFs by Dee
4/4/24 Sent reorder email to Dee
4/4/24 Reply from Dee: Hi Lee, I don’t need any copies at this time. I still have a few.. I will let you know when I am out. Thanks Dee
Dee Bishop, Gift Shop Mgr.
859-527-3131 x7 Gift Shop or x4 business office
Crystal -works with Dee somehow.
WFs: 6 Jack Winburn, Mgr. of Campground Store
Store opens April 1 to Oct 30
Fort Frederick State Park Gift Shop 
11100 Fort Frederick Road, Big Pool MD 21711
    Rob Ambrose Ranger Gift Shop
  Season May through Sept
Sell nature boks
Fort Loudoun State Park Visitor Center & Museum Gift Shop
338 Fort Loudoun Road, Vonore, TN 37885
July 5 7/18/23 6 WFs by Nicole
6/11/24 12 WFs by Nicole -Ship in July
Eric Hughey Park Manager
Nicole Rogers, Secretary, handles gift shop. Nice lady
WFs: 6 Orders when fiscal year starts in July
Fort Mountain State Park Trading Post
181 Fort Mountain Park Road, Chatsworth, GA 30705
May 2, 2025
2-year cycle
11/30/21 16 WFs by Katy
5/16/23 16 WFs by Christy
Elliott Murrer, Buyer
Christy Baker Gift shop
WFs: 16,16  
Fort Yargo State Park Gift Shop
210 South Broad Street, Winder, Georgia 30680
July 18 8/10/23  12 WFs by Will
2/24/24 Will has transferred. Lori Hambly, formerly at Watson Mill State Park has transferred to this park.
8/13/24 Sent reorder email to Lori
9/2/24 Called. They have 7 books in stock
Lori Hamby, Assistant Manager
WFs: 12  
Foxfire Museum & Heritage Center Gift Shop  PO Box 541
98 Foxfire Lane, Mountain City, GA 30562
April 23 5/26/21 5 WFs by Jessica
8/16/22 5 WFs by Jessica
5/1/22 5 WFs by Jessica
4/24/24 5WFs by Jessica
Jessica Parker

Bridget Gladney, Mgr.
WFs: 5,5,5,5 The Foxfire Fund Inc
Address has to have PO Box
Fran Hanson Visitor's Center Gift Shop
South Carolina Botanical Garden
150 Discovery Lane, Clemson, SC 29634
Feb 26 9/27/22 20 WFs by Christian
10/2/23 Called store. Salesperson checked. Have 10 copies
Christian Hussey Business Mgr.

WFs: 20  
Franconia Notch State Park Gift Shops
Flume Gorge, Daniel Webster Hwy, Lincoln, NH 03251
    Catherine Crow
603-823-8800 x770
  Lafayette Place Campground Cannon Mount Tram 3 gift shops
Franklin Welcome Center & Chamber of Commerce Gift Shop
98 Hyatt Rd, Franklin, NC 28734
May 29
5-year cycle
8/12/20  12 WFs by Diane
8/14/23 Talked to Diane. Still has six copies
5/30/24 Talked to Diane. Still has some left
Diane Baldwin  (Diane's email)
Linda Harbuck, Director
WFs: 12  
Fred's General Mercantile
501 Beech Mountain Parkway, Beech Mountain, NC 28604
May 24
Customer since 2007
Nov 2015
4 GB by Fred
May 2018
7 WFh by Meredith, still has 4 GB (stocked in 2015 so not selling
Aug 2018 7 WFh by Meredith Not interested in WA10
14 WFh by Meredith
12/10/20 10 WFs by Lynne
11/4/21 10 WFs by Sharon.
12/6/21 12 each of Deer, Bears, Squirrel, Fox Bobcat, Opposum, Rabbit, Otters cards
3/16/22 10WFs, 12 bear 12possum 12deer 12coyote by Sharon
7/27/22 10WFs, 12 bear 12possum 12deer 12coyote by Sharon
10/17/22 Sharon: Ok on books. 24 each: Bobcat,  Bears, Rabbit, Coyote, Squirrel, Possum, Raccoon, Fox, Deer, Otters
5/25/23 Sharon: 6 WFs and 24 each: Bobcat,  Bears, Rabbit, Coyote, Squirrel, Possum, Raccoon, Fox, Deer, Otters
5/27/24 Sharon: 10 WFs and 24 each: Bobcat,  Bears, Rabbit, Coyote, Squirrel, Possum, Raccoon, Fox, Deer, Otters
Sharon Canella
Fred Pfohl (owner)

Bernie-Handles past due accounts
WFs: 7,7 14,10,10,10,10,6,10
Bears1: 12,12,24,24,24
12 ,24,24,24
Rabbit 1:
Coyote1: 12,12,24,24,24
GB did not sell.
Frozen Head State Park Gift Shop
964 Flat Fork Road, Wartburg, TN 37887
May 8, 2025 3/4/20 6 WFs by Dianna
7/14/22 Talked to Julie Zisman who replaced Dianna, sent Julie reorder email and info about book since she was not familiar with it.
9/7/22 Talked to Julie . "Stocked up on books at this point even though she was clearly unfamiliar with it.  Confronted her in a nice way that she was not familiar. Agreed she would see a copy so I sent her a copy of WFs
Reply from Julie: Good afternoon! I got a message that you tried to reach me a few times this week. I apologize, this is an extremely busy time of the year at the park and I have been in and out of the office. I received a copy of the book you sent, and you are a very talented illustrator. I will keep this book option in mind moving forward. Right now, in our very small gift shop, I have no more room for books. Thank you so much for reaching out and sharing your work. I will be in touch should we decide to place an order.
11/4/22  Sent her nice reply reminding of profit per copy
4/21/23 Sent followup email to Julie
5/12/23 Sent another Please Respond email to Julie
5/14/23: Reply from Julie: Thank you for reaching out. I am not interested in purchasing this book at this time. I will file your contact information in case we decide to stock the book in the future.
Julie Zisman, Buyer (8-4)
WFs: 6  
Garrett, Tina -Allan Tates/Beverly Hanks & Associates, 300 Executive Park, Asheville, NC 28801 Jan 1 May 2019: 12 GB by Tina
7/28/20  11 GB by Tina
3/19/21 11 GB by Tina
8/19/22 12 WFs by Tina
8/23/23 Sent reorder email
11/17/23  Left copy of GB at office with order form
1/4/24 Sent reorder email
1/1/25 Sent reorder email
828-215-8685 -Tina
GB: 10,12, 12, 12, 11, 11,12 Drop off. She does not pay shipping
Gatlinburg East / Smoky Mountain KOA Holiday Gift Shop
4874 Hooper Hwy, Cosby, TN 37722
March 25
2 year-cycle
3/29/23 12 WFs by Jenny
3/25/24 Sent reorder email to Jenny
3//28/24 Reply from Jenny: Only sold 1. Emailed her about display of books
Jenny Edwards, Mgr.
WFs: 12  
General Butler State Resort Park Gift Shop
1608 Highway 227, Carrollton, KY 41008
August 22 9/15/20 Sent Susan WFs
3/5/21 Talked to Susan, loves book, definitely will.
sent at least 15 emails and phone voicemails since 2021 with no reply
7/10/23  Talked to Hannah Fry. Very difficult girl to talk to me... Eventually got her to tell me Susan Spears had nothing to do with gift shop and she was over gift shop (good luck with that...) Offered to send her book but agreed email will work.
7/10/23 Sent Hannah Fry email
7/11/23 Reply from Hannah: Hi Lee unfortunately we like to have 50% Markup we usually get only 2-4 books at a time.
7/12/23 Sent followup offering 50%
7/27/23 Resent followup email
8/11/23 Sent new followup email
Hannah Fry Gift Shop  Does not work day or evenings
Best way to reach her is email
502-686-1342 Front Desk
  Always 50%
Geneva on the Lake Resort Hotel Gift Shop  31001 Lochland Rd, Geneva, NY 14456 June 21 6/23/24 6 WFn by Jehan Jehan Wicks, Gen Mgr.
315-789-7190 x1
This store only does consignment. Made an exception for me. 40% Rate plus no shipping
WFn: 6 6/21/24 From Jehan We have a general rule in the hotel any product we sell is on consignment, and books are a maximum of 6 copies
To Jehan:  Is it possible for an exception to be made for my book?  I would hope you would reconsider and order six books to try. I would  waive shipping costs and offer you my best discount rate of 40%
6/22/24 From Jehan Understand and I will make an exception for this time around only.
Gibson's Bookstore
45 S Main St, Concord, NH 03301
March 18 11/25/24 Sent John WFn
Talked to John. Got it but had not had a chance to look at it. Asked about buying direct.
1/3/24 Called. Still had not had a chance to look at it
John Ledonne
Book Buyer
Gifts Galore
159 Bennett Dr, Caribou, ME 04736
Gilford Country Store
1934 Lake Shore Road, Gilford, NH 03249
Dec 5 1/29/25: 6 WFn and 6 WFs by Kathy 603-366-6250
Kathy Tognacci 
(daughter)-Runs Appalachian Trail section in store.
WFn: 6
WFs: 6
Upscale country store. They sell lots of books
Daughter Taylor handles outdoor guides, etc
Givens Books & Little Dickens
2236 Lakeside Dr, Lynchburg, VA 24501
April 29
3-year cycle
8/12/22 2 WFs by Elisa
8/8/23 5 WFs by Elisa
4/30/24 Talked to Zonna. Has 4 copies in stock
Danny Givens
Zonna Soule Buyer
WFs: 2,5 Do display books with cover out on rotation basis with other books. In Children's section.
Gorges State Park Visitor Center Gift Shop
976 Grassy Ridge Road, Sapphire NC 28774
June 12 7/27/23 12 WFs by Dawn
7/17/24 12 WFs by Dawn
Dawn Hatalski  Office Administrator Specialist -Handles gift shop
828-966-9099 x 205
WFs: 12,12  
Grandfather Mountain Top Shop
1104 Grandfather Mountain Drive, Linville NC 28646 
March 25 7/8/18 10 WFs by Brad
12 WFs by Amanda
Brad Parrish
Brad's Office and Museum 
828-733-2013, 828-733-2800
Amanda Mckinney
Grandfather Mountain Stewardship Foundation Retail Manager

APLOS: Pays bills for Grandfather Mountain. Contacts are Brittany and Ginger.
Billing Address:

WFs: 10,12

2 gift shops: Top Shop and Nature Museum Shop
Pays Invoices through APLOS  
eBs FEM$
487 W Shaw Ave Fresno CA 93704
888-274-1316 M-F 8-4 PT


Great Smoky Mountains Railroad Gift Shop
225 Everett Street, Bryson City, NC 28713
May 20 10/4/22 50 GSMR1
Sent reorder email to Kord
11/28/23 Resent reorder email
4/4/24 Resent reorder email
9/3/24 Resent reorder email to Kord
Kord Walls, Retail Mgr
828-586-8811 x1  (No way to reach him by phone)
GSMR1: 50  
Green Mountain Books & Prints
PO 247, 1055 Broad Street, Lyndonville VT 05851
July 15 12/12/25 5 WFn and 21 each of all cards 802-626-5051
Kim Crady-Smith  
Really loves my book and cards 
WFn: 5
Cards: 2 each of all 21 designs
Beaver, Black Bears, Bobcat, Chipmunk, Cougar
Coyote, Cottontail Rabbit, Field Mouse,
Fox Squirrel, Gray Squirrel, Groundhog
Little Brown Bat, Mink, Opossum, Otters, Raccoon
Red Fox, Spotted Skunk, Striped Skunk
Whitetail Deer
Green Mountain Club
4711 Waterbury-Stowe Road, Waterbury Center, Vermont 05677
April 10 Email re summer store and online store -guides 802-244-7037
Green Toad Bookstore
198 Main St, Oneonta, NY 13820
Nov 5 1/27/25 4 WFs by Jim 607-433-8898
Jim Havener 
-Owner  Nice man
WFn: 4 North of Catskills
40% Rate
Greenbriar State Park Campstore
21843 National Pike, Boonsboro, MD 21713
  9/26/24 Talked to employee. Small campstore services a number of state parks, no books -camping supplies
Call in spring to see if interested in seeing book to try
301-791-4767   Season May to end of Sept
Small campstore that services
Greenbriar, South Mountain, Washington Monument and Gathland State Parks
South Mountain Recreational Area
Greenfield State Park 
973 Forest Rd, Greenfield, NH 03047
  Closed in 2024 for renovations 603-547-3497    
GSM Outfitters
3275 Wears Valley Rd B, Sevierville, TN 37862
Sept 9 3/5/21 6 WFs by Michael Michael Shepherd, Owner
WFs: 6  
Gulf of Maine Books
134 Maine St, Brunswick, ME 04011
Nov 21 1/10/25 5 WFn by Gary 207-729-5083
Gary Lawless 
WFn: 5  
Half Moon Books
35 N Front St, Kingston, NY 12401
    845-331-5439   Upper Hudson River
Hanging Rock State Park Visitor Center Gift Shop 1790 Hanging Rock Park Road, Danbury NC 27016 May 23 2/1/23 5 WFs by Sandy Paterson -Office Assistant
8/2/23 5 WFs by Sandy
3/14/24 Talked to Sandy. Still has a few copies. Agreed I would check in summer
8/16/24 Called. Sandy no longer employed there. Superintendent filling in for reorders. Send Robin reorder email
8/28/24 Reply from Robin: We did sell them but we're not in need of more. I'll save your contact info for the future in case Sandy's future replacement wants to reorder. I expect her spot will be filled in January.
2/5/25 Called. No replacment for Sandy yet
Robin Riddlebarger Superintendent
WFs: 5,5  
Harper's Ferry General Store
161 Potomac St, Harpers Ferry, WV 25425
Harrisonburg/Shenandoah Valley KOA
12480 Mountain Valley Road, Broadway, VA 22815
Sept 14 4/10/20 6 WFs ordered by Shelley
8/23/22 Sent reorder to new Manager Andrew Frank
9/8/22 Sent reorder email to Andrew, asked desk clerk to tell him to look for email
Andrew Frank, manager
540-896-8929 x2
WFs: 6  
Harrisville General Store
29 Church St, Harrisville, NH 03450
Feb 26 2/5/25 Sent John WFn John Knight  Book Buyer
Laura Carden  Manager
  Sell nature books
Hawks Nest State Park Gift Shop
49 Hawks Nest Park Road, Ansted, WV 25812
March 7 8/7/18 8 WFs by Lori
4/19/23 6 WFs by Jessica Dolin -WVCBS
Madison Baughman Gift Shop Mgr.


WFs: 8, 6 Places orders in Feb
Haynes, Connie
Keller Williams Biltmore Village, 55 Sweeten Creek Road, Suite 101, Asheville NC 28803
  5/14/24 3 GB by Connie Connie Haynes --Administrative Coordinator
GB -3  
Headwaters Outfitters
25 Parkway Rd, Rosman, NC 28772
May 20 5/13/20  Jessica ordered 10 WFs
8/31/22 15 WFs ordered by Jessica
5/21/24 12 WFs by Daniele
Jessica Whitmire, Owner-buyer
828-877-3106 x1
WFs: 10,15,12  
Heart & Soul Books
5970 Linglestown Rd, Harrisburg, PA 17112
hello hello books
316 Main St, Rockland, ME 04841
Feb 28 12/6/24 Sent Jacob WFn
Talked to Jacob. Didn't see it. will check mail, cafe.
1/17/25 Talked to Jacob. Sent him followup email
1/30/25 Talked to Jacob. Got book, mentioned 40%
Jacob Frickie
-Manager nice guy
Henderson County Heritage Museum
One Historic Courthouse Square, Suite 4, Hendersonville, NC 28792
August 7

8/14/21  Anne Riddings: 1 GB
8/10/23 3 GB by Eric
8/8/24 Talked to Eric. Still ok

Museum 828-694-1619
Eric Gilliland Oversees gift shop  (Wed-Fri only)
Cell: 828-774-6533
Gift Shop (828) 694-1619
GB: 1,3 Not interested in courthouse prints, cards, WFs or other items. Donated to Anne 8/21/21 my remaining supply of Courthouse note cards to use in their office
Hero’s Welcome
3537 US Route 2, North Hero, VT 05474
Rene Creller 
  General Store on island in Lake Champlain
Hersheypark Zoovenirs
100 W. Hersheypark Drive, Hershey, PA 17033
March 4 4/24/24 Talked to Gwen. told me to send book to Retail Dept
4/24/24 Sent WFn to Retail Dept, Hersheypark
Talked to Retail Dept. No way to contact them directly. Can email to have emailed forwarded. The person I talked to is sure they received the book
5/29/24 Sent followup email to Retail Dept
6/28/24 Resent followup email to Retail Dept
Resent followup email to Retail Dept
7/16/24 Reply from Retail Dept: Your email and book have been forwarded to the buying team. They will reach out if they are interested in ordering. Thank you!
Hersheypark Retail Department
Delete if no order
717-534-3878 Retail Dept 
717-520-5104 Retail Dept
717-534-3900 x5 Hersheypark -Retail Dept Email
Hershey Lodge
The Hotel Hershey
Hersheypark Camping Resort
High Country Souvenirs
707 W. King St, Boone, NC 28607
Sept 3 8/21/20 20 WFs by Lorrie
6/21/21 20 WFs by Lorrie

7/19/22 15 WFs by Lorrie
11/30/22 12 WFs by Lorrie
8/31/23 12 WFs by Lorrie
9/5/24 12 WFs by Lorrie
Lorrie Presnell
WFs: 20,20,15,12,12  
High Hampton Gift Shop
82 White Owl Lane, Cashiers, NC 28717
Feb 17 2/20/23 Sent WFs to Alexis Ortiz
Talked to Alexis. Wonderful book. Sent it to purchasing. Agreed I would check in a month if no order from them
4/22/23 Talked to Alexis. Order still in the works. Shooting for May
6/26/24 Called -Alexis gone. Replaced by Max Lawson.
6/26/24 Sent followup email to Max
7/10/24 Talked to Max. Sent him informational email. He will contact corporate buyer for an order.
8/8/24 Sent followup email to Max
8/23/24 Talked to Max. Renovating retail space. Agreed I would call in a month
Max Lawson Director of Lodging -Gift Shop

828-547-0661 Front Desk
Highland Books
36 West Main Street, Brevard, NC 28712
April 9 Nov 2016 10 GB 10 boxes 20 BWS1 by Amanda
June 2017 3 Ash GB in stock, 2 boxes in stock
Sept 29 2017 20 single BWS cards 5 boxes BWS10, 2 WFs by Amanda
Feb 2018 20 BWS10s, 10 BWS10, 2 WFs by Amanda
July 2018 5 WFs by Amanda, still has 5 GB on shelf and ok on cards
Aug 6 2019 5 GB, 40 BWS1 by Amanda
12/7/20 Talked to Amanda. Ok on WFs and cards. Needs 5 GB
12/7/20 5 GB by Amanda
7/13/21 12 WFS by Amanda
10/2/21 12 WFs & 6 GB by Margo
2/21/22 24 BWS1 by Leslie
5/5/22 12 WFs by Leslie
11/2/22 48 BWS1
7/29/23 12 WFs and 24 BWS1 by Leslie (no shipping this order. Had sent FedEx and Leslie complained.)
4/12/24 12 WFs and 48 BWS1
Leslie Loguemann Owner  Reorder only by email
GB: 10,5,5, 6
WFs: 2,2,
5, 12, 12,12,12,12
BWS1: 20,20,20,40,24,48,24,48
Leave WFs card out of Squirrel cards
Ship Media $10.00
Highland Hiker -Cashiers
(Ship to this address)

47 NC-107 S, Cashiers, NC 28717

Highland Hiker -Highlands
601 Main St, Highlands, NC 28741

March 31 8/28/20 12 WFs by Hilary
6/14/21 12 WFs by Hilary

5/9/23 18 WFs by Hilary  LJP050923
8/27/24 Sent reorder to Hilary

Hilary Wilkes, Buyer
919-395-9583 cell

WFs: 12, 12,18 f you need immediate assistance with accounts, please contact Stephanie Figel at For immediate in-store help, you can reach Chris Wilkes at (828) 526-5298 or
Highlands Biological Station Gift Shop
Highlands Biological Station, 265 N. 6th Street, Highlands, NC 28741
March 11 7/1/17 20 copies of WFs display by Eliese
5/23/23 6 WFs by Melanie
3/8/24 Sent Card to Melanie
Sent Melanie reorder email
8/21/24 Sent reorder email to Melanie
Melanie Mauldin,  Buyer    Only reached by email
Page Engelbrektsson, Nature Center Coordinator
WFs: 20,6  
Hillsdale General Store
2642 State Route 23, Village Square Plaza
Hillsdale, NY, 12529
Feb 10 1/11/25 Sent Mathew WFn 518-325-3310
Mathew White
-Owner and buyer   Not M-T
  Upscale general store, near Catskills
Sell nature books
Hilton Champlain Burlington Gift Shop 
60 Battery Street, Burlington VT 05401
March 10 5/15/24 Sent Quantina WFn
Sent followup email to Quantina
6/28/24 Talked to Quantina, got book, has to talk to GM. Really likes book. Agreed I would follow up in a week or so
7/11/24 Sent followup email to Quantina
7/24/24 Talked to Quantina. Still have not heard back from GM. Agreed I would call in 3 weeks
8/22/24 Sent Quantina followup email
9/4/24 Talked to Quantina. Still a possibility although not at the moment. Told me to call her in March
Quantina Bulluck -Handles gift shop
802-658-6500 x0
  Local items, souvenirs, snacks
Hilton Garden Inn Auburn RiverWatch Gift Shop  
14 Great Falls Plaza, Auburn ME 04210
  Gift Shop coming .Renovations start in hotel in Nov 207-784-4433 x0    
Hiwassee/Ocoee Scenic River State Park Gift Shop 
(Mailing address PO Box 5)
404 Spring Creek Road, Delano, TN 37325
May 9
6-year cycle
9/25/20 12 WFs by Kari.
5/9/24 Talked to Kari. Still has 10 books! She said they are displayed cover out but on a rotational basis.
Kari Moates, Admin

423-263-0050 x2
WFs: 12 Rotates books on display
Holly River State Park Gift Shop 
680 State Park Road, Hacker Valley WV 26222 
March 7 6/6/19 11 WFs by Wendy
2/18/21 12 WFs by Wendy
8/11/23 Talked to Wendy. Out of books. Probably will reorder in spring. Explained to her profitability since she seems to rotate which books she sells.
Wendy McCourt Gift Shop Mgr.
304-493-6353 Gift Shop/Office
WFs: 11, 12 Gift Shop and Office are connected
Homestead Harvest Restaurant Gift Shop at Cumberland Mountain State Park
24 Office Dr. Crossville, TN 38555
May 13 6/18/20: 20 WFs by Lisa -paid by credit card
8/19/22 20 WFs by Lisa. Called, nice lady! Paid by debit card
10/12/23 Talked to Lisa. Still has 12 copies
12/2/24 Sent Lisa reorder email
Lisa Rollins, Gift Shop Mgr.
931-484-6138 Park Office x3 restaurant
WFs: 20,20 Big gift shop at Restaurant
Pays by debit or credit card.
Call for payment 1 month after shipping
Horning's Country Store
5904 U.S. Rte 209, Lykens, PA 17048
    717-453-7261 x0    
Horse Cave KOA Holiday Gift Shop
489 Flint Ridge Road, Horse Cave, KY 42749
March 13
11/22/20 Sent Sonya WFs
1/7/21 Talked to Sonya. Got book, loves it, told me to call in April for order. That is when they stock store.
7/15/23 Talked to Sonya. Still will order book but has to wait until they finish expanding store. Hopefully by next year.
Called store. Still not expanded yet but hopefully this year.
Jason Gedda, Owner
Sonya Gedda, wife  Call Saturday to reach her,
270-392-1118 cell Sonya rings through to office if she does not answer
Hoss's Country Corner
PO Box 247, 1142 Main St, Long Lake, NY 12847
Feb 13 1/20/25 Talked to Lauren. Excited to get a copy. Will show to owner. Very nice lady, artist also.
1/20/25 Sent WFn to Lauren
Lauren Bienvenue Handles books  Really nice
  Middle of Adirondacks, sell books
Hotel Vermont Gift Shop   
41 Cherry St, Burlington, VT 05401 
July 25 5/15/24 Sent Maddy WFn
Sent Maddy followup email
7/15/24 Talked to Maddy. Got book. will look at it. Agreed I would follow up in August
7/31/24 Email from Maddy: Hi Lee! Just wanted to connect with you regarding the book! While we love it – the illustrations are beautiful – we are feeling that our in-room library selection is currently at its maximum, and not quite in need of any swaps at the moment. I could see us revisiting this book in a year or so. I'll be in touch in the future when the need arises! All the best, Maddy
7/31/24 Talked to Maddy. Agreed I would check in a year
Maddy Moore, Marketing Mgr.
  Small gift shop, sells books
Same books in gift shop are also placed in each room in In-Room Library for guests
Huckleberries Card and Gift
98 N Main St, Brewer, ME 04412
April 2   207-702-9352   Winter hours W-Sat
Hungry Mother State Park Gift Shop
2854 Park Blvd, Marion, VA 24354
July 26 6/26/23  5 WFs by Becca
7/29/24  5 WFs by Becca
Becca Jackson, Merchandise Assistant 
Call Sat, Sun & M-T
State Park
276-781-7425 or 7426 Hemlock Haven
WFs: 5,5 Hemlock Haven Conference Center handles merchandise purchasing for gift shop.
50% discount required
Huntsville Botanical Garden Gift Shop
4747 Bob Wallace Ave SW, Huntsville, AL 35805
March 7 4/30/24 Sent email to Violet.
7/29/24 Resent email
9/3/24 Reply from Violet: Hello Lee, Thank you for reaching out with interest in the Huntsville Botanical Garden selling your book. I did attempt a call-back after missing one of your calls and your message stated that you did not have your voicemail set up.I appreciate your talent but I have purchased this year's allotment of books and reading material, as we purchase merchandise months in advance. I will consider your book for spring/summer 2025 and will reach out if it fits into the Gardens gift shop merchandise focus. Thank you again.
Call in March. Ask her if she would like to see a copy
Violet Lawrence Gift Shop
256-830-4447 x0 ask for gift shop or x233 Violet
Patsy Kesting, Mgr & buyer
Hurley's Country Store
PO Box 577, 2 Wamsley Place, Hurley, NY 12443
Feb 28 2/7/25 Talked to Fran. They sell nature books. Sent WFn to Glenn Glenn Carlberg  Owner -makes buying decisions
Fran -sales
  Edge of Catskills, near Hudson River
Hussey's General Store
PO Box 81, 510 Ridge Rd, Windsor, ME 04363
Feb 28 1/7/25 Talked to Dawn. Told me to talk to Kristen who makes decisions.
1/30/25 Sent Kristen email
2/7/25 Talked to Kristen. Would like to see a copy. Sent her WFn
Dawn Vigue -Gift Shop Manager
Kristen Ballantyne
  They sell a lot of books
Ijams Nature Center Gift Shop
2915 Island Home Avenue, Knoxville TN 37920
July 3 12/11/19 3 WFs by Sarah
9/13/22 5 WFs by Madison
5/2/23 11 WFs by Madison
3/8/24 Sent Card to Madison
4/25/24 Sent reorder email and card followup to Madison
4/29/24 Reply from Madison: Thank you so much for reaching out! The gift shop has 6 copies of your book Wild & Furry Animals of the Southern Appalachian Mountains remaining. This should hold us over for the time being. I will let you know when we are dwindling down and in need of a reorder. At this moment, we are overflowing with cards and do not have space to carry more. When we place our next order for your books, and if space has opened up for us to take on more cards, we will place an order for them together. I think they would be a great addition to the shop if the space allows it at that time. I hope that you are enjoying your spring season!
Madison Watson Gift Shop Vendors
865-577-4717 x6 Front Desk
Sarah Brobst, (bro pst)
Visitor Center Administrator
WFs: 3,5,11  
Indian Head Resort Gift Shop
664 US-3, Lincoln NH 03251
April 9 7/8/24 4 WFn by Gloria
11/18/24 4 WFn by Gloria 
Gloria Stanos, Gift Shop
x261 Accounts Payable  Lauren
WFn: 4,4 Does sell some books, nature items. Was a hard sell but got her to try 4 copies
Ink & Paper Bookstore
7 Lincklaen St, Cazenovia, NY 13035
    315-815-4400   to the right of finger lakes in mtns
Inklings Children's Books
PO Box 526, 106 Mad River Green, Waitsfield VT 05673
March 15 11/26/24 Talked to Brian. Seemed really interested.
12/6/24 Sent Brian WFn
Talked to Brian. Got book, loves it. Will order. Told me to send email. Sent him email
1/11/25 Talked to Brian. Will order this week.
2/5/25 Talked to Brian.Will order, apologized.
Brian Wray 
Owner Very nice man
Inquiring Mind Bookstore & Cafe
200 Main St, Saugerties, NY 12477
Feb 19 1/23/25 Talked to Cora. Only Ingram or consignment. Still suggested I email her to shown owner which I did.
If no reply delete.
Cora Mitchell -Manager  
  Upper Hudson river
Interlaken Inn Gift Shop
74 Interlaken Rd, Lakeville, CT 06039 
Sept 22 5/15/24 2 WFn by Jenna
12/2/24 Talked to Jenna. Still has 2 copies
Jenna Vanicky Marketing
860-318-1171 Personal number  (Jenna's email)
WFn: 2 Very tiny gift shop
Iron Bridge Cafe & General Store
8436 Aska Rd, Blue Ridge, GA 30513
Feb 17 2/6/24 10 WFs by Kimberly. Kimberly Wolfe, Owner
WFs: 10  
James H. "Sloppy" Floyd State Park Gift Shop
2800 Sloppy Floyd Lake Road, Summerville, GA 30747
Oct 11 2026
3-year cycle
12/29/20 5 WFs by Emily
10/18/23 10 WFs by Katy
Emily Moore, Admin
Katy Gramling  -Handles purchasing
WFs: 5,10  
James River State Park Gift Shop
104 Green Hill Drive, Gladstone, VA 24553
March 5
2-year cycle
12/15/20  6 WFs by Judy Whitten
4/27/21 11 WFs by Judy  Shipped media 5/18/21

9/23/22 Talked to Judy. Still has 5 copies
4/30/23 Sent Judy reorder email
8/3/23 Talked to Judy. Still has 5. Agreed I would call next spring
7/16/24 Talked to Judy. No longer buyer but will check. Thinks they still have a few copies. She will check and get back to me
Call to talk to gift shop or find out who buyer now is.
Judy Whitten
434-933-8527  Visitor Center
434-933-4355  Contact Station
WFs: 6, 11  
Jenny Wiley State Resort Park Gift Shop
75 Theatre Court, Prestonsburg, KY 41653
July 3
2-year cycle
2/17/22 12 WFs by Matthew
7/7/23 Talked to Matthew. Still has 10 copies. Said books displayed with cover out. Did have period when park closed due to flooding in 2022
606-889-1790 x0 or 4 business office
Matthew Bertrand Gift Shop Buyer
WFs: 12  
Jericho Mountain State Park Visitor Center Gift Shop
298 Jericho Lake Rd, Berlin, NH 03570
    Stacia Roberze Park Manager
Joe Wheeler State Park Camp Store
3171 McLean Drive, Rogersville, AL 35652-2916
March 14
2-year cycle
9/1/20 5 WFs by Chris Garner
1/20/23 12 WFs by Cindy
3/20/24 Called Cindy. Still has 10 copies
Cindy Norton Acting Mgr. Campground
256-247-1184 Camp Store
256-247-5466 x8 Park Office
256-247-6971 Marina
WFs: 5,12 David Barr, Mgr. Saw book, loves it
256-247-5461 x8 Administration
Deborah Dabbs Gen Mgr. Sent copy. Loves it
Felicia Turner Convention Sales Mgr.
256-247-5466  x5 Felicia or x2 (Admin Offices)  x0 operator
John James Audubon State Park Museum Gift Shop  Attention: Raini Hall, 3100 US Highway 41 N, Henderson, KY 42420 Feb 19
3-year cycle
3/24/21  8 Wfs by Raini
5/16/23 Talked to Cathy. Still has a few copies
4/22/24 Talked to Cathy. Has 2 left
Cathy Newell
x2 gift shop
WFs: 8  
Joy of Books
242 Main Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
June 7 11/29/21 5 WFs, 20 HWSs by Joye
7/29/22 Still has enough of each
Joye McGinnis,
WFs: 5
Previous consignment agreement of 60/40%
Email for new orders.
Jonathan's "The Bear Necessities"
733 Parkway, Gatlinburg, TN 37738
Sept 6
2 year cycle
2/3/23 6 WFs by Debbie
8/16/23 Send reorder email to Debbie. Reply still have 5
5/14/24 Called. Debbie checked. Still ok on book
Debbie Fleming, owner (off on Thursdays)
WFs: 6  
Justin P. Wilson Cumberland Trail State Park Gift Shop
270 Glyph Parkway, Pikeville TN 37367
Sept 5 4/10/24 3 WFs by Teresa. Anthony Jones, Park Mgr.
Teresa Kemmer
WFs: 3 Small Gift shop located in Cumberland Scenic Trail offices that are inside Cove Lake State Park. Teresa was concerned that they do not get a lot of foot traffic but was willing to try book

Kaleideum North Gift Shop
400 West Hanes Mill Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105  

April 29
2 year cycle
2/3/23 12 WFs by Christy
Resent reorder email to Christy
4/30/24 Reply from Christy: Hi Lee-Thanks for checking in.
We re good for now.Thank you so much.Christy
Christy Ferguson -Buyer
336-714-7105 Christy
336-767-6730 x1000 Welcome Desk
WFs: 12 Kaleideum Downtown 336-723-9111
Kaleideum North Giftshop only at Kaleideum North
Kanawha State Forest Gift Shop
7500 Kanawha State Forest Drive, Charleston WV 25314
March 7 4/19/23 3 WFS by Jessica Dolin -WVCBS Jane Roberts, Gift Shop Manager
WFs: 3  
Katahdin Woods & Waters National Monument          
Kattatinny Point Visitor Center
1 I-80, Columbia, NJ 07822
Kentucky Dam Village State Resort Park Gift Shop
113 Administration Dr., Calvert City, KY 42044
April 10 5/10/21 12 WFs by Dori
9/8/22 12 WFs by Dori
4/12/24 12 WFs by Scot
Scot Ratzlaff, Handles gift shop
WFs: 12,12,12  
Keowee Toxaway State Park Gift Shop
108 Residence Drive, Sunset, SC 29685
March 5 9/1/20 5 WFs by Josh
2/28/22 5 WFs by Josh
9/82/22 5 WFs by Josh
2/9/24 5 WFs by Brenden
Brenden Franklin, Gift Shop
WFs: 5,5,5,5  
Kerr Lake State Recreation Area Visitor Center Gift Shop
6254 Satterwhite Point Road, Henderson, NC 27537
April 5 1/15/21 2 WFs by Bryce, returned completed NC W9 form as requested by Bryce.Completed W9 form in State & Vendors Forms file in BOOKS on desktop.
9/1/22 Talked to
Jeanelle. Bryce retired. Agreed I would send her email which I did so she can talk to her superintendent about a reorder.
9/27/22 Talked to Jeanelle. Nice Lady. New superintendent coming and everything up in the air. Agreed I would check in spring
5/18/23 Talked to Jeanelle. Not doing anything with inventory. Short staffed. Slow go with this place... Agreed I would check in the fall to see if they are restocking for spring
9/29/23 Talked to Jeanelle. Told me to check in spring for possible reorder
4/9/24 Talked to Jeanelle. Told me to call in a month when her superintendent comes back from vacation. Convinced her to get copies I think. Nice lady.
5/6/24 Talked to Jeanelle. Not buying anything this year. Told me to call next spring
Jeanelle Johnson Office Mgr. and gift shop
252-438-7791 Gift Shop
WFs: 2 2/10/20 Talked to Vernon Price, Purchasing Officer for NC State Parks and suggested they pay by cc for small orders, or use NC Eprocurement system
Kincade Lake State Park Country Store
565 Kincaid Park Road, Falmouth, KY 41040
May 1 5/14/24 12 WFs by David David Billings, Park Mgr  Very nice man
859-654-3531 x1 Park Office x4 Country Store
859-654-1248 Campground  
WFs: 12 Opens in March 15 to Nov 1
Kingdom Come State Park Gift Shop
502 Park Road, Cumberland, KY 40823
March 20 3/8/21 10 WFs by Sherry
10 WFs by Sherry
8/30/23 10 WFs by Sherry
3/7/24 10 WFs by Sherry
2/12/24 Emailed and snailmailed past due invoice  3299 #123.70  8/31/23
3/5/24 Resent past due invoice 
3/7/24 Talked to Sherry. Payment went out today.
Sherry Cornett -Director -Sweet lady

606-589-4138 Sherry's office
WFs: 10,10,10,10  
Kings Dominion Camp Wilderness KOA Store
10061 Kings Dominion Blvd. Doswell, VA 23047
March 12 7/5/23 Sent Nikki WFs
8/8/23 Sent followup email to Nikki
9/13/23 Resent followup email after leaving voice mail
10/23/23 Sent followup email for Nikki after leaving detailed voice mail
11/2/23 Sent one more email.
11/7/23 Talked to Rosie. Rosie will leave note for Nikki to check email. Resent email.
11/9/23 Reply from Nikki: I did receive a copy of your book, thank you for sending that to me. At this time, we are not interested in selling this in our lodge Please email me next year for consideration.
4/10/24 Sent followup email to Nikki
4/22/24 Resent followup email to Nikki
800-562-4386 KOA 
804-876-3500 x2 Front Desk & Store
Nikki Balderson, Manager of KOA store  Email Only
804-876-5000 Kings Dominion x2 Human Resources
804-876-3006 x2 Front Desk and Store
  Kings Dominion’s Official KOA Campground
Kinney's Country Store & Bar
25 Main St, Cross Fork, PA 17729
Sept  5 1/5/25 4 WFn by Brenda 570-923-0459
and Jeffery Kinney  Owners
WFn: 4 Selection of books, nature books, photos show kids stuff
Kokopelli Book Shop
4130 Memorial Hwy, Dallas, PA 18612
    570? -674-3778    
Kramer, Nan-Town and Mountain Realty
27 Maney Branch Road, Weaverville, NC 28787
Jan 1 1/3/22  10 GB by Nan
1/2/23 Reorder email sent
1/4/24 Sent reorder email
1/1/25 Sent reorder email
Delete if no reorder in 2025
Kress Emporium
19 Patton Avenue, Asheville NC 28801
    Rose Felstein
  See Consignment page
Kumbrabow State Forest Gift Shop 
219/16 Kumbrabow Road (PO Box 65) Huttonsville WV 26273
March 7 7/22/19 10 WFs ordered by Rob
8/14/23 Talked to Sara. Checked and out of books
Stuart Peters, Supt.
WFs: 10 Ship media mail to PO Box 65
Closes during winter
L.L. Bean
95 Main St, Freeport, ME 04032
Jan 10

8/1/24 Sent book and Introductory cover with history of book,  photos, Book cover, brochure to: LL Bean Home Product Development, C/O LL Bean Inc., 15 Castor Street Maine, Freeport Maine 04033   Should hear by 6-8 weeks.

207-552-2000 Corporate x6 Vendor Information
800-441-5713 x1 Customer Service
877-755-2326 x5 Freeport Store 
207-552-7772  Freeport Station Outlet Store
877-655-2326 Ellsworth Store
Lake Cumberland State Park The Perch
5465 State Park Road, Jamestown, KY 42629
Feb 8 7/14/20 6 WFs by Cadylee. Paid by credit card
3/8/22 10 WFs by Cadylee. Paid by credit card
8/21/23 Sent reorder email to Cadylee
9/14/23 Resent reorder email to Cadylee
3/8/24 Resent reorder email to Cadylee
3/11/24 Reply from Cadylee: I have been in and out of the office the past few weeks, so I apologize if it has been hectic trying to reach me! I will start ordering in April!
4/24/24 Followup email to Cadylee
5/15/24 Resent followup email to Cadylee and left voice message
7/8/24 Resent followup email to Cadylee and left voice message
7/18/24 Resent followup reorder email to Cadylee
8/14/24 Talked to Braden in The Perch. They have 2 copies
8/l4/24 Resent reorder to Cadylee
Cadylee Coffey Mgr, Administrative Specialist II 
270-343-3111 x0 or x1 Guest Services 
WFs: 6,10  
Lake Guntersville State Park Gift Shop
1155 Lodge Drive, Guntersville, AL 35976
March 1
3 year cycle
11/18/21  6 WFs by Jamie Allen
9/14/23 Sent a new reorder email
9/15/23 Reply from Jamie: Not at this time. We still have a couple of those left from the original 6.
9/4/24 Talked to Hannah. Sent Hanna reorder email
Heather McCann, Park Operations (Sent WFs)

256-571-5440 x7 x5 (Heather)
Lori Jepson Mgr. Campground Store
Sone Kornegay, Gen Mgr. of Lodge 
x6 Lodge
Hannah Patterson-Lodge Gift shop
Jamie Allen Administrative Support Assistant
WFs: 6 Campground Store and Lodge Gift shop
Lake James State Park Gift Shops
2229 Lake James State Park Road,  Nebo, NC 28761
May 14 2/8/22 10 GB &10 WFs by Shelby
9/12/22 Sent Shelby reorder email
4/28/23 Sent Shelby Reorder email
5/4/23 Reply from Shelby: Good afternoon, Lee.
I apologize for the delay in getting back to you. We’re doing hiring interviews, so it has been busy. Thank you for reaching out to me about reordering your books. We still currently have stock left from our last order. When we get closer to running out, I’ll get in touch with you about a restock.
5/21/24 20 GB by Shelby. Still has some copies of WFs
Ranger Clay Veasey
828-584-7728 x1

Shelby Longgrear,
Administrative Specialist, Really nice
WFs: 10
GB: 10,20
2 gift shops at Paddy's Creek & Catawba River
Lake Opechee Inn and Spa Gift Shop
62 Doris Ray Court, Laconia NH 03246
April 30 5/21/24 Sent Becky WFn
Sent followup email to Becky
7/3/24 Resent followup email to Becky with voice message
7/5/24 Reply from Becky: Thank you so much for your email! Sorry I have missed your phone calls the last couple times. We have been super busy here at the Inn and Spa so I have been stretched a little thin between departments. I am hoping to sit down with my direct boss to look and chat about the book your sent over and see if it’s something we would like to bring into the gift shop. Soon as we do, I will reach back out!
7/31/24 Sent followup email to Becky
10/29/24 Called again. Said she will if contact me if they decide to carry it.
Call one more time. If no delete
Becky Wing, Gift Shop Mgr.
Leana's Books & More
1911 Leesburg Grove City Rd #535, Grove City, PA 16127
Feb 18 12/14/24 Sent Vince email
1/29/25 Sent followup email
If no order or reply, delete
Vince Hilliard 
Co-Owner  in and out
  Western PA
Leatherwood Mountains Gift Shop
512 Meadow Road, Ferguson, NC 28624
Sept 2 9/25/19 12 WFs by Abbie
12 WFs by Abbie
9/22 12 WFs by Abbie
10/25/23 12 WFs by Abbie
11/11/24 Called. Still has 10 copies
Abbie Hanchey  Owner
WFs: 12,12,12,12  
Letterpress Books & Gifts
91 Auburn St Ste K, Portland, ME 04103
Feb 10 11/27/24 Sent email to Katherine Osborne
1/27/25 Talked to Katherine. Sent followup email. Had not seen previous. Interested. Offered 40%
Katherine Osborne
Liberty Nature Center
PO BOX 3746, West Somerset, KY 42564
(942 Bridge Hollow Rd, Somerset, KY 42503)
Oct 15 3/12/20 Sent Francis WFs
7/23/20 Talked to Francis. Never got it. she was interested in seeing a copy so i resent her WFs, and ageed I would contact her in March. they are shut down now because of Covid
7/23/20 Resent Francis WFs
Emailed Francis
4/27/21 Email from Francis: We will not be using in our facility we found some errors with facts on white tail deer. Loved the drawings though  (sent with no name!)
4/2721: Talked to Francis. Asked her to send me error facts about deer. 3 months ago discussed with staff.
Once I get that, make correction and then call her again. If she still doesn't order, then send critique email...
Francis Carter, CEO
Lift Bridge Book Shop
45 Main St, Brockport, NY 14420
Sept 29 1/27/25  2 WFn by Sarah 585-637-2260
Sarah Bonczyk  Owner
WFn: 2 Near Rochester
Will display them in her Adirondack section
Linville Falls General Store
PO Box 115, 8896 NC-183, Linville Falls, NC 28647
Oct 24 9/13 22 Talked to Martha. Told me to talk to Jeff Cordell, manager who handles buying.
9/13/22 Talked to Jeff. Would like to see a copy. Have a nice little book section. Sent WFs to Jeff
Lots of difficulty dealing with this clueless clown Jeff Cordell. Gave up after multiple tries.  Follow up in 2027 to see if they have new manager and try again
Martha Piercy, Owner
828-765-1342 General Store
Little Beaver State Park Gift Shop
1402 Grandview Rd, Beaver, WV 25813
March 7 5/11/23 Sent WFs to John. If interested, contact Jessica Dolin
6/23/23 Talked to John. Loves book and would like copies for gift shop
John Dempsey Superintendent
304-206-8662 cell
Little River Canyon Center Bookstore
4322 Little River Trail NE, Fort Payne AL 35967
April 25
3-year cycle
2/7/20 12 WFs by Anna.
4/25/24 12 WFs by Anna
Anna Lindsey, Buyer
256-845-3548  Call Tues-Sat
WFs: 12,12 Budget starts in October
Pays by cc
Email Paid Invoice and include copy with books
Does display face out
Little Village Toy and Book Shop
81 B Main Street, Littleton NH 03561
June 4 11/26/24 3 WFn by Stacey Stacey   Book Buyer
WFn: 3  
Lodges at Cresthaven Gift Shop  
3210 Lake Shore Drive, Lake George NY 12845
July 11 5/6/24 Talked to Jayne. Book sounds interesting. Will pass on to group that makes decisions. Sent Jayne WFn
Sent Jayne followup email
7/11/24 Resent followup email with voice mail
7/12/24: Email from Jayne: Hello Lee, Thank you for sending your book. It is a very nice book. At this time we are not planning on placing an order but I will keep your contact information for the future. Best,Jayne
Try one more time
Jayne Moskal, Mgr
518-668-3332 x0
Longfellow Books
One Monument Way, Portland, ME 04101
Feb 21 11/27/24 Called. Was told to email buyer Sarah. Sent email to Sarah
1/29/25 Talked to Sarrah. Had flagged email. Would take a look. Gave her sales pitch, 40%
1/29/25 Resent email with 40%
If no order or reply, delete
Sarah (Sarr rah) Shzad
Lost River State Park Gift Shop
321 Park Drive, Mathias WV 26812
March 7 8/9/19 11 WFs ordered by Mike Foster
8/14/23 Talked to Teresa. Out
Colby Caldwell, Superintendent
No manager for gift shop, staffed by clerks
WFs: 11  
Luray Caverns Corporation
88 Cave Hill Road, Luray, VA 22835
Mailing Address:
PO Box 748, Luray, VA 22835
June 10 11/18/20 24 WFs by Shawn
2/18/22 24 WFs by Shawn
10/21/23 36 WFs by Shawn  -to be shipped Feb 2024
Shawn Painter, Buyer and Gift Shop Mgr.
540-743-6551 x2225 (Shawn)
x0 Receptionist -> gift shop for inventory check and then email Shawn
 -gift shop employee
WFs: 24,24 500,000 visitors per year.
Call gift shop to determine inventory and then email Shawn for reorder
Lyman Run State Park Complex
454 Lyman Run Road, Galeton, PA 16922
April 30 4/10/24 Talked to Susan Schenck. Really nice. Also an author of nature book. Agreed I would send her some copies and information and she would approach appropriate persons in the parks associated with the Lyman Run State Park complex of parks.
4/10/24 Sent Susan WFn and supply of rack cards
6/25/24 Sent followup email to Susan
6/26/24 Talked to Susan. Got book. Really likes it. Still working the problem and will followup with person who handles gift shops.
7/26/24 Talked to Susan. Gift Shops only sell stuff under $10. Had discussion about how stupid that policy was. She said she would retry and see if they might try a few. Agreed I would call in a month
Sent followup email to Susan
10/30/24 Resent followup email to Susan
2/54/25 Talked to Susan. Remembered book, needs to talk to another person. Asked me to check in April
Susan Schenck  Lead Environmental Education Specialist
x4 Environmental Education Specialist
  Parks in Lyman Run Complex:
Lyman Run State Park
Paterson State Park
Cherry Springs State Park
Denton Hill State Park
Colton Point State Park
Hills Creek State Park
Made In Maine Gift Shops
Rangeley Made In Maine

2501 Main Street,
Rangeley ME
  Only really made in Maine?
2/4/25 Left message to call me
207-479-5500   Dirigo Gifts Skowhegan
40 Dane Ave, Skowhegan, ME
Kingfield Made in Maine
256 Main Street, Kingfield, ME
Main Street Books
2 E Main St, Frostburg, MD 21532
Nov 26 12/29/24 12 WFn by Jenn 301-689-5605
Jenn Porter Owner  
Really nice
WFn: 12 Only bookstore in Maryland mountains
Blue Ridge and Bear Pond Mountains
Maine Country Woods
37 Old Orchard St, Old Orchard Beach, ME 04064
  2/7/25 called. call did not go through 207-636-7135   Gift Shop
Maine Wildlife Park Nature Store
56 Game Farm Road, Gray, ME 04039
April 18 7/19/24 Sent WFn to Howie
Sent followup email to Howie
9/9/24 Resent followup email to Howie
11/12/24 Left voice message to call me
207-822-6460 x6 x1 Main Office
Howie Powell  Superintendent
Maine Dept of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife
207-287-8000 x3
State Run by Maine Dept of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife but not state funded
Season Nov -April
Mainely Mercantile
690 Main St, Bangor, ME 04401
    207-570-7799   Also in Bangor Not So Empty Nest Gift Shop
MainStreet Bookends of Warner
PO 278, 16 E Main St, Warner, NH 03278
Nov 24 12/7/24 12 WFn by Katherine 603-456-2700
Katherine Nevins
WFn: 12  
Malaprop's Bookstore
55 Haywood Street, Asheville, NC 28801
March 6 June 2017 12 GB
July 2017 12GB, 5WF
July 2017 20 GB
Feb 2018 10GB
May 2018 5WFh and 15 GB by Justin Justin Also talked to Carolyn and she will send me email list of employees to give copies of WFh to
Aug 2018 5WFh and 15GB ordered by Justin
Nov 2018 Order #81386. 10 WFh and 10 GB
Feb 2019 5 GB, 3 WFh
June 2019 10GB, 5WFh
11/8/19  Reorder email to Justin. Mentioned WFs now
10 GB, 10 Wfs by Justin
8/7/21 10GB, 5WFs by Justin   PO#91262
9/25/21 10GB, 8WFs by Justin PO#91816
2/18/22 10GB, 8 WFs by Justin
8/12/22 8 WFs and 12 GB by Justin Order #95280  Credited $21.95 for overcharging on 2/18/22 order
11/29/22 10 WFs and 5 GB by Justin
2/6/23 15 WFs and 10 GB
7/29/23 12 WFs and 12 GB by Justin PO#98929
12 WFs and 12 GB by Justin PO#100829
8/2/24 12 WFs and 12 Gb by Justin PO#102295
Justin Souther -Senior Buyer -Bookstore Manager 
Accounts Payable:
Linda Marie Mgr.
Alsace Young-Walentine Author Events Coordinator 


WFs: 5,10,3,5,10, 5, 8,8,810,15,12,12,12
$15.50 shipping
Mangy Moose
112 Main St, Freeport, ME 04032
March 3 1/7/25 Sent Susan WFn 800-606-6517
Susan Culkins  Owner
  Sell nature books
Martini, Jason KW Professionals - Asheville
New Earth AVL Realty
48 Grove St. Asheville, NC 28801
Jan 1 2018: 11 GB by Jason
1/13/22 11 GB by Jason
25 12 GB by Jason
GB: 11,11,12  
Massanutten Resort Market and General Store
1850 Meadow Vista Lane, Mcgaheysville, VA 22840
Feb 20
2 year cycle
9/25/19 20 WFs ordered by Don Henk
12/20/21 20 WFs by Don
8/28/24 Talked to Brandy. Sent her informational reorder email as requested 
8/28/24 Reply from Brandy: Hi Lee, Thank you. I have received this email and will look into a reorder.
9/4/24 Reply from Brandy:
Thanks for following up and Don let me know you gave him a call.   We are still evaluating carry books again and I will let you know once we have a better idea of the direction. Best, Brandy 
9/4/24 Sent followup email to Brandy reminding her that they have sold 40 books @$5.68 profit each.
Brandy Adams  Retail Manager
Jennfier Zirkle  Manager General Store
540-289-9441 (General Store)
WFs: 20, 20 2 stores. Market and General Store
Seems to be 2 year ordering cycle at 20 bks
Mast General Stores
15 Biltmore Avenue, Asheville NC 28801
200 Punkin Center, Highway 194, Valle Crucis, NC 28691
Sept 17
3-year cycle

7/17/19   12 WFs PO #TSP717PTL
9/26/22   12 WFs PO #ET0926PTL
9/14/23 Sent reorder email to Elijah
10/9/23 Resent reorder email to Elijah
10/17/23 Email from Teresa: Good Morning, Lee.
Thank you for reaching out. At this time – and for the foreseeable future - our book budget and space is exhausted. We will contact you if and when that changes.I appreciate your understanding.T hank you for your time and help. Kind Regards,Teresa

Teresa Plaag,  Book Buyer 
828-963-6511 Valle Crucis

Elijah Tomlinson,
Assistant Buyer
828-963-6511, ext. 9811 Elijah
WFs: 12,12 No longer will carry GB.
Email both Teresa with invoice and place one with order
Ship Media to Asheville Store
Mast General Stores
200 Punkin Center, Highway 194
Valle Crucis, NC 28691
Maymont Park Robins Nature Center Gift Shop
1000 Westover Road,
 Richmond, VA 23220
July 29 11/13/23 Sent copies to Will Avery and Joann Sims
12/15/23 Talked to Joann. Still needs to talk to Will. Super excited about book, loves it. They will snail mail an order.
1/31/24 Sent followup emails
4/4/24 Called.  Will is gone. Sent Elizabeth Young copy of WFs
Talked to Elizabeth. Got book. I should contact Peyton Nichols. She may have passed book on to her.
7/3/24 Sent followup email to Peyton
7/25/24 Resent edited followup email to Peyton
8/1/24 Reply from Peyton: Hi Lee, Thank you for reaching out. We will keep this in mind for when order more books for our gift shops.Best, Peyton
Peyton Nichols -Marketing Manager  Just email her
804-525-9000 Maymont
804-358-7168 Environmental & Historical Education
  2 Gift Shops open Fri-Sat-Sun only
Historic Site
Robins Nature Center
Medlock, LeNoir -Realtor
Preferred Properties of Asheville, 39 Woodfin St.
Asheville, NC 28801
Aug 1 1/3024 20 GB by LeNoir LeNoir Medlock
828-691-9981 cell
828-258-2953 office 
GB: 20  
Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park Nature Center Gift Shop
910 Riddick Road, Millington, TN 38053
April 16
3-year cycle @24 books
7/27/20 10 WFs by Crystal
9/15/22 24 WFs by Crystal
3/8/24 Sent Crystal Card
4/17/24 Talked to Crystal. Had not checked out card yet. Agreed I would call in a month. Has 17 books
5/17/24 Sent followup email to Crystal about cards.
Crystal Dajnowski Gift Shop Mgr.
901-876-5215 Park Office & Visitor Center
901-876-6552 Nature Center
James Wilkinson, Park Mgr. 
WFs: 10, 24 The park’s gift shop has Tennessee handicrafts, books on area history, wildlife and plant guides, T-shirts and hats
Melvin L. Newman Wetlands Center Museum Gift Shop
2755 Freeman Rd, Hampton, GA 30228
March 25
4/8/20 Sent Danielle WFs
5/13/20 Talked to Cary Got book. Will show it to her boss and once they reopen get back to me. Might place a small order.
8/28/20 Talked to Cary. Will let Danielle know I checked in. We agreed I would follow up in Feb. they are sort of open now
11/30/20 Received phone message from Danielle. Loves book but cannot order now. Everything closed because of covid. Puzzling message because I had no record of Newman Wetlands Center or having sent WFs.
2/10/21 Emailed Danielle
2/24/21 Talked to Cary. Still not totally open yet. Set her reminder email so she can talk to Danielle
2/25/21 Reply from Cary to my email: I will follow-up with Danielle and get back to you.
Reply from Danielle: I enjoyed your book; however, Newman Wetlands Center is not purchasing any gift shop items now or in the foreseeable future. We’re closed due to COVID and we’re remodeling so our gift shop is not available to guests. I will contact you in the future if we decide that your book would be a good fit for our gift shop.
3/5/21 Talked to Cary. She will call Danielle right now and call me back
3/22/21 Talked to Cary. She will have Danielle call me. Danielle is the one who orders.
3/30/21 Talked to Cary. Will check with Danielle again to call me.
3/31/21 Got message from Danielle to stop calling Cary. Not ordering now as previously stated. this was a confusion on my part as this wetlands center was listed two ways.. Therefore, hold off until 2022 to follow up.

8/1/22 Sent followup email to Danielle
8/19/22 Sent followup email to Danielle and left phone message to check email
8/21/22 Reply from Danielle: You already reached out to me on August 2nd and I informed you that we will not be adding books anytime soon.
Follow up in 2025 one more time. Talk to her in person, remind her she loved the book
Danielle Bunch, Senior Conservationist

770-603-5606  x2 Danielle
Cary Santoyo
Merck Forest & Farmland Center Gift Shop
PO Box 86, 3270 VT Route 315, Rupert, VT, 05768
April 1 11/7/24 3 WFn by Stephanie Stephanie Breed  Buyer for gift shop
x2 x0 Visitor Center front desk
WFn: 3 Non-profit Educational Organization
Micaville Outpost
573 Micaville Loop, Micaville, NC 28714
April 14 3/13/24 Talked to Becky. Would like to see a copy. They do sell books.
4/5/24 Talked to Becky. Got book, will definitely be placing an order once budget opens up.
6/27/24 Sent followup email to Becky, left voice mail
6/27/24 Reply from Becky: Thank you, I'll call you when I'm ready to order.
Becky Derby Curator
  General Store
Not interested in notecards
Middle Tennessee Museum of Natural History Gift Shop (Earth Experience)
816 Old Salem Rd., Murfreesboro, TN 37129
July 24
4 year cycle
9/16/22 12 WFs by Alan
10/4/23 Called. Salesperson checked gift shop. Still has 12
9/13/24 Called. Have 11 copies
Alan Brown, Director
   Gift Shop
WFs: 12 Focuses on fossils.
Books displayed with cover out
Migis (My-gis) Lodge Gift Shop
30 Migis Lodge Rd, South Casco, ME 04077 
March 3 5/21/24 Sent Marcia WFn
Sent followup email to Marcia
7/1/24 Resent followup email to Marcia
7/8/24 Resent followup email to Marcia
7/18/24 Resent followup email to Marcia
8/8/24 Resent followup email to Marcia
8/15/24 Talked to Scott. He will contact Marcia to look for email. Resent followup email to Marcia.
8/18/24 Reply from Marcia: Hi! I appreciate all your messages. The store did all its buying this winter for our short social season. Marcia Davis Director of Aesthetics
8/19/24 Replied back asking her if door is closed and if not, when to recontact her when they order.
9/19/24 Reply from Marcia: Please send one email reminder in March. (No need for calling the front desk they are too busy) Marcia Davis
Marcia Davis, Gift Shop    Monday     Use email
Assistant General Manager
  Sells books
Milan Hill State Park Campground
72 Fire Tower Road, Milan, NH 03588
Mill Mountain Park Zoo Gift Shop
2404 Prospect Road SE, Roanoke, VA 24014
April 30 4/30/24 12 WFs by Rebecca Rebecca Smith, Guest Services Mgr., Gift Shop
WFs: 12 Their gift shop separate from Mill Mountain Discovery Center gift shop. Same general location
Mill River General Store
10 Great Barrington Rd, Mill River, MA 01244
  1/3/25 Talked to Maddy. Undergoing renovations, aiming to reopen end of August.. May have space for local books then. Not now Maddy       Owner
Miller State Park Store
13 Miller State Pk Rd, Peterborough, NH 03458 
    Norma Reppucci  Park Manager
Mirror Lake Inn Resort and Spa in Lake Placid Gift Shop
77 Mirror Lake Dr, Lake Placid, NY 12946
April 18 4/10/24 Sent Victoria WFn
Resent followup email to right email Victoria and left voice mail
8/30/24 Reply from Victoria: Hello Lee, Thank you for your email and sending over the book! As of right now we are on a freeze from bringing in new product---- but will absolutely keep your information on file for future! Thank you again and I hope you have a great week.
8/30/24 Replied to her and told her I would follow up in the spring
Victoria Dow, Spa Gift Shop Mgr.
Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge Gift Shop
29 Tabor Rd, Swanton, VT 05488
April 11 7/29/24 Sent Melanie WFn
Email from Melanie: I received your email through our Friends group. I am currently running the shop at our Refuge.However we are very small ande not staffed during the winter. We do plan on purchasing a few of your books for our shop in the spring. It is beautiful. thanks. We'll be in touch in the spring.
11/15/24 Replied thank you
Melanie Berthiaume (berth-hume)
Friends of Missiquoi National Wildlife Refuge
x3240 Administrative  x3236 Wildlife Mgr.
Mollidgewock State Park Campground 
1437 Berlin Rd, Errol, NH 03579 
Moncove Lake State Park Gift Shop
695 Moncove Lake Access Rd, Gap Mills, WV 24941
March 7 7/31/20 Sent John WFs
10/2/20 Emailed John.
11/18/20 Talked to John. Asked me to call in April for order. He would need to contact Jessica Dolin for order.
4/14/21 Talked to John. Very nice man. Asked me to email him an order form which I did.
9/17/21 Sent followup email to John
2/22/22 Resent followup email to John
4/19/23 Jessica Dolin did not include Moncove Lake SP in big 2023 order (51 books) because park was in transition. Check in 2024
John Demsey, Superintendent
Monadnock State Park Gift Shops
169 Poole Rd, Jaffrey, NH 03452 
    Mary Shotton Asst Park Manager
  Main Store and Dilson Pond Campstore
263 Water Street, Gardiner, ME 04345
March 4 2/7/24 Talked to Clare. Really nice girl. Would love to see a copy. Sent Clare WFn 207-512-4679
Clare Marron Owner
Really nice, talked about monkeys
  Central Maine
Monson General Store  
PO Box 302, 12 Greenville Rd, Monson, ME 04464
Dec 4 1/24/25 12 WFn by Jennifer 207-997-3800
Andrea Kellie Asst Manager
Jennifer Friedrich
Merchandiser -Book Orders
WFn: 12 Have a large selection of books, many natured themed
Mont Vernon General Store
10 N Main St, Mont Vernon, NH 03057
Feb 10 12/30/24 Talked to Dan. Nice man. He told me they sell guides. Agreed to email him. Sent Dan email
1/8/25 Talked to Dan. Didn't see email. Will check spam and text me if it did not come through. If so resend with no attachments
2/6/25 Resent email
Dan Bellemore 
Owner   Nice person
  Sells guidebooks
Montebello Camping & Fishing Resort Country Store
15072 Crabtree Falls Hwy, Montebello, VA 24464
April 15 6/2/20 15 WFs ordered by Christy
6/7/21 15 WFs ordered by Christy

8/25/22 15 WFs by Christy
4/16/24 15 Wfs by Christy
Christy Humphreys, Mgr. 
WFs: 15, 15,15,15  
Montgomery Bell State Park Gift Shop
1000 Hotel Avenue, Burns TN 37029
April 1 10/23/20  4 WFs by Ashley
12/17/20 10 WFs by Ashley
9/23/22 20 WFs by Abby Rial
4/9/24 15 WFs by Faith
Faith Pearlstein -Gift shop
615-797-3101 x0
Lodge and Conference Center
Jackie Herald Visitor Center/Park Office
1020 Jackson Hill Road, Burns, TN 37029
WFs: 4,10,20,15 Gift shop located in lodge.
Montgomery Zoo Gift Shop
2301 Coliseum Parkway Montgomery, AL 36110
March 6 12/20/21 Sent Susan Michener copy of WFs. Got it and interested in ordering
Talked to Crystal Mann who replaced Susan Michener as retail manager and buyer. Explained history. Sent Crystal WFs and agreed following up in Jan would be best since she was swamped with new job and inventory.
1/20/23 Sent Crystal followup email
1/23/23 Reply from Crystal: I did get it. As of right now I do not need any books but I have you on my radar for when that time comes. Thank you for taking the time to send me a copy.
10/16/23 Chrystal no longer works there. Susan is interim manager
1/25/24 Talked to new manager Cathi  Sent her WFs
Talked to Cathi. Got book. On her desk and on her to do list. Agreed I would call in a month
3/25/24 Sent followup email to Cathi
4/9/24 Called Cathi on vacation
4/19/24 Sent followup email to Cathi
4/19/24 Reply from Cathi: Hi Lee,
Sorry, we have been SUPER busy with school groups. We have had some staff changes here at the Zoo, so we are currently on a buying freeze until we get things straightened out
8/21/24 Sent followup email to Cathi
8/21/24 Reply from Cathi: Hi Lee, Not at this time…We are getting ready to head into the end of our Fiscal Year.
8/21/24 Replied to her asking when would be a good time to follow up.
8/22/24 Reply: Probably November
11/25/24 Sent followup email to Cathi
Cathi Nolan Retail Manager and Buyer 
Susan Michener
334-240-4900 Zoo
  Sent Susan Karr WFs 12/20/21 Mann Center Learning Museum gift shop does not sell books
325 E Vandiver Blvd, Montgomery, AL 36110
334-625-4905 -Mann Center
Montreat General Store
PO 969
303 Lookout Road, Montreat, NC 28757
April 16
2-year cycle
4/29/21  6 WFs by Allyson
4/21/23 6 WFs by Jane
May be on a 2-year cycle because of location in Montreat.
4/17/24 Talked to Jane. Still has a few copies. Agreed I would call next spring
Jane Bannerman buyer
WFs: 6,6 Fiscal year ends on April 30. Call in April
Not interested in Montreat Gate cards.
Moose Brook State Park Campstore
30 Jimtown Rd, Gorham, NH 03581
April 22 9/11/24 Talked to him, sell lots of books
9/2424 Sent Jonathan WFn
Talked to Jonathan. Got book. Definite order. Told me to contact him April 22
Jonathan Bergeron Park Manager
Morgan Hill Bookstore
253 Main Street, New London NH 03257
Jan 21 12/6/24 Sent Chris WFn
Sent followup email
1/20/25 Resent followup email to Chris
Chris Miner 
Owner  Best way is email
Morrow Mountain State Park Gift Shop
49104 Morrow Mountain Road, Albemarle, NC 28001
April 1 3/29/20 12 WFs by Karen Ake
10/4/21 25 WFs by Karen
10/12/22 12 WFs by Karen
2/27/23 12 WFs by Lisa
9/5/23 12 WFs by Lisa
3/4/23 12 WFs by Lisa

10/22/14 Called, Ok for now.
Karen Ake, Office Mgr.  Nice lady!
Lisa Eudy
Administrative Assistant
WFs: 12, 25,12,12,12 Pays by cc.

Moosehead Marketplace Online Store
16 Pleasant St, Greenville, ME 04441
  Do they have a bricks and mortar store? 207-280-0817    
Mount Sunapee State Park Campground
86 Beach Access Rd, Newbury, NH 03255
Mount Washington State Park Main Visitor Center Gift Shop
1598 Mt Washington Auto Rd, Sargent's Purchase, NH 03589 
    Retail Manager Patrick Hummel
Mount Washington State Park Observatory Museum Gift Shop     603-356-2137 x8 Retail Shop    
Mount Washington State Park Auto Road Gift Shops     Nick Griffon Retail Manager
  3 Locations: Base Lodge, Little Hideaway and Summit
Mountain Aire Outdoor Discovery Center
PO Box 220, Burnsville, NC 28714
May 28
5-year cycle
Call Nov
7/29/19 10WFs ordered by Kat
2021,22,23 still have copies.
Kat Dunham Naturalist
828-682-4826  x54  
828-682-5600  Guest Services 
WFs: 10 Thanksgiving is their "Christmas" season, when Mountain Aire people do present buying.
Always early Nov
Limited customer base. Just Mountain Aire residents so on 5-year cycle

Mountain Crossings
12471 Gainesville Hwy, Blairsville, GA 30512                           

June 20 4/14/23  6 WFs by Brant
6/21/24 6 WFs by Brant
Brant Bazner,  Manager
706-745-6095  Mountain Crossings
WFs: 6,6 Mountain Crossings and Black Balsam Outdoors are connected stores, both owned by Georganna Seamon. Call each separately for reorders.
Mountain Inn at Killington Gift Shop
47 Old Mill Road, Killington VT 05751
Feb 11 5/18/24 Talked to Emily. Thought the book was a good fit. 5/21/24 Sent Emily WFn
Talked to Emily. Will have to look for book. Agreed I would call Monday
6/26/24 Talked to Emily. Still had not gotten book. Blamed post office. Agreed to send her email. Offered to mail mail book again if she wants.
6/26/24 Sent informational email to Emily
7/11/24 Talked to Emily. Got email. Will be talking to boss tomorrow.
7/26/24 Talked to Emily. Still waiting to hear back from boss
11/14/24 Talked to Emily. Still waiting. Resent email to boss. She purchased a copy on Amazon for baby shower. Agreede I would check back after the holidays if no order
Emily Oakes -nice lady
Mountain Outfitters
903 W Main St., Monteagle, TN 37356
April 7 3/2/22 for 5 WFs by Haynes
4/21/23 Talked to Anne on cell. Nice lady. Was familiar with book. Redoing book section. Will order but probably not for a few months. Sent her reminder email
4/22/23 Reply from Anne: Thanks Lee,  Will be in touch soon.
7/26/23 Sent followup email to Anne
2/24/24 Sent another reorder email to Anne
3/8/24 Resent reorder email to Anne
4/2/24 Resent reorder email to Anne
4/16/24 Talked to salesgirl. She will tell Anne to check email, resent reorder email
5/14/24 Talked to Alicia. Out of books
5/14/24 Sent another reorder email to Anne
5/14/24 Reply from Anne: Thanks for checking in with us. We will reach out to you as soon as we are ready to order.

11/11/24 Reorder email sent to Anne
Haynes Burnett, owner
Anne (AP) Porcher Porchay -Wife of owner
864-706-1575 cell Anne  (to reach Anne)
Store Manager: Alicia
WFs: 5 Call and have Alicia or clerk check inventory before emailing Anne
Mousetail Landing State Park Gift Shop
3 Campground Road, Linden TN 37096
May 28
3-year cycle
8/26/20 12 WFs by John, paid by cc
8/1/22 12 WFs by Bridgett
8/14/23 Talked to Bridget, still has copies
5/29/24 Talked to Bridge, still has 8 copies..
Bridgett Skelton, Secretary
Daniel Burgess, Park Mgr.
WFs: 12,12  
Mt. Rogers Outfitters 
PO Box 546
335 East Laurel Avenue, Damascus, VA 24236
May 9
3-year cycle
5/20/21 12 WFs by Lumpy
7/26/22 Talked to Lumpy. Few copies still on shelf. Agreed I would call in the fall
10/26/22 Talked to Lumpy. Still has some copies. Agreed I would check in spring.
5/19/23 Talked to Lumpy. Still has some copies.
5/10/24 Talked to Lumpy. Still ok on books
Lumpy Price
WFs: 12 Book displayed cover out
Mtn Merch
49 N. Lexington Avenue, Asheville NC 28801

Sept 3

Nov 2 2015: Consigned 10 GB, 3 ASH10 and 3 BE10
March 1 2016 8 BE10, 8 ASH10
April 2016. Changed from consignment to wholesale.11 GB
May 2016 8 GB
Jan 2017 10 GB
April 2018 6 BE10, 6 ASH10, 11 GB, 7 WFh by Marissa
8/18/19 10WFh by Brianna
11/8/19 20WFs by Brianna
9/29/21 40WFs by Mariko Walker via text
4/6/22 40WFs by Mariko Walker via text
10/9/22 40WFs and 20GB by Jennifer via email
8/9/23 24WFs and 12 GB by Mariko
4/8/24 20 WFs by Mariko via text
12/2/24 20WFs and 10GB by Mariko via email

Mariko (Mare Re Ko) Jennifer Walker, Owner
828-785-1498  49 N. Lexington Ave
828-230-5988 -Mariko cell
Beka Thompson  Mariko's sister
Talluah Lexington Store associate

Include these payment option on all invoices in Customer Payment Options section
Check (Preferred)
PayPal/Venmo -Text Your Venmo Account # to 828-779-1569

GB: 11, 8,10,1,20,12,10
7,10, 20,40,40,40,24,20
Twice Mariko has not paid invoices on time.
My Old Kentucky Home State Park Gift Shop
501 East Stephen Foster Avenue, Bardstown, KY 40004
April 11
3-year cycle
8/5/20 11 WFs by Dee
4/12/22 11 WFs by Dee
4/12/24 Talked to Dee. Still has 7
Dee Clark, Mgr.
502-348-3502  x2 (Gift Shop)
WFs: 11, 11 Fiscal year starts July
Winter Hours Wed-Sun until March
Nantahala Outdoor Center -Asheville
290 Macon Ave, Asheville, NC 28804

Nantahala Outdoor Center -Gatlinburg
1138 Parkway, Gatlinburg, TN 37738-3108

Nantahala Outdoor Center -Bryson City
13077 Hwy 19 West, Bryson City, NC 28713

March 27 3/18/22 12 WFs by Catherine to Bryson City PO#19455 and 12 WFs to Gatlinburg PO#14982
9/16/23 24 WFs by Catherine to Bryson City PO#14984 and 24 WFs to Gatlinburg PO#1954
9/16/24 Sent reorder email to Catherine
Catherine Arthur, Assistant Buyer   Only via email

Bryson City: 828-488-7230
Gatlinburg: 865-277-8209 
WFs: 24,48 send invoices to: 
Natchez Trace State Park Gift Shop
Pin Oak Lodge, 567 Pin Oak Lane, Wildersville TN 38388
August 1
6/16/20 Sent Tiffany Bucham WFs
7/31/20 Talked to Tiffany. Had not seen it. Probably because I sent it to the 24845 address. She said it probably was then rather than the Restaurant where she works. Agreed she would check for it and I would follow up in two weeks. Resend copy if she does not find it.
9/14/20 Resent Tiffany WFs. We talked and I got her excited that it would be coming!
10/6/20 Talked to Tiffany, Got book, on her desk. Things slowing down now so we agreed I would followup in March
3/22/20 Talked to Tiffany, space cadet. Still hadn't talked to the people who do ordering. Will do so and let me know if they want to order.
8/12/22 Talked to Tiffany. Replaced by Natalie Maness
8/12/22 Sent order email to Natalie
8/17/22 Talked to Natalie. Nice girl. Just got copy of WFs from Tiffany. Will check email and get back to me.
8/17/22 Resent order email to Natalie
9/14/22 Talked to Natalie. Under discussion, will check with other person. She thinks ordering now rather than waiting. will order.
10/12/22 Talked to Natalie. They love the book. Will order in the spring
4/14/23 Talked to Natalie. Now on hold buying. Redoing all of the park facilities including new gift shop. We agreed I would check next spring for an order.
4/9/24 Called Gift shop finished and operational
4/10/24 Talked to Natalie. Decison made to tear down building and rebuild new gift shop. Natalie still wants  and told me the process ay take a few years. Agreed I would check in 2026

800-250-8616 Pin Oak Lodge (Gift shop)
731-968-8176 The Western Spur Restaurant
Natalie Maness -Front Office
  Natchez Trace State Park Gift Shop
24845 Natchez Trace Road, Wildersville TN 38388
Natural Bridge State Park Gift Shop
6477 South Lee Highway  (PO Box 57)
Natural Bridge, VA 24578
June 18 4/13/21  30 WFs by Lisa
3/9/23 Talked to Megan, new business mgr. Sent her reorder email
4/22/23 Talked to Rosemarie. Checked. Enough in stock
9/6/24 Talked to Rosemarie. She will check. Sent followup reorder email to Rosemarie.
9/24/24 Talked to Rosemarie. Ok on books
Megan Meadows, Business Mgr.
Rosemarie Camper-Gift Shop
WFs: 30
Natural Tunnel State Park Gift Shop
1420 Natural Tunnel Pkwy, Duffield, VA 24244
March 19
2-year cycle
10/24/22 10 WFs by Ishmael
8/4/23 Sent reorder email to Ishmael
8/21/23 Reply from Ishmael: We still have a few copies of your book. If you want to check back maybe in the spring. thanks
4/2/24 Sent reorder email to Ishmael
4/12/24 Resent reorder email to Ishmael
4/25/24 Resent reorder email to Ishmael with new subject line
6/20/24 Talked to Ishmael. Asked me to send him an email which I did. Apologized for not responding to other emails
7/11/24  Resent email to Ishmael
8/12/24 Resent email to Ishmael
8/27/24 Resent reorder email to Ishmael
9/6/24 Talked to Ishmael.

11/5/24 Sent email end of October when they do revaluation of what sold, etc
Ishmael Richardson, Buyer
276-940-2674  Hard to reach by phone but possible. Reached him on a Thursday afternoon.
WFs: 10  
Nature Express Gift Shop at Oglebay Good Zoo, Olgebay Resort 465 Lodge Dr, Wheeling, WV 26003 March 28 11/19/22 12 WFs by Monica
10/4/23 Sent reorder email to Monica
10/11/23 Reply from Monica: Good morning Lee! Apologies that it took me a bit to get back with you I’ve been trying to catch up with everything since I returned from vacation. Let me get with our new buyer to see about a re-order. She won’t be back until sometime next week as she is getting married this weekend. I will let you know either way! Thanks so much!
Monica Smith
11/14/23 Sent followup email to Monica
11/14/23 Reply from Monica: My apologies. I was so busy getting the shops ready for our Festival of Lights event for the past month I completely forgot to get back to you. The buyer won’t be purchasing any books at this time, but I have your information taped right next to my calendar for when we are ready to order. Thank you for your patience and checking back with me! Have a great day! Monica
6/13/24 Sent reorder email to Monica
6/19/24 Reply from Monica: Good morning Lee!
I spoke with our buyer and she is currently holding off on re-ordering right now. We still have a couple to sell. Thank you for checking in and have a wonderful day! Monica
877-436-1797 Olgebay
304-243-4000 Olgebay Resort
304-243-4035 Nature Express Gift Shop
Karen Waialae (pronounce Wile-eye) Buyer for all Olgebay gift shops
304-243-4011 Karen

Monica Smith -Retail Department -Wheeling Park Commission, Oglebay Retail Dept.
WFs: 12 Invoice to:
Accounts Payable
Wheeling Park Commission
465 Lodge Dr
Wheeling, WV 26003
Neese, Marsha -Realtor
Allen Tate Beverly Hanks, 300 Executive Park, Asheville, NC 28801
Jan 1 2/9/24 -12 GB by Marsha
1/1/25 Sent reorder email
GB: 12  
Neighborhood Books
260 Main St Suite C, Presque Isle, ME 04769
  12/3/24 Talked to Laura. Send email. Will consider buying direct
Send followup email to make sure she got first email before deleting
  Northern Maine near Canadian Border
New Dominion Bookshop
404 E Main St, Charlottesville, VA 22902
July 1 10/13/20 2 WFs by Sarah Valencia. Sent to bookstore attention Julia Kudravetz.
2/26/21 2 WFs by Sarah
12/13/21 4 WFs by Sarah
8/1/23 8 WFs by Sarah

10/31/24 Sent reorder email to Sarah
11/7/24 Reply from Sarah: Hi Lee, Thanks so much for checking in. Our budget is tight right now, so we are going to kindly pass on reordering. All my best, Sarah
Sarah Crossland, buyer
Audrey Parks, Assistant Mgr. (Audrey)  
WFs: 2,2,4,8  
New England Outdoor Center
30 Twin Pines Road, Millinocket ME 04462
April 1 2/29/24 Sent Shorey WFn
Hi Lee Sorry, I did receive your book. Thank you. The book is great, although for this current season I'm all set. Thank you Shorey.
7/9/24 Replied. Said I would check in next spring
Shorey Ewing, Retail
  3 gift shops:
River Driver's Restaurant
Knife Edge Brewing
Penobscot Outdoor Center Campground
Formerly Ktaddn Resorts
New Hampshire Country Store
229 Chocorua Mountain Hwy, Chocorua, NH 03817
Feb 14 12/17/24 Talked to salesgirl Carol. They sell nature themed books.
12/20/24 Sent WFn to Maryanne
Talked to Maryanne. She wanted consignment. I convinced her to try some copies. Asked me to contact her in later April after winter season. Spending stopped at moment.
1/25/25 Reply from Maryanne: Hi Lee, Thank you for considering my store for your beautiful books. Unfortunately, for now I'm going to pass.As far as pricing for books, I work on a 40+% profit margin policy, with no minimums, unless they are on consignment.
1/25/25 Replied to Maryanne. Offering 40% on any quantity and book refund if books dont sell
Maryanne Canfield  
  Bookstore Rates: 40% and quantity, and buy back any books that do not sell
New Hampshire State Parks Retail Department & Online Store
172 Pembroke Road, Concord, NH 03301
Feb 10 9/10/24 Talked to Jane. She called me back after voice message to do so. Many parks have gift shops, primarily those with campgrounds. She manages a few and also their online store. Sent Jane copy of WFn.
Phone message from Jane. Got book, loves it and so appreciative. Will talk to supervisor about book and hopefully will send an order for Christmas and state park website
11/6/24 Sent followup email to Jane
11/20/24 Reply from Jane:  Good afternoon Lee,
I did speak to Grant Goulet, my supervisor a few times and the last time was yesterday.He has been quite busy.
He has looked through the book you sent here, and I told him we should try a few. I  also asked for the book back since you signed it to me and I will cherish it. Sincerely, Jane
1/10/25 Sent followup email to Jane
603-271-3556 x4 New Hampshire Parks Dept
Jane Carey Assistant Retail Manager
Grant Goulet  Retail Manager
  Central Region: 603-227-8745
Mount Washington State Park:
South Region: 603-485-1031
Franconia Notch State Park: 603-485-1031
Great Woods North Region: 603-466-221
New River State Park Gift Shop
358 New River State Park Road,
Laurel Springs, NC 28644
August 29 3/15/21 12 WFs by Wendy PO#72783
8/11/22 12 WFs by Wendy PO#85159
8/14/23 Called, still has 7 copies
8/9/24 Talked to Wendy Still has 10 copies....
Wendy Mahaffey, Administrative Associate
WFs: 12,12 Works with two gift shops
Newport/Smoky Mountains KOA Gift Shop
240 KOA Lane, Newport, TN 37821
  8/9/23 Talked to Cheryl. KOA recently bought, still making decisions. Will show it to owners. Sounds interesting.
Sent Cheryl WFS
Talked to Cheryl. Showed it to owners. No buying anything now. Redoing gift shop. Cheryl and I agreed to check next summer.
8/30/24 Called. Still redoing. Cheryl no longer manager.
Willis , Manager
Next Chapter Bookstore
248 North Main Street, Suite 2, Barre, VT 05641
March 19 11/22/24 Talked to Cynthia. Sent WFn
Talked to Cynthia. Got book. Will be looking at it.
1/17/25 Called Cynthia. Still had not looked at it yet. Told her 40%
Cynthia Durpey
Next Venture Outdoors
190 N. Broad Street, Brevard, NC 28712
May 16 2025
2-year cycle
9/10/20 4 WFs by Jamie
3/19/21 4 WFs by Jamie
11/7/23 4 WFs by Jamie
Jamie Riddick, owner
WFs: 4,4,4, Carries local books
Nolin Lake State Park Gift Shop
2998 Brier Creek Road, Mammoth Cave, KY 42259
April 17 3/30/21 Sent Carlet WFs
Sent followup email to Carlet
5/28/21 Reply from Carlett: I did get your book and it’s great! It has many animals that are inside our nature center which is really rare…because we have sugar gliders which are very similar to the northern flying squirrel! I was impressed! I will know here in the next couple weeks whether I have any money left to order some on this year’s budget. In July we get new budget money and I do plan to order some books for our resale items!! Thank you for touching base and I hope to be placing an order in the coming months.
9/17/21 Sent Carlet followup email
1/28/21 Talked to Carlet, asked for reminder email. Budget opens up in Feb. Will order
1/28/21 Sent Carlet reminder email
8/2/22 Sent followup email
9/16/22 Resent followup email and left voice mail to check email
4/19/23 Talked to Carlet. Still interested and now just getting things back to normal after storm. Sent her reminder email she thought would be good.
4/26/23 Reply from Carlet: Hi Lee, Thank you for the reminder. We will have to await for our next budget starting in August to look at possibly placing an order. Thanks for reaching out again and we hope you have a great week ahead.
8/7/23 Sent reminder email to Carlet
8/22/23 Resent reminder email to Carlet
9/13/23 Resent email and left voice mail
10/11/23 Talked to gift shop. Girl said she would tell Carlet to call me today.
4/9/24 Sent email to Carlet
4/17/24 Talked to Carlet. Still will order book but now expanding gift shop. Agreed I would check next spring
Carlet (Car-lay) Hagan, Mgr.
Best way to reach her is email
270-286-4240 Gift Shop
270-702-0151 Carlet
Nonesuch Books & More
50 Market St, South Portland, ME 04106
Feb 14 12/6/24 Sent Sam WFn
Talked to Sam. Got book. Actually sent her two copies somehow. Likes it and will order. Only 40% Told me to check in a month.
Sam Seidel
Buyer female
  Only 40%
Norma Hoffman Visitors Center at Huntley Meadows Gift Shop
3701 Lockheed Blvd., Alexandria VA 22306
May 19 8/19/24 4 WFs by Lark Lark MacNeil Gift Shop Mgr.
Huntley Meadows Visitor Center
WFs: 4 Typically does only small quantities.
Lark saw my book online prior to my call and was interested in stocking it!
Alice Ferguson Foundation
Norris Dam State Park Gift Shop
125 Village Green Circle, Rocky Top, TN 37769
July 31 9/9/21 6 WFs by Wendy
12/17/21 6 WFs by Wendy
7/20/22  6 WFs by Wendy
4/1/24 8 WFs by Wendy.
4/22/24: 4 cards each by Wendy: Rabbit, Field Mouse, Gray Squirrel, Opossum, Otters, Raccoon, Deer
Wendy Madden, Administrative Assistant
865-425-4549 Wendy
WFs: 6,6,6,8
North Adams Visitor Center
3 Hoosac St, Adams, MA 01220
  Are there state run visitor centers also? 413-743-8300 Adams Town Hall   City center
North Bend State Park Gift Shop 
202 North Bend State Park Road, Cairo WV 26337
March 7 5/2/19 WFs 2 by Melissa
9/10/19 12 WFs by Melissa
4/19/23 6 WFs by Jessica Dolin -WVCBS
Kristi Steed Gift Shop Mgr.
304-643-2931 x0 x305 Kristi
WFs: 2,12,5  
North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences at Contentnea Creek
949 Contentnea Ln., Grifton, NC 27530

North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences at Greenville
729 Dickinson Ave., Greenville NC 27834

July 15 2026 2/8/23 Sent WFs to Emily at Greenville museum
Talked to Emily. Because of their location not going to carry WFs. Loves the book. However, excited about possibility of WFc. Send her copy when available.
Emily Jarvis, Director for both facilities, really nice
North Carolina Zoo Society Gift Shop
Warehouse, 3733 Old Coxe Road
Asheboro NC 27205
March 4 10/31/23 12 WFs by Mona  PO# MONA1-24
8/27/24 Sent reorder email to Mona
11/7/24 Resent reorder email to Mona

David Whitaker Director of Retail NC Zoological Society  336-879-7269
Mona Ghorab Buyer  Hard to reach.
336-879-7265 -Mona  For Reorders
336-879-7267 Gift Shop
Linda Hobbs Asst Mgr. Nice lady

Call Linda in gift shop to check inventory. 336-879-7250 x0 Zoo 
Katie Fox  Finance Dept  336-879-7289
WFs: 12 Purchases only in October
NC Zoo Staff Directory
North Star Inn & Resort Bear Essentials Store
78 Weathervane Drive, Killington, VT 05751
Sept 10 9/6/24 12 WFs, 12 WFs by Melissa Melissa Romano  Store Manager
WFn: 12
WFs: 12
Northstar Variety
204 New Sweden Rd., New Sweden  ME 04762
Aug 15 12/20/24 Talked to David. They do sell books, only nature themed ones.
12/21/24 Sent David WFn
Talked with Sara. Not at this time, got book but would consider it later. Agreed I would check in late Summer during busier season
David Anderson  Co-owner with wife Sara
Northwoods on Main Gifts
95 Main St, Lancaster, NH 03584
Norwich Bookstore
PO Box 307, 291 Main St, Norwich, VT 05055
Feb 10 11/22/24 Talked to owner Sam. Will show book to buyers. Sent WFn
12/11/24 Sent followup email to Sam
1/8/25 Resent followup email to Sam
1/22/25 Talked to buyer Emma. Not familiar with book. We agreed I would email her. She is the buyer. Sent followup email to Emma
Sam Kaas -Owner
Oak Mountain State Park Gift Shop
200 Terrace Dr, Pelham, AL 35124
May 27 12/28/22 24 WFs by David David Johnson, Park Manager
205-620-2520 x8
Mary Lee -Office Reservations Supervisor
WFs: 24  
Oblong Books
6422 Montgomery St Suite 6, Rhinebeck, NY 12572
Feb 24 12/6/24 Sent Suzanna email 845-876-0500 Rhinebeck Store
Millerton store
Suzanna Hermans
  Upper Hudson River, near Catskills
Millerton Store on Ct  border
O'Hurley's General Store
205 E. Washington St, Shepherdstown, WV 25443
Feb 5 1/10/25 Talked to Geneviege. They sell nature books. Sent her copy of WFs 304-876-6907
Geneviege O'Loughlin
 -Manager and buyer
Old Salem Museums and Gardens
600 South Main Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Feb 26 Customer since 2004
Sept 2015
50 Church1 ,25 Bakery1, 25 Tavern1 25 SBros1 25 by LouAnn
April 2016
25 Church1 ,25 Bakery1, 25 Tavern1 25 SBros1 25 by LouAnn
July 2018
25 Church1 ,25 Bakery1, 25 Tavern1 25 SBros1 25 by LouAnn
Nov 2018
100 Church1 by LouAnn
July 2019 25 Bakery1, 25 Tavern1, 25 SB1 by LouAnn
11/8/19: 75 Church, 50 Winkler, 25 Tavern email order by LouAnn

9/21/22 Reply from Pat: Hi Lee We’re still at a good inventory level with your cards. I will look at it again mid-October; I should be ready to order then.
7/7/23 Sent followup email to Pat
7/9/23 Reply from Pat: We’ve had more reorganizing going on, which is now completed. I hadn’t forgotten about your cards; was holding off from purchasing until everything had settled down. And I’m fully aware your cards have sold through the years. When I write the order, I will only be purchasing the Single Brothers, Winkler, and Home Church cards. We are not currently using the Tavern building with no plans for it being opening in the near future or beyond, so that card is no longer relevant.
10/20/23 Sent reorder email to Pat
6/11/24 Sent reorder to Pat
8/19/24 Resent reorder to Pat
9/20/24 Resent reorder after leaving voice message
Pat Albert  Retail Director
336-721-7350 x1 Visitor Center/Main Number
336-499-7976 Pat Direct
Church1: 50,25,25,100,75
Bakery1: 25,25,25,25,50
SB1: 25,25,25,25,25
Discontinued OSA10, Totes, Prints, Tavern1
Always email for reorders
Old Stone Fort State Archaeological Park Gift Shop
732 Stone Fort Drive, Manchester, TN 37355
July 31 2026
3-year cycle
6/8/20 2 Wfs by Sarah
11/16/20 3 Wfs by Sarah (former mgr)
12/13/21 Sent new mgr Andrea reorder email
12/14/21 Reply from Andrea: Thank you for checking in. Since I am new I would not have had your contact info otherwise. I checked my inventory and I still have some in stock. But, I will get in touch with you when I do need some.
9/9/22 Talked to Andrea. Said she had 7 in stock. Puzzling since she must have gotten some copies from Tricia.
10/10/23 Talked to Andrea. Rotates books around. Displays in children's section. Has some copies still. Agreed I would check next year.
8/27/24 Talked to Andrea. Still has 5
Andrea Turner, Mgr.
931-461-7676 x0
WFs: 2, 3 Displays them in children's section. Does rotate them around so they are displayed flat and visible.
Olana Visitor Center and Museum Store
Olana State Historic Site, 5720 State Route 9G, Hudson, NY 12534
    518-828-1872 Main Office
518-828-0135 NY State Parks office
518-751-0344 Olana Partnership Ticketing & Information
The Olana Partnership
PO Box 199, Hudson, NY 12534
  Catskllls. Frederick Church Estate
Run by Olana Partnership
Oliver & Friends Bookshop
150 Main Street, Waterville ME 04901
Omni Mount Washington Resort -Critters
 310 Mount Washington Hotel Road, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, 03575 


Omni Bedford Springs Resort Bedford Market 2138 Business 220, Bedford, PA 15522

  5/6/24 Sent WFn to Katie Buford Sent 4 unanswered followup emails
12/3/24 Email from Brandon  :Hello Lee Sorry for the late reply. Katie has been out on maternity leave. She has also transitioned into golf buying for us. I’ve taken over the marketplace area. Can you send me info on the books you offer? Thanks Brandon
12/4/24 Replied to Brandon
12/6/24 Reply from Brandon: Thanks for passing this along.  Unfortunately we will have to pass at this time.  I checked sales and we just don’t sell enough to keep reordering at the moment.
12/10/24 Sent one last email reply to Brandon requestinghe ry Omni Mount Washington hotel based on GPI sales.
Try again in 2028 if new Retail Buyer
814-623-8100 x0
Jessica Sims Mgr.

x4 Concierge Mt. Washington Resort
Critters: Children's shop. 603-278-4285
Brandon Guidry Retail Buyer

Joanne Dalheim Retail Director  -Call Corp HQ
972-871-5600 Corp Headquarters -Retail Dept
  Omni Bretton Arms Resort 603-278-3000 Separate historic building located 6 minutes from Mount Washington Resort. In same complex and shares same amenities and stores

Katie Burford, Retail Buyer
972-871-5629 direct
972-871-5600 Corp Headquarters
Omni Hotel & Resorts, 4001 Maple Ave, Suite 500, Dallas, TX 75219
Ship Media

Omni Grove Park Inn -The Marketplace
290 Macon Avenue, Asheville, NC 28804
Feb 20
2/1/1618 GB
50 GB, 25 WFh, 30 GPI1, 10 GSMR1, 10 Otters1, 10 Bear1 by Callie Hinojosa
8/20/19 # 35672180 24 GPI1, 12 Bears1 by Callie
2/24/23 12 WFs and 12 GB by Katie Burford. PO#13502111890085
6/22/23 12 WFs by Lauren Schepps  PO# 13502111890100
9/7/23 18 GB by Lauren PO#13502111890116
10/11/23 12WFs by Lauren PO#13502111890123
5/7/24 18 WFs by Lauren PO#13502111890158
11/20/24 Sent reorder email to Lauren
Alyssa Velazquez -Assistant Manager of Marketplace
Omni Grove Park Inn: Really nice girl 
Sarah Fox:
Manager of Marketplace. Really nice also
Katie Burford, Retail Buyer
972-871-5629 direct
972-871-5600  Corp Headquarters
Omni Hotel & Resorts, 4001 Maple Ave, Suite 500
Dallas, TX 75219
Lauren Schepps Assistant Retail Buyer
972-871-5609   Email Lauren for Reorders
GB: 18,50,12,18
WFs: 25,12,12,12

Send invoices to:
Elizabeth Hernandez  Accounting Director

Ship To:  Shipping & Receiving

10/12/23 Lauren emailed me they are stocked with cards. Interpreted that to mean they no longer are interested in my cards they ordered in 2109


Omni Homestead Resort
ATTENTION: RETAIL RECEIVING 7696 Sam Snead Highway, Hot Springs, Virginia 24445
May 14 8/24/23  24 WFs
11/19/24 Sent reorder email to Christie
Christie Ford, Director of Retail at Omni Resort
540-839-7733 Christie's Direct Number
Ship Media, Send invoice to Christie
540-839-7746 Retail Office

1776 store
540-839-1766 Omni Homestead Resort
540-839-7741 Allegany Outfitters
WFs: 24 Katie Burford, Retail Buyer
972-871-5629 direct
972-871-5600 Corp Headquarters
Omni Hotel & Resorts, 4001 Maple Ave, Suite 500
Dallas, TX 75219
Ship Media, Send invoice to Christie
On The Side Books
10 Kennedy St, Bradford, PA 16701
Feb 8 12/14/24 Talked to Heather. Would be interested in seeing a copy. Sent her WFn
Talked to Heather. Been sick for a month. Got book. Had not had time to look at it. Agreed I would check in a few weeks
Heather Whittemore 
  Western PA -Alleghany Mountains
Once Upon a Time Toys
57 Mountain Road, Stowe, VT 05672
July 8 9/16/24 5 WFn by Nancy Nina Teed  Co-owner with mother Nancy Teed
Nancy Teed
WFn: 5 Sell children's books. Have no problem if I am in Bear Pond Books as long as they are ok with that.
One Grand Books
60 Main St, Narrowsburg, NY 12764
    718-812-8039   Edge of Pennsylvania
Orchard at Altapass General Store
1025 Orchard Road, Spruce Pine, NC 28777
June 28
May - Nov
7/29/19  5 WFs ordered by Alicia
8/18/22 12 WFs by Alicia
6/19/24 12 WFs by Alicia
Alicia Sillman  Store Mgr. (really nice girl, loves book)
828-467-2706 -Alicia
828-765-9531 Store

Haley Andrews Asst Store Mgr
WFs: 5,12,12 GB did not sell well. Discontinued
Opens May 1st- Nov
Original General Store 
3963 Vermont Rte 100, Pittsfield, VT 05762
April 30 12/13/24  Called. They do sell some nature related books, guides Talked to Lauren. Really nice. Would love to see a copy
12/30/24 Sent Lauren WFn
Talked to Lauren. Got book. Full of praise but undecided. Gave her best sales pitch. Will take closer look at it
Send her another email and then Delete if no order
Lauren Foley
-General Manager
Orvis Asheville Store
28 Schenck Parkway #150, Asheville, NC 28803
August 18 3/16/22 10 WFs by Andrew
10/19/22 20 WFs by Andrew
6/5/23 30 WFs by Andrew
Andrew Kabel Mgr  
828-687-0301  x2   Store
828-275-6178 Cell
WFs: 10,20,30 Dealer (company store) but seems to be able to order locally.
Andrew places them in stacks around store.
Orvis -Primland Resort
2000 Busted Rock Road, Meadows of Dan, VA 24120     
July 2 7/29/19 10 WFs ordered by Brett Holt
12/7/19 10 WFs ordered by Brett Holt
12/21/20 10 WFs by Brett
12/10/21 10 WFs by Brett
6/10/23 10 WFs by Brett
12WFs by Brett
Brett Holt  Orvis Shop Manager
276-222-3873 Brett  Primary
WFs: 10,10,10,10,10,12 Retail store: Orvis store on Primland Resort
Send invoices to Carl McDaniel
Carl McDaniel, Orvis Activities Supervisor
Outbound Stowe Gift Shop
876 Mountain Road, Stowe NC 05672
  8/1/24 Called. New hotel. Gift area in lobby being developed. No books yet but possible. 802-253-7595
  New hotel opened on July 10
Outdoor Supply Company
2427 N Center St, Hickory, NC 28601
Nov 18 7/26/23 12 WFs by Charles
4/20/24 12 WFs by Charles

1/16/25 6 WFs by Charles
Charles Mogray, owner
WFs: 12, 12,6  
Outdoor Trails -Daleville
28 Kingston Dr, Daleville, VA 24083
March 21 8/9/23 4 WFs by John
4/8/24 Called John. Still has a couple of copies
John Sucrell, Buyer
540-992-5850 -Daleville
434-386-4302 -Lynchburg -John
WFs: 4 Outdoor Trails -Lynchburg
4925 Boonsboro Rd # 2, Lynchburg, VA 24503
Overstreet, Mandy
400 Flat Creek, Fairview NC 28730
  11/20/24 Mandy picked up notecards, gave her samples of all of my designs besides basic 10, and also emailed her book wholesale pricelist
11/21/24 6 WFs: Lawson, Welton, Raz and Cora (together will get one), and Bradley.
Wild Animal Cards (with envelope) $.75 each
Books -Wholesale Pricing
Wild Animal Cards : 20, 32
WFs:  6
Local Fairview resident who buys bulk cards and books
Owen's General Store
269 Main Street, Lincolnville, Maine 04849
Feb 10 12/23/24 Sent email to Matt. They do sell books, some Maine themed
1/8/25 Talked to Matt. Got email. Will talk to partner. Told me to call next week. Told him would be glad to send copy
1/29/25 Sent followup email to Matt
Matt Pierce Co-owner
Owl's Head General Store
2 South Shore Dr., Owls Head, ME 04854
April 1 12/20/24 Talked to Maya. Seemed interested in book, told me to call in April and talk to Barbara who buys the books. Maya Sousa -Owner
Barbara -Manager who buys the books
  On coast, sell books
Closed Jan-April
Owl's Hill Nature Sanctuary
545 Beech Creek Rd S, Brentwood, TN 37027
Feb 13
12/27/22 Talked to Susan. Really nice lady. Very interested in my book and sent her a copy of WFs. She might order as gifts but they are thinking of doing a gift shop. Agreed I would follow up next year to see if they have one yet.
1/3/23 Talked to receptionist. No gift shop yet, small area to sell a few themed items
1/5/23 Called. Was told no gift shop yet, they are now working on a master plan for development.
Susan Duvenhaze, Executive Director
  300-acre sanctuary
Oxbow Meadows Environmental Learning Center Gift Shop
3535 S Lumpkin Rd, Columbus, GA 31903
Sept 24 9/3/24 20 WFs by Lauren. Invoice dated 2/28/24 in advance of shipment Dr. Lauren Johnson Asst Director/Handles Gift Shop
x1 Envir Learning Center
Contact Us - Columbus State University
WFs: 20 8/29/24 Completed online registration to become vendor in GA for Columbus State University
Supplier Name: Pantas, Lee James
Supplier ID: 0000061287

Dr. Lauren Johnson
Columbus State University, 4225 University Ave,
Columbus, GA 31907
PA Wilds Conservation Shops at Kinzua Bridge & Leonard Harrison State Parks
296 Viaduct Road, Kane, PA 16735
Feb 14 4/8/24 Talked to Jason at PA Wilds gift shop. Told me to send book to Libby who who manages local PA Wilds Conservation gift shops, including Leonard Harrison State Park and in progress shop at Marionville
4/8/24 Sent WFn to Libby
Called Libby. Got book but had not had chance to look at it yet. Agreed I would check in a few weeks.
7/24/24 Sent followup email to Libby
8/2/24 Resent followup email to Libby
8/9/24 Reply from Libby: Hi Mr. Pantas, I apologize for the delay and have not had the opportunity to review the book with the team. Please bear with me, I will get back to you.
Thank you for your patience. Libby
Libby Bloomquist  Commerce Director
814-778-5467 x2 PA Wilds Conservation Gift Shop
Kinzua Bridge State Park
570-724-3061 Leonard Harrison State Park  
  PA Wilds Gift Shops at:
Kinzua Bridge State Park
Leonard Harrison State Park
PA Wilds Conservation Shop Satellite at Lycoming County Visitor Center?
PA Wilds Conservation Shop - PA Wilds Center
Paint Bank General Store
16701 Paint Bank Road, Paint Bank, VA 24131
Nov 29
2-year cycle
7/25/20 11 WFs by Drema
1/26/22 10 WFs by Summer
9/3/24 15 WFs by April

540-897-5000 x1 Store 
April Hall Manager -Loves book
WFs: 11,10  
Panola Mountain State Park Nature Center Gift Shop
2620 Highway 155 SW, Stockbridge, GA 30281
March 13 8/15/23 6 WFs by Hazel  PID #57708
2/29/24 Called. They have 5 copies still
3/8/24 Sent Lesley Card
Sent Lesley followup on card
Lesley Mobley, Park Manager

-Admin Support
WFs: 6  
Paris Landing State Park Gift Shops
400 Lodge Road, Buchanan TN 38222
Feb 25 1/28/23 20 WFs by Courtney
3/25/24 Talked to Courtney. Still has some copies. Agreed I would check later in summer
8//23/24 Sent reorder email to Courtney
Courtney Hawks  Lodge Gift Shop  (no s)
731-924-4304 Courtney
731-924-4300 x 0 Lodge to reach Courtney
Emma Cook, Courtney's Assistant  Only in Sun after 2
731-641-4465 Visitor Center
731-641-4474  Marina
WFs: 20 Three gift shops: Visitor Center, Lodge and Marina (small). Diane Williamson, Visitor Center Gift Shop.
Gift shops in Park office, New Lodge and Marina.
Nature Center does not have gift shop. Far end of Tennessee
Paris Mountain State Park Gift Shop
2401 State Park Road, Greenville SC 29609
April 8 4/26/23 20 WFs by Madison Madison Spencer (Ranger oversees gift shop)
WFs: 20  
Parker Dam State Park Gift Shop
28 Fairview Road, Penfield, PA 15849-9799
Feb 27 4/9/24 Sent Tracy WFn
Got book, can't order now due to fiscal budget, Possibly in the future. Agreed I would check in late August
8/30/24 Talked to Morgan. Really nice girl. Tracy told her to tell me to send Morgan ordering information. Sent Morgan informational email
9/24/24 Talked to Morgan. Passed book on to educators. They will let me know
Tracy Cutler -Administrative Assistant -really nice
Morgan Scoggins  Really nice
  Not associated with PA Wilds
Pat Jennings Visitor Center Gift Shop at Mount Rogers National Recreation Area
3714 Highway 16, Marion, VA 24354
April 3
4/2/20 Sent Christa WFs at Pat Jennings .Received it. Numerous communications over the past three years. Difficult person to reach.
4/28/23 Finally reached her via text message. Only selling maps in gift shop now.
Check again in 2025
Christa Himes, Executive Director
FOMR (Friends of Mount Rogers)
195 Old Stage Rd, Chilhowie VA, 24319 PO PO Box 107, Chilhowie, VA 24319
814-931-3539  Christa
800-628-7202  Mt Rodgers National Recreation Area
Parthenon Books
333-335 S Salina St, Syracuse, NY 13202
Pathfinders Outdoor Adventures
534 Park Ave NW, Norton, VA 24273
August 10
2-year cycle
6/5/20 11 WFs by Mark
3/3/22 Sent Mark reorder email
3/9/22 Reply from Mark: Thank you for staying in touch. We still have copies here at the store. We will not need a re-supply at this time.
6/2/23 Sent reorder email to Mark
Mark Caruso, Owner

WFs: 11  
Pawtuckaway State Park Campstore
128 Mountain Rd, Nottingham, NH 03290
  Dave Richardson Park Manager
Peaks of Otter Lodge Gift Shop
85554 Blue Ridge Pkwy, Bedford, VA 24523
April 30 8/3/22 Sent Lynn Hall WFs
8/23/22 Talked to Lynn. Got book, loves it. Needs to talk to management about getting copies. Will order.
5/6/24 Called. Lynn Hall Retail Supervisor no longer works there. Sandra new supervisor for only a week or so now
5/8/24 Talked to Sandra. Very nice lady. Book sounds really interested. Sent Sandra WFs.
Called - Sandra no longer works there
7/4/24 New retail supervisor Kira Sims. Talked to her. Interested in seeing copy. Sent WFs to Kira
Talked to Kira. Got book. Son loves it! Waiting to hear back from buyer.
8/27/24 Talked to Kira. Had not heard from buyer. Will check with him
9/6/24 Sent followup email to Kira
9/13/24 Talked to Kira. Not heard yet and coming to end of season so she suggested I check in spring.
Kira Sims Retail Supervisor
540-586-1081 x0
  Opens April 28 to Nov
3 gift shops: Lodge, Country Store and Sharp Top Store
Pendulum Books & Toys
130 W Main St, Westfield, PA 16950
    585-808-0451   Allegany Mountains
Pettit Environmental Preserve
PO Box 2843, Cartersville GA  30120
June 23
6/26/23 Had a nice talk to Billy. May have a kiosk in the future. Mainly K-12 kids but others also. Decided to send him a copy just in case he wanted to buy copies for fundraising. Check in a few years to see if kiosk is in place. Sent Billy WFs Billy Fleetwood, Executive Director
  No FED EX or UPS. Only media mail to PO Box.
Gated Environmental Center
Phoenix Books
89 Church St, Burlington, VT 05401
Feb 10 11/22/24 Sent Laurel copy of WFn
Sent followup email to Laurel
1/20/25 Resent followup email to Laurel Added 40%
Essex Store 802-872-7111
Rutland Store
Burlington Store
Laurel Rhane 
Book Buyer 802-872-7111
  Phoenix Books Essex
2 Carmichael Street Suite 2, Essex Junction, VT 05452
Phoenix Books Rutland
2 Center St, Rutland, VT 05701
Pickens Hall & General Store
83 N State St, Heuvelton, NY 13654
Feb 19 1/27/25 Talked to Nancy. Would consider buying my book wholesale rather than their usual consignment. Sent her email
1/29/25 Email reply from Nancy: Hi Lee I would be very interested in purchasing some books if you could send me one to look at I would be happy to pay for it. Thank you
1/31/25 Sent Nancy WFn
Nancy Bristol -Manager
  Upper New York state on Canada border. They sell books
Pillsbury State Park Lobby Gift Area 
100 Clemac Trail, Washington, NH 03280  
    Tracy -Manager
  Very small gift area next to check in. Sell one local book
Pine Country Outlet
46 Raymond St, Malone, NY 12953
    518-481-4903   Adirondacks
Pinson Mounds State Archaeological Park  Gift Shop
460 Ozier Road, Pinson TN 38366
July 1 7/3/24  6 WFs by Amy Amy Michel (Michael), Office Administrator
WFs: 6 orders beginning of fiscal year July
Pipestem Resort State Park Gift Shop -Canyon Rim Visitor Center & Expressions in Lodge
3405 Pipestem Drive (PO Box 150) Pipestem WV 25979
March 7 8/18/18 6 WFs by Connie
4/19/23 6 WFs by Jessica Dolin -WVCBS
Connie Clayton
304-466-2804 Office
304-466-1800 Lodge  x450 or 451 Connie
Misty Porterfield -Accounts Payable
WFs: 6,6 Canyon Rim Center Gift Shop (open during summer.)
Expressions Gift Shop
in Lobby of Mckeever Lodge Adrian
Pisgah Inn Gift Shop
PO Box 2417, Candler NC 28715
July 24
April 2016  12 GB
May 2019 Visited Pisgah Inn and met Dawn. Really nice lady. Will buy from me rather than distributors.
May 2019 12 GB, 12WFs by Dawn
July 17 2019 Reorder 12 GB, 12 WFs by Phil
Sept 11, 2019 Reorder 12 GB, 12 WFs by Phil
4/15/21: Reorder: 25 GB, 25 WFs
4/28/22: 20 Wfs, 20 GB by Phil Dugger
3/21/23 15 WFs, 15 GB by Phil
9/1/23 20 WFs, 15 GB by Phil
4/11/24 20 WFs, 15 GB by Phil
9/10/24 20WFs, 15 GB by Phil  Got returned due to hurricane. Will reship in April 2025
Bruce O’Connell, owner
Dawn Jenette Retail Manager 
865-603-6095 cell
Phil Dugger Assistant Retail Manager & Buyer
215-421-2348 cell (to reach Phil)
If no reply via email, call Phil directly
GB:12,12,12,12,25,15,15,15, 15
WFs: 12,12,12, 25,5,20,20,20
Opens April 1 to Nov
Pocket Books Shop
903 Wheatland Ave, Lancaster, PA 17603
    717-517-7990   West of Philadelphia
Prickett's Fort State Park Gift Shop
106 Overfort Lane, Fairmont WV 26554
Feb 18 5/1/23 11 WFs by Greg
Sent reorder email to Greg
5/23/24 Talked to office. Still have several copies
Greg Bray -Director
WFs: 11 Gift shop run by Prickett's Fort Memorial Foundation
not part of WFs centralized buying system
Print: A Bookstore
273 Congress St, Portland, ME 04101
March 6 12/6/24 Sent Josh WFn
Talked to Josh. Got book. Had not had chance to look at it yet. Told him 40%
Josh Christie 
Non Fiction and Children's Books Buyer
Provisions Mercantile -Asheville
14 Lodge St, Asheville, NC 28803
728 Haywood Road, Asheville, NC 28806
June 7 5/31/24 12 WFs and 12 GB by Heather
10/20/24 12 WFs and 12 GB by Heahter
12/6/24 12 WFs and 12 GB by Heather
Heather Wright, Owner
Biltmore Village
West Asheville
WFs: 12,12,12
GB: 12,12,12
Ship to Haywood Road address
Puffin's Nest
464 Main St Ste 2, Rockland, ME 04841
    207-594-2660   on coast
Pulsifer, Andrew -Beverly Hanks & Association      3/3/21  6 GB by Andrew
1/2/22 Sent reorder email
1/13/22  Reply: Thank you Lee, happy new year to you. I’m fine for the moment. But I’ve kept your information and I’ll contact you when I do
828-768-2417 cell
GB: 6  
Purple Crow Books
109 W King St, Hillsborough, NC 27278
May 16 8/23/23 2 WFs by Nancy
1/16/23 Called -They have 1 copy left
7/1/24 Called talked to Nancy. Still one left. Book face out in kids section now

12/3/24 Sent reorder email to Nancy
Nancy Vest, Owner (very small bookstore) Very nice lady 
919-732-1711   Tue-Sat
Quiet City Books
124 Lisbon St, Lewiston, ME 04240
RavenWood Curio Shoppe
PO Box 90, 60 Main Street, Jackson, NH 03846
Ravenswood Gifts & Antiques
368 Fort Fairfield Rd, Presque Isle, ME 04769
RB Winter State Park Gift Shop
17215 Buffalo Road, Mifflinburg, PA 17844-9656
June 23 4/8/24 Sent Lori WFn
Talked to Lori. Special funding to operate store. Half run by Friends group. Loves book but has to wait on budgeting. Told me to check in Sept.
8/3/24  Called. Lori retired
9/3/24 Talked to Mike. He will reach out to Lori. Also sent him informational email
10/22/24 Friends group talking over the store. He will send me their website. They seem to be focusing on RB Winter themed merchandise and stuff only related to park.
11/12/24 Sent form email from their website asking for name and email of buyer, and also emailed friends@gmail  asking for same.
Mike Crowley  Manager
Friends of RB Winter State Park 
  Fiscal year starts in July
Store managed by Friends of RB Winter SP
Reading Rock Books
122 N Main St, Dickson, TN 37055
April 17 8/3/23 Talked to Angela. Interested even through they are not in the mountains directly. Sent Angela WFs
Talked to Angela. Got book and plan on adding it but will have to wait some before she can.
11/29/23 Sent followup email to Angela
12/9/23 Talked to Angela: Got book and plan on adding it but will have to wait some before she can. Called told me to call in spring.
4/15/24 Sent Angela text as requested after sending email
4/18/24 Reply from Angela  Thank you for checking back with me. Unfortunately, at this point in time we are unable to add any additional books to our stock. We are working hard to find a way to keep Reading Rock Books alive, but we've had many added and unexpected expenses that have stretched our resources beyond what we can afford right now.
Angela Redden, Owner  
931-622-1843 cell
Red Barn Country Store
602 Main Rd, Holden, ME 04429
Red Clay State Historic Park Gift Shop
1140 Red Clay Park Road S.W., Cleveland, TN 37311
April 25
2-3 year cycle
10/28/20 12 WFS by Gracie
8/23/22 12 WFs by Gracie
8/25/23 Sent reorder email to Gracie
3/14/24  Resent reorder email to Gracie
3/19/24 Reply from Gracie: Good morning, Lee, Currently, we are not in need of a reorder. We are in a no order period, so the next best time to check back would probably be after July 1st. Thank you for checking in!
7/6/24 Sent reorder email to Gracie
7/24/24 Called. Gracie said still ok on books
Gracie Cammarata, Gift Shop buyer
WFs: 12,12  
Red Moose Gifts
14 Rte 11, Patten, ME 04765
Red Top Mountain State Park Gift Shop
50 Lodge Road SE, Acworth, GA 30102
Feb 13 10/20/22 12 WFs by Audrey
2/13/24 12 WFs by Audrey
Audrey Bruce, Retail
770-975-4226 Visitor Center
770-975-0055  x3
WFs: 12,12  
Regional Office Of Sustainable Tourism
2608 Main St, Lake Placid, NY 12946
Reelfoot Lake State Park Visitor Center Gift Shop
2595 Hwy 21 E, Tiptonville TN 38079
April 5
 2-year cycle
9/10/20 11 WFs
4/19/23 12 WFs
Ranger Warren Douglas  Pays invoices
Vanessa Henson
, Gift Shop
WFs: 11,12 On 2 year cycle
Reid, Jim, Realtor
Preferred Properties of Asheville, 39 Woodfin St.
Asheville, NC 28801
Jan 1 1/15/24 2 GB by Jim Reid
1/30/24 2 GB by Jim Reid
1/1/25 Sent reorder email
Jim Reid
GB: 2,2 Charge $4.50 for 2 books media. @$16.07
Remember The Maine
2247 Post Rd, Wells, ME 04090
  About the battleship? 207-646-0406   Gift Shop
Richard B Russell State Park Gift Shop
2560 Russell State Park Drive, Elberton GA 30635
August 13
3-year cycle
7/19/23 10 WFs by Todd
7/8/24 Sent reorder email to Todd
7/19/24 Resent reorder email to Todd
8/14/24 Called. Still have 8 copies.
Todd Gibson, Park Mgr.
706-213-2045   Call mornings only
WFs: 10  
Rickwood Caverns State Park Gift Shop
370 Rickwood Park Road, Warrior, AL 35180
March 12 1/20/23 12 WFs by Bridgette
Talked to Bridgette. Ok on books. Will be undergoing renovation soon.
Bridgette Grace, Gift Shop
205-647-9692 x1
WFs: 12  
River Rock Outfitter
215 William St, Fredericksburg, VA 22401
March 2 8/16/22 11 WFs by April
7/13/23 Talked to Amanda. Out of books. Sent April reorder email. Currently out of store for next few weeks.
8/4/23 Talked to April. Found email. Will be placing an order
9/1/23 Sent reminder email to April
10/6/23 Resent email to April
11/14/23 Talked to Julie in store. She will tell April to check email. Resent reorder email.
11/14/23 Reply from April: Thanks for your email Lee.
We are going to pass on the books for now. I’ll reach back out in spring if interested in bringing them back in
4/30/24 Sent followup email to April
4/30/24 Reply from April: No thank you - not at this time.
April Peterson, Buyer and owner
April in store only Tues 10-5 and Friday 2-6
WFs: 11  
Riverbend Park Nature Center Gift Shop
8700 Potomac Hills Street, Great Falls VA 22066
March 29 12/2/22 4 WFs by Kylie. Paid by cc
3/28/24 Order from Andrew: 4 WFs, 2 each Bears, Beaver, Field Mouse, Gray Squirrel, Otters, Raccoon, Deer
7/28/24 10 WFs by Andrew
11/11/24 6WFs and 28 cards  PO#8500613974
Kylie Starck Visitor Services Manager
Andrew Wilk New Visitor's Center Mgr.
571-732-7641 cell
Travis Scott
WFs: 4,4,10,6
Cards: 28,28
Vendor #1000055485
Send Invoices to or Email to:
FCG-Accounts Payable, PO Box 1147,Fairfax VA 22038-1147
14 Main St, Milbridge, ME 04658
April 3   207-546-7666    
Riverstone Books
8850 Covenant Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15237
Natalie Moss
Gen Mgr
Roan Mountain State Park Gift Shop
Gristmill Visitor Center, 1015 Highway 143, Roan Mountain TN 37687
May 30
3-year cycle
10/31/19 12 WFs by Donna
2/22/22 12 WFs by Donna Paid by cc
5/9/23 Talked to Donna. Ok on books
5/1/24 Sent reorder email to Donna
Donna McKinney, Gift Shop Buyer
423-547-3906 Visitor Center
WFs: 12, 12
Pays by cc
Roanoke County Explorer Park Gift Shop
56 Roanoke River Pkwy, Roanoke, VA 24014
April 12 4/28/23 Sent Luona WFs at Roanoke County Parks
1206 Kessler Mill Road, Salem VA 24153
5/31/23 Call from Julie Lee. Luona out until Aug. Said she has my book, loves it, but things on hold until summer. Agreed I would follow up next year if I don't hear from her with an order
3/22/24 Sent followup email to Julie
4/15/24 Talked to Julie. Now doing renovations, no budget. Agreed I would check next spring assuming renovations done.
Luona Blankenship Supervisor
Julie Lee
Roaring Brook Ranch Resort Gift Shop
2206 State Hwy 9N, Lake George, NY 12845
  8/16/24 Number not in service 518-685-6869   Being planned. Open by August
Robbins, Jeannie
  8/20/21  3GB, 10WFs
10/24/21 1 Reef, 1 WA10, returned 2 GB
4/19/22   50 Wild Animal cards, 2 boxes WA10
5/1/22 1 WFs, 1GB
6/15/22 4 Wfs, 50 cards assorted (15 Bears, Otters) 4 each Fox, Bobcat, Raccoon. Squirrel, Possum, Rabbit
7/19/22  6 WFs, 2 Cougar card
8/22/22 4 GB, 3 WFs, 10 Otters1
10/1/22 6 WFs, 24 animal cards
11/2/22 1 WFs,1 GB
12/19/22  20 cards
2/16/23 42 cards, 6 WFs
8/2/23 34 cards, 3 WFs
11/24/23 5 WFs
4/29/24 1 WFn
7/25/24 5 WFs, 55 cards
9/12/24 5 WFs, 1 WFn

12/8/24 2 WFs, 48 cards
12/24/24 73 Cards
Jeannie Robbins
Bears: Otters: Squirrel: Fox: Deer: Opossum: Rabbit: Bobcat: Raccoon: Field Mouse, Beaver, Mole, Spotted Skunk
Coyote: Cougar: HWH Sq:
Total Cards: 756
WFs: 9, 16,5 10,2,6,3,6,1,6,5,3,5,10,5,5,2
WFn: 1,1,1
GB: 1, 3,4,1
Reef: 1

Buys WFs @60% $7.58 -sell at $13.26
Buys GB @ 40%  $13.17  -Sell at $17.56
Buys Reef @20% $19.95 -Sell at $24.95
Cards and envelopes @ $.50 each.
Buys sleeves separately $7.00
Buys WFs @5.00 for consignment at Rusty Shelf and for Trout Lily
Printed out order form for Jeannie. Saved in my Books folder under Literature

Rock Eagle 4-H Center Gift Shop
350 Rock Eagle Rd, Eatonton, GA 31024
Nov 16 10/12/22  20 WFs by Bryan Matt Hammons, Center Director
Nicholas Sell Environmental Education Assistant Coordinator & Assistant Program Coordinator
Bryan Johnson, Gift Shop Mgr.
WFs: 20  
Rockfish Valley Foundation Natural History Center Gift Shop
P.O. Box 235
1368 Rockfish Valley Hwy, Nellysford, VA 22958
April 8
April to Thanksgiving

2 WFs by Victor
8/2/24 Talked to Linda. 1 copy left
Victor Monti Administrator
Peter Agelasto III  Manager.
Linda Roberts Sales associate   Nice lady
WFs: 2 Closes after Thanksgiving, Opens in April
They display cover up on a shelf
Rockford General Store
5174 Rockford Rd, Dobson, NC 27017
May 23
10/4/23 Talked to McKenzie. Sell a few books, Mayberry, etc
Sent Paul WFs
Talked to Paul. Got book. Wonderful book and interested in getting some copies but slow season now. Told me to call in April for possible order
4/3/24 Kitchen shut down and not as much foot traffic. Not ordering at this time because of that. Agreed I would check in the future.
Paul Carter, Owner
Mackenzie, Mgr.
  10-5 Wed-Sun
Rocking Horse Ranch Resort Gift Shop
600 US-44/55, Highland, NY 12528
July 4 5/10/24 Sent Steven WFn
Sent followup email to Steven
6/26/24 Resent email with voice message
6/27/24 Reply from Steven: Hi Lee, Thank you for reaching out. We did receive a copy of the book and appreciate it. However, we will not be placing an order at this time. I will let you know if anything changes.
6/27/24 Replied to Steven asking if still a possibility or should I not bother to follow up in a year?
Call and check in a year, if no delete
Steven Victoria, Marketing Director
Roebling Point Books & Coffee
306 Greenup St, Covington, KY 41011
June 27 10/18/23 4 WFs by Emily
7/23/24 Talked to Cyd. Still has 4 copies. Books in kid section face out. She agreed to put some in nature section also. Next call see if indeed some books are in grownup section and face out
Richard Hunt, owner
859-815-7204  Richard
Emily W
ebster  Nice lady
WFs: 4  
Rogers Environmental Education Center Gift Shop
2375 Brookview Dr, Hamilton, NY 13346
March 24   607-674-4017 or x0 NY Cons Dept
607-674-4033 Rogers Center
Roos Canyon Rock & Gift
472 Swift River Rd, Byron, ME 04275
Rough River Dam State Resort Park Gift Shop
450 Lodge Road, Falls of Rough, KY 40119
Feb 21 8/24/20 8 WFS by Patti
6/14/23 8 WFs by Patti
9/3/24 Sent reorder email to Patti
9/4/24 Reply from Patti: I am in process of retiring. Not sure who will be my replacement
Patti Owen, Mgr. 
270-257-2311 x0
WFs: 8,8  
Royal River Books
355 Main St, Yarmouth, ME 04096
May 14 12/6/24 Sent Amy WFn
Reply from Amy: Thank you for dropping off a copy of your lovely book, Wild & Furry Animals of the Northern Appalachian Mountains. The illustrations are beautiful. Are you okay with me putting the copy you dropped off on the shelf and I will pay for it with a reorder when it sells?
1/2/25 Replied to her to keep her copy. Order when ready if..
Amy Beard 
RMSC Cumming Nature Center
6472 Gulick Rd, Naples, NY 14512
April 10   585-374-6160 x0    
Russell, Brent -Beverly Hanks & Associates, 300 Executive Park, Asheville, NC 28801 Jan 1 2018: 12 GB by Brent
1/3/22 10 GB by Brent
1/2/23 Sent reorder email
1/4/24 Sent reroder email
1/1/25 Sent reorder email
Delete if no 2025 order
GB: 12,10  
Russell Springs KOA
1440 Highway 1383, Russell Springs, KY 42642
April 19
April to Nov
4/25/24 12 WFs by Susan Susan Peck 
WFs: 10 Open April 1 - October 31
Sagamore Resort in Bolton Landing Emporium
110 Sagamore Rd, Bolton Landing, NY 12814
July 12 7/13/24 10 WFn by Chelsea Chelsea Davis, Supervisor Emporium Loves book, son does also
WFn: 10  
Salisbury General Store and Gifts
20 Main Street,  Salisbury, CT 06068
Feb 20 1/25/25 Sent Larissa WFn 860-435-9388
Larissa Vreeland 
  Sell cookbooks, kids books and nature books
Sandy Creek Nature Center Gift Shop
205 Old Commerce Rd, Athens, GA 30607
March 24
2-year cycle
9/16/22 5 WFs by Marylou 
Talked to Marylou. Still has 3 copies
8/16/24 Sent reorder email to Marylou
9/3/24 Talked to Emily Bailey. Checked inventory. Out of books. She will see Marylou tonight and tell her out and to check email. Sent reorder email to Marylou
Marylou Neuhauser, volunteer Call 11-1
Emily Bailey -Works for board that runs gift shop
706-613-3615  Tues-Sat
WFs: 5 Run by Athens County
Saranac Country Store
3346 State Rte 3, Saranac, NY 12981
Feb 26 1/31/25 Talked to Eric. Interested in seeing a copy. Sent Eric WFn 518-293-1234 x1
Eric Gilbow 
Savage River Lodge Gift Shop 
1600 Mt Aetna Rd, Frostburg, MD 21532 
  5/10/24 Sent Jan WFn
Sent followup email to Jan
7/16/24 Reply from Jan: We did receive the book. The Lodge is currently for sale and we are phasing out our gift shop.
Schrader Environmental Education Center Samara Shop 
1330 National Road,
Wheeling, WV 26003
March 31 10/18/19 4 WFs by Joelle
12/15/22 5 WFs by Joelle
12/7/23 5 WFs by Joelle
12/6/24 Talked to Joelle. Still has a handfull. Agreed I woiuld check in march
Joelle Bensie - Assistant Director & Buyer, nice girl
304-242-6855 x402
WFs: 4,5,5 Oglebay Institute pays
Schoharie County Welcome Center
169 Discovery Dr, Howes Cave, NY 12092
  Located in Hoes Caverns 518-296-8991    
Science Museum of Virginia Gift Shop
2500 West Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23220
Feb 13 11/18/20 Sent Jennifer Morehead copy of WFs
12/30/20 Sent followup email to Jennifer
1/4/21 Reply from Jennifer: Hello Lee, I've not received anything yet. We're having pretty serious mail delays in our area. There has been an outbreak at the mail sorting center that services our region. I'll keep an eye out for your package. Just fyi, we are not purchasing any product for our store at this time. Our store is only open on weekends and our current inventory is moving very slowly.
6/11/21 Follow up email to Jennifer
Jennifer Morehead, Gift shop
Second Chapter Books
139 E Main St, Ligonier, PA 15658
Laurie McGinnis
  Western PA Allegany Mountains
New and used books
Seneca State Forest Gift Shop
10135 Browns Creek Road, Dunmore WV 24934
March 8 9/25/19  6 WFs by Jeff
8/12/23 Talked to Sally, out of copies
Jeff Layfield Supt. & Gift Shop Mgr. 
WFs: 6  
Serenity Now Outfitters
898 Washington St West, Lewisburg, WV 24901
March 12 6/29/23 3 WFs by Craig
3/13/24 Still has 2 copies
Craig Miller, Owner
WFs: 3  
Seven Springs Mountain Resort Mountain Mercantile
777 Water Wheel Drive, Champion, PA, 15622
May 31 5/31/24 12 WFn by Kayla 582-682-7379 Mountain Mercantile
Kayla Brown, Seven Springs Retail Manager 
582-682-7883 -Kayla
582-682-7737 Signature Shop
582-682-7000 Front Desk
WFn: 12 Located in Slopeside Hotel
Shades of Pemberley Bookstore
126 S Broad Street, Albertville, AL 35950
Feb 13 4/14/23 2 WFs by Brandy
10/3/23 Talked to Brandy. Still has 2 copies
9/17/24 Sent reorder email to Brandy
12/3/24 Talked to Regina. Out of books. Sent Brandy reorder email
Brandy Atchison, owner
WFs: 2 Only stocks a few copies at a time
Sheepscot General Store and Farm
98 Townhouse Rd., Whitefield ME 04353
Feb 14 12/31/24 Talked to Jenna. A bit reluctant since most of their books are farm related but convinced her to consider mine. Sent Jenna WFn
Talked to Jenna Got book, kids ran off with it. Still iffy but offered her to buy back books if they did not sell. Asked me to email her which I did with details.
207-549-5185  Tues-Sat
Jenna Marcus 
General Manager (has 6 kids)
  Sell farm and area books
Offered to buy back books if they did not sell
Shenandoah River State Park Gift Shop
350 Daughter of Stars Drive, Bentonville, VA 22610


March 19
4/14/22  5 WFS by Jessica
10 WFs by Jessica  #EP3475293
9/9/22 Sent reorder email to Jessica
9/13/22 Reply from Jessica: I appreciate you reaching out to us. We still have quite a few left in stock
8/7/23 Talked to Jessica. On spending hold right now. We agreed I would check in Oct.
10/31/23 Talked to Jessica. Still on spending hold. Agreed I would check in March. Do merchandise shows then
3/13/24 Sent Jessica reorder email.
3/14/24 Reply from Jessica: Thank you for reaching out to us. Unfortunately, we have decided to no longer sell books. We found that books often sit on the shelves for years and only sell after being discounted. If we reconsider selling books, we'll definitely keep you in mind. Thank you and have a great day!
3/15/24 Talked to Jessica. Donna Ramey is the person who makes the decision.
3/19/24 Talked to Donna. Same party line. Agreed I could email her and she would talk to her manager. Emailed Donna again asking them to reconsider my book.
3/19/24 Reply from Donna: these books were ordered when veronica was the manager here. she doesn't work here any longer. as i said on the phone, books don't sell here very well. it took sometime for them to sell. we have books here from DGIF and they aren't selling well either. i will keep you in mind if we decide to sell books again, just not right now
Recontact them in 2026
Jessica Presgraves

Ann Henderson, Merchandise Manager,
804-840-8236 (cell)
Donna Ramey, Office Manager
WFs: 5,10 Ann Henderson, MBA, CCM, VCA
Enterprise Section Business Manager
Virginia State Parks
600 East Main Street
24th Floor
Richmond, VA 23219
Sherman's Maine Coast Book Shops March 25 11/27/24 Sent email to first contact buyer Debbie Taylor
Send followup email to Debbie Delete if no response
207-773-4100 Portland
Debbie Taylor
yer -First Contact
  9 Stores
49 Exchange St, Portland, ME 04101
Silver Lake State Park
138 Silver Lake Rd, Hollis, NH 03049
  9/11/24 Called -message implied they are not open in 2024? Do they have a gift shop? 603-465-2342    
Sinnemahoning State Park Gift Shop
4843 Park Road, Austin, PA 16720
April 1 4/9/24 Sent Lisa WFn
Talked to Lisa. Got book. Concerned about price in their park. Educated her about pricing. Said I would buy back books is they did not sell. Has to talk to manager. Agreed I would call in two weeks. Sent nice recap followup email
5/9/24 Talked to Lisa. No funding but asked me to check back in 6 months. Seemed positive regarding an order.
11/6/24 Talked to Lisa. Already spend funds.... Agreed I would check again in Feb.
1/5/25 Talked to Lisa. Still no funds. Told me to check in April
Lisa Rotello -Merchandise
  Not PA Wilds associated gift shop.
Sky Meadows State Park Gift Shop
11012 Edmonds Lane, Delaplane, VA 20144
Feb 28 5/6/21 11 WFs by Megan
10/12/22 20 WFs by Chris Duncan  PO#EP3550918
6/28/24 Sent Samantha reorder email. wrong address
7/16/24 Talked to Samantha. Down to 1 copy. Resent email to new address
7/18/24 Reply from Samantha: Good morning,  I forwarded this to our Office Manager and it looks like we will not be ordering at this time. Thank you for providing information for future orders. Thank you, Samantha
Suzanne Grobbel, Office Mgr.
Samantha Phillips -gift shop reorders
WFs: 11, 20  
Skytop Lodge Tuliptree Gift Shop
One Skytop Lodge Road, Skytop, PA 18357
May 21 7/19/24 5 WFn by Debbie Debbie Stanton Gift Shop Manager
570-595-8911 Gift Shop
855-345-7759 Lodge
WFn: 5  
Smith Mountain Lake State Park Gift Shop
1235 State Park Road, Huddleston, VA 24104
May 27 7/13/23 12 WFs by Jared.  Paid by cc
7/23/24 Email from Jared
: I have 7 copies left from the order last year. I will pass for now but have a reminder set to check later in the year. 
Jared Vandergrift  Buyer and Assistant Park Mgr. (Off Tues)
540-875-6809 cell
WFs: 12  
Smithgall Woods State Park Gift Shop
61 Tsalaki Trail, Helen, Georgia 30545
Feb 28 8/3/23 3 WFs by Joell
3/19/24 Sent reroder email to Joell
3/19/24 Reply from Joell: Hi Lee, We are good on our book supply at this time, thank you for reaching out.
2/5/25 Checked with Joell. Checked thinks she is out. Sent her reminder email. She will check again
Joell Samford  Manager of gift shop
WFs: 3 In Georgia State Park system
Smitty's Book Cellar
52 Main St, Waterville, ME 04901
Feb 28 12/6/24 Sent Maddie WFn
Talked to Maddie. Got book. Offered 40%. She told me to check end of February when she will be ordrered again
Maddie Smitt  Owner Just bought bookstore and renamed it

Smokies Life (Great Smoky Mountains Association)
Smokies Life 115 Park Headquarters Road, Gatlinburg, TN 37738 
Shipping: Smokies Life Warehouse, 416 Cherry Street, Gatlinburg, TN 37738
March 4 3/4/24 100 WFs by Brenda  PANTAS030524 
(weighs 45 lbs-Fed Ex rate $28.50)
7/10/24 100WFs by Dave DeBruicker  PANTAS071024
Great Smokey Mountains Association -Smokies Life
P.O. Box 130 Gatlinburg, TN 37738-0130

GSMA Staff - GSMA (
Dawn Roark, Retail Director
865-310-0785 cell
859-351-9939 x5 reaches Dawn at 308
Brenda Ownby, Assistant Retail Director Smokies Life
865-436-7318 x 352
Great Smoky Mountains Association, P.O.
416 Cherry Street, Gatlinburg TN 37738
Box 130, Gatlinburg, TN 37738
Dave DeBruicker,
Operations Supervisor
865-436-7318 ext. 310
Leah Aires Human Resources Assistant
865-436-7318 x234  
WFs: 100,100
Always 40%

13 Visitor Centers. Among other stores, they supply also Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont Visitor Center Store
9275 Tremont Rd., Townsend, TN 37882
865-448-6709 x12 Store

Great Smoky Mountains National Park
107 Park Headquarters Road, Gatlinburg, TN 37738
865-436-1200 x3 Park Offices x1 
x6 Public Affairs Office
x7 Resource Mgr and Science Office
x8 Superintendent Office

Smoky Mountain Outdoor Center at
Apple Valley Mountain Village

7138 E Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Townsend, TN 37882
May 22 2/17/21 10 WFs by Karen
3/2/22 10 WFs by Joe
6/2/23 10 WFs by Tim
5/23/24 12 WFs by Joe
865-448-9878 x3 Outdoor Center
Joe McWilliams, Store Mgr.
Karen Tozzi, Gen Mgr.
865-776-9239 Karen Direct
WFs: 10,10,10,12 General Store and Outdoor Store
South Mountains State Park Gift Shop
3001 South Mountain Park Ave., Connelly Springs, NC 28612
May 6 9/19/22 11 WFs by Renee
10/23/23 11 WFs by Renee
Renee Wagner, Admin Associate & Buyer
WFs: 11,11  
Southern Appalachian Outdoors
319 Gentry Memorial Hwy, Easley, SC 29640
May 28
3-year cycle
6/11/20 4 WFs by Sean
8/2/22 Talked to salesgirl. Still has 3
3/21/24 Sent reorder email to Sean. Phone calls do not go through.
5/1/24 Resent reorder email to Sean
5/29/24 Google says Temporarily Closed
Sean Crowe, Owner
WFs: 4  
Southern Highland Craft Guild
26 Lodge St, Asheville, NC 28803
June 7 6/10/24 12 GB and 12 WFs by Judy Judy Dillingham -General Manager
WFs: 12
GB: 12
Mother of Sheila Dillingham Store manager for two parkway stores -Folk Art Center and Visitor Center  Eastern National
Southern Tier Welcome Center
North, 2 Route I-81, Kirkwood, NY 13795
Southwest Virginia Cultural Center & Marketplace
1 Heartwood Circle, Abingdon, VA 24210
June 27 8/3/20 12 WFs by Leigh
9/15/21 10 WFS by Leigh
5/26/22 12 WFs by Leigh
6/29/23 12 WFs by Leigh
6/27/24 12 WFs by Leigh
Leigh Campbell, buyer
WFs: 12,10,12,12 Maintains a visitor center
Spacious Skies Shenandoah Views Gift Shop
3402 Kimball Rd., Luray, VA 22835
March 3
March - Nov
5/18/20 Sent Jennifer WFs
10/2/20 Reply from Jennifer: Yes I loved the book but we are not opening up office/store.
4/23/21 Sent followup email to Jennifer. Told her Luray Caverns bought book
9/15/22 Called Jennifer no longer employed.
4/24/24 Called. Talked to Frank. Nice guy. Remembered book from other campground he worked at. Asked me to send him an email. Sent email to Andrew. Wrong email.
6/11/24 Talked to Andrew. Resent email with correct email
6/27/24 Talked to Andrew. After 4th of July will followup with an order. Definite order.
7/23/24 Talked to Andrew. Has to decide on quantity
Sent followup email to Andrew
8/23/24 Sent followup email to Andrew
9/18/24 Resent followup email to Andrew
Andrew Frank, Mgr. -Very nice man.  
540-743-7222 x1 Front Desk
  Open March to November
Former Luray KOA campground
Part of a15 campground company
Speaking Volumes
377 Pine Street, Burlington VT
Primarily used with some new books
Split Rock Resort Gift Shop
428 Moseywood Rd, Lake Harmony, PA 18624
Feb 25 4/24/24 Sent Eduardo copy of WFn
Sent followup email to Eduardo
5/28/24 Resent email to Eduardo
6/14/24 Resent email to Eduardo
6/27/24 Resent email. Lisa at front desk will leave him a note to check for email from author
6/28/24 Email from Danielle Szmak    Good morning Sir,
My name is Danielle Szmak.I am the food and beverage manager of the Food Court , Waterpark food, and also the gift shop here at Split Rock. Eduardo wanted me to reach out to you. Could we step up a time to speak and I could see your Book ? I am available next week Monday -Wednesday. Let me know what works for You. Thank You.
7/1/24 Talked to Danielle - Sent her email with W9- She will talk to purchasing about an order. Eduardo can show her copy. Offered to send one
7/1/24 Sent Danielle followup email, price list and W9
7/11/24 Sent followup email to Danielle
7/24/24 Resent followup email to Danielle
7/28/24 Reply from Danielle. Did not receive W9. Resent it
8/20/24 Sent followup email to Danielle
9/24/24 Sent followup email to Danielle
10/31/24 Talked to receptionist.Joyce  She will have Danielle call me
11/11/24 Talked to Joyce receptionist. She will print out email and give it to Danielle
11/26/24 Resent email to Danielle at both emails.PLEASE RESPOND in subject line
Eduardo Acosta  Food & Beverage Mgr.
Danielle Szmak Ford & Beverage Mgr Food Court, Waterpark Food and Gift Shop
Spring's General Store
1726 Springs Rd, Springs, PA 15562
Feb 27 1/31/25 Sent email to Matt
2/6/25 Talked to Matt. Got email. Showed it to his wife and she said she would like to see a copy. Sent Hannah WFn
Matt and Hannah Byler -Owners
  Not a big selection Sell a local author and a few other books
Photos showed books, one on insects
Spruce Peak Retail Stores
7412 Mountain Road, Stowe, VT 05672
Feb 10 8/27/24 Sent email to Tory
9/12/24 Talked to Tory. Seems book would be a good fit. He will show it to his book buyer Allison.
9/24/24 Sent Tory copy WFn
Email from Alison: Good morning, Tory Torrance recommended your Animals of Northern Appalachian Mountains book with me and I would like to place an order for our retail outlets here at Spruce Peak. Can you please send over your W-9 so I can add your company as a vendor in our system? Thank you! Alison
10/29/24 Sent Alison W9 as requested
11/21/24 Sent followup email and left voice message
1/27/25 Sent new followup email to Alison
Alison Desjardins Senior Outlets Manager -Book Buyer
844-683-1440 x9  Lodge  
802-624-6686  Allison cell
Tory Torrance Director of Food and Beverage
  Tory Torrance Director of Food and Beverage
Spruce Peak Toy & Candy Co. & Pantry Store
7412 Mountain Rd, Stowe, VT 05672
Standing Stone State Park Gift Shop
1674 Standing Stone Park Hwy., Hilham, TN 38568
April 8
3 year cycle
10/5/20 Talked to Allie. Just got some 12 copies from Tricia Ferguson.
9/2/22 20 WFs by Allie
4/9/24 Talked to Allie. Still has 14 copies
Allie Stover, Gift Shop Mgr
931-823-6347  x3
WFs: 12, 20  
Starr Mountain Outfitters
2230 Highway 30 East, Athens, TN 37303
March 4
2 year cycle
6/12/20 5 WFs by Amy
3/22/23 5 WFs by Amy
Amy Cass, owner
WFs: 5 Sells nature guide books, etc
Steele Creek Park Nature Center
80 Lakeshore Dr, Bristol, TN 37620
March 10 7/20/23 Talked to Jeremy. Gift shop at Nature Center still in the works. Hoping for Sept
10/3/23 Talked to Jeremy. Very interested in seeing a copy. Nature center almost open. Sent Jeremy WFs
Reply from Jeremy: I just wanted to reach out and thank you for the autographed copy of your book, Wild and Furry Animals of the Southern Appalachian Mountains! Our gift shop is in its early (and quite minimalistic) stages, but if and when we start selling books, yours will be at the top of the list! Thanks again, Jeremy
7/3/24 Sent followup email to Jeremy
Jeremy Stout, Gift Shop Manager
Stevens Creek Nature Center Gift Shop
15700 Thompson Road, Mint Hill, NC 28227
April 2 10/7/22 Talked to Kristen. Got copies from Reedy Creek (this center did not sell their copies, probably because they have so many books). Kristen told me the books would be in a stack. Agreed I would check next year.
8/30/23 Sent reorder email to Kristen
10/3/23 Talked to Kathy. Familiar with book, has sold some copies. Cannot reorder now due to budget. Agreed I would check next spring when budget opens up.
4/24/24 Talked to Kathy. Told me to call in July when fiscal year begins to order
7/9/24 Talked to Kathy. Told me to call in a month
8/13/24 Talked to Kathy. She is leaving. Missed placing an order. Agreed I would check next spring when her replacement is in place.
Kristen Haas, Nature Center Mgr
980-314-2526 x0 Front desk x4
WFs: (5? from Reedy Creek) Always call in July when fiscal year starts
Still North Books & Bar
3 Allen Street, Hanover NH 03755
April 29 11/216/24 Talked to Haskell.
12/6/24 Sent Haskell WFn
Sent followup email to Haskell
1/20/25 Resent email to Haskell with 40% offer
2/4/25 Reply from Haskell: Hi Lee, I received your message from this afternoon. We received your book and I have passed it along to our buyers. At this point it is out of my hands. Because of the high volume of inquiries we receive they will reach out to you if they're interested or need additional information.Thanks again, Haskell
Haskell Rooker,
Stone Broke Bread & Books
347 Water St, Gardiner, ME 04345
April 28 12/6/24 Sent Rachel WFn
Talked to Rachel. Got book. Seemed positive. Told her 40%. told me to contact her in April..
Mention 40%again
Rachel Rollson  Owner
Stone Mountain State Park Gift Shop
3042 Frank Parkway, Roaring Gap, NC 28668
 May 13 5/14/24 11 WFs by Shannon Shannon Brewer
336-957-8185  x0
WFs: 11  

Stone Soup Books
150 Race Ave, Waynesboro VA 22980

June 17 4/4/24  3 WFs by Mary
11/27/24 Sent reorder email to Mary
12/3/24 Reply from Mary: We are good right now - Thanks!
Mary Katharine Froehlich, owner
540-932-9175 cell  She prefers email
WFs: 3
Sugarloaf Mountain Amos & Friends
Sugarloaf Distribution, 9004 Main Street, Carrabassett Valley, ME 04947
June 24 6/25/24 12 WFn by Alissa PO#RPAMO000218 Will start with Sugarloaf Mountain shops first. Brumbi Grant Retail Manager
207-237-6825 -Brumbi
Sugarloafer Shop 207-237-6718
Alissa Russo
Executive Administrative Assistant | Boyne Retail
101 E. Front St | Traverse City, MI 49684
BUYER: Kelly Sue Eccleston
BILL TO: Boyne Country Sports
1200 Bay View Rd., Petoskey, MI 49770
SHIP TO: Sugarloaf Distribution, 9004 Main St.
Carrabassett Valley, ME 04947
WFn: 12 Supply WFn to:
Sugarloaf Mountain Amos & Friends
Amos & Friends (

Sent Alissa email about
Loon Mountain

60 Loon Mountain Rd., Lincoln, NH 0325
Sunday River Resort Gift Shops
P.O. Box 4500, Newry, ME 04261 Two appropriate gift shops: Betty's Treats and Treasures (Kid's-sells some kids books) and Jordan Hotel Gift Shop. Owned by Boyne Retail
Seasonal ski resort but real gift shops.
Sunburst Trading Company
108 Main St, North Woodstock, NH 03262
SunDog Outfitter & Adventure Damascus Bicycle & Outdoor Company
331 Douglas Dr, Damascus, VA 24236
April 24 3/20/21 12 WFs by Elaine
8/17/21 12 WFs by Elaine
6/6/23 12 WFs by Elaine
11/4/24 Talked to Michael. Elaine lost her home in Helene but is ok. Agreed I would check in April
Michael Wright, Owner
276-475-6252  x3 or 4
888-595-2453 x3 Front Desk Adv Damascus
Elaine Pritchett, Buyer
WFs: 12, 12,12 128 W Laurel Ave, Damascus, VA 24236
(PO Box 1113,
Damascus, VA 24236)
Sunrift Adventures
1 Center St, Travelers Rest, SC 29690
June 10 7/1/20 3 WFs by Jared. PO#JDH7120
8/31/22  3 WFs by Jared
6/19/23 4 WFs by Jared
6/11/24 5 WFs by Jared
Jared Hancock Book Buyer. Nice guy
WFs: 3,3,4,5 Send invoice to
Sunrise on Blue Ridge
651 E Main St, Blue Ridge, GA 30513
Sept 1 10/2/23 12 WFs by Jason
11/6/24 6 WFs by Kara
Kara Macsuga, Manager
Jason Clemmons, Owner
WFs: 12,6 General Store
Billing Address: 7568 Gainesville Highway Blairsville GA 30512  Send Invoice also to this address
Switzerland Inn
86 High Ridge Rd, Little Switzerland, NC 28749
April 25
April 20 to Nov
8/1//19  20 WFs ordered by Jordan
20 WFs by Jordan
Jordan Gowan (Gift Shop Manager)
828-765-2153 x4 
WFs: 20,20 3 gift shops on property
Closes in winter, reopens April 20
FED EX may charge 'remote area" fee. Ship USPS if so.
Sycamore Shoals State Park Gift Shop
1651 W. Elk Avenue, Elizabethton, TN 37643
Sept 15
2 year cycle @20
6/15/20 5 WFs by Jennifer
9/15/22  20 WFs by Jennifer
1/12/23 Talked to Leslie. She will be replacing Jennifer in July. Agreed I would check in fall
10/3/23 Talked to Leslie. Still has 10
9/16/23 Talked to Leslie. Has 8
Jennifer Bauer, Gift Shop Mgr and Buyer
Leslie Brockley Gift Shop Mgr. and Buyer
WFs: 5, 20  
Table Rock State Park Nature Center Gift Shop
158 Ellison Lane, Pickens SC 29671
April 25 10/18/22 Sent Bart copy of WFs
Sent Bart followup email
9/4/24 Called. Bart no longer there.
Amanda  -Administrative Assistant
864-878-9813 -Office
Table Rock State Park Visitor Center Gift Shop and Campground General Store
158 Ellison Lane, Pickens SC 29671
May 5 9/14/20  15 WFs by Eric
9/19/22 Talked to Samantha, new administrator. Doing inventory. Asked me to email her information which I did
9/20/22 Reply from Samantha: Thank you again for sending this information! I'll take a look at our stock and let you know what we want to do.
10/18/22 Talked to Samantha. Sold out of WFs but even with my best advice will not reorder now. New administrator who seems to be struggling with concept of running gift shop. Recommended I check with Bart Joy who runs the Nature Center at the park (See below). Right now she only has a few kids books and maps. Agreed I would check in a few years to see if the gift shop is back and running
8/30/24 Talked to Debbie Rogero. Samantha and Bart no longer enployed. Amanda Cox who handles gift shop is out on leave (husband died). Told me to contact Calvin Post who handles gift shops
9/9/24 Sent reorder email to Calvin
9/24/24 Resent reorder email to Calvin
Amanda Cox -Gift Shop Manager
Calvin Post 
Ranger Gift Shops
Debbie Rogero
Sharon -Manager Campground General Store
WFs: 15 Gift shops at Campground in General Store and in Visitor Center
Take A Hike Outfitters
100 Sutton Ave, Black Mountain, NC 28711
August 5 6/2/19 Sent copy to Jim Bourdy, buyer.  Tight on cash flow now. Not ordering new items. Told me call April 2020 for order
8/4/22  Talked to receptionist. Bourdy no longer works there. Told me to talk to owner Jim McFerrin
Jim Bourdy -Buyer
John McFerrin -Owner
WFs: June 2012 18 GB
Tallulah Gorge State Park Interpretive Center
338 Jane Hurt Yarn Drive, Tallulah Falls, GA 30573
Billing Address:Tallulah Gorge State Park,                  P.O. Box 248, Tallulah Falls, GA 30575
April 22
1/19/23  12 WFs by Rene
4/25/24 12 WFs by Hailey
Hailey Bennett Retail Buyer
Lieren (Lear-en) Merz, Park Mgr
WFs: 12,12  
Talta Lodge Gift Shop
3343 Mountain Road, Stowe VT 05672
Feb 10 5/22/24 Talked to Daylon. Nice girl. Their gift shops does sell a few books. Interested in seeing a copy
5/23/24 Sent Daylon WFn
5/30/24 Reply from Daylon:
We have just received your book in the mail and it is absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing your craft with us! We are in the process of updating our merchandise and don't have a clear budget at this time but will be sure to reach out once we hear more. For the time being, we have kept your information pamphlet out for guests to interact with. Again thank you for sharing your work with us and allowing us to admire your amazing work! All the best, Daylon Murphy
1/13/24 Talked to Daylon. Will be leaving to move to SC Charlestown but am now going to order WFn. Sharing with new team. Sent her reminder email. Wants to get order out before she leaves.
Daylon Murphy
Tamarack Cultural Center
SHIPPING: Tamarack Craft Warehouse
584 Ragland Road, Beckley, WV 25801
BILLING: One Tamarack Park, Beckley, WV 25801 
Sept 9 10/15/20 24WFs by Lulu Mason  PO#014320
6/15/21 36 WFs by Lulu Mason PO#015416LJP
5/9/23 8WFs by LuLu PO#014883LJP
8/23/23 12 WFs PO 018036LJP
9/9/24 12 WFS by Kimberly Farley PO #020111LJP
Lulu Mason  (Real professional buyer, sweet lady)
304-256-6843 x 148
304-575-6558 cell
Linda Bolen 
My buyer
Tamarack does not pay shipping. Free Shipping
Kimberly Farley Retail Buyer
Mandy Lash | Artisan Services
888-262-7225 Tamarack Marketplace
WFs: 24, 36, 8,12 Mandy Lash | Artisan Services
TAMARACK: The Best of West Virginia
1 Tamarack Park, Beckley, WV 25801
6 Places book will be sold:
West Virginia Museum Store at Cultural center at capital, Tamarack, Beckely, Princeton, Morton and
Bluestone Tourist Information Centers.
My Vendor Code is LJP
Tempest Book Shop
5031 Main Street, Waitsfield VT 05673
Nov 20 1/10/25 5 WFn by Rick 802-496-2022
Rick Rayfield
Owner Really nice interesting guy. Talked for 30 minutes about teaching, philosophy etc
WFn: 5  
Tennessee Dept of Environment and Conservation -State Parks Central Office
Tricia Ferguson, TN Dept of Environment and Conservation, WRS TN Tower, 312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, 2nd Floor, Nashville TN 37243
  2/19/20 12 WFs by Tricia for central office location.
9/4/24 Office location changed. No longer has store
Tricia Ferguson   State Park buyer
615-854-1289 cell
615-532-7359 Tricia's office
615-532-0109  Dept office
The Arcadia General Store
128 Main St, Bar Harbor, ME 04609
The Bear and Bee Bookshop
28 Holden St, North Adams, MA 01247
Feb 15 12/6/24 Sent Rye WFn
Sent followup email to Rye
Rye Howard
Owner-woman  In on Sat only
  In Berkshires
Closed M-T
The Book Forge
3 S Main St, Orange, MA 01364
Feb 11 12/5/24  Sent Tyler email as required 978-633-4082
Tyler Hauth 
  In Berkshires
The Book Nook -Saranac Lake
7A Broadway, Saranac Lake, NY 12983
April 17 9/10/24 5 WFn by Jessie Jessie Fischer, Owner    Open Tues-Saturday
WFn: 5 Will display with cover out.
The Book Nook -Ludlow
136 Main St, Ludlow, VT 05149
Nov 25 1/8/25 5 WFn by Patti 802-228-3238
& Scott Greenwood -Mgr
WFn: 5 Wed-Sun
Loves book, will display face out
The Book Store
161 North Street, New Martinsville WV 26155
Jan 30
3-year cycle
8/7/20 4 WFs by Heather
2/22/22 Talked to Heather. Still has 2 copies. Agreed I would call in the fall. How is the book displayed? Have to show cover
9/12/22 Sent reorder email
11/14/23 Talked to Heather. Thinks she is out. Had book club to go to. Sent reorder email as promised.
Heather Wetzel  Owner
WFs: 4  
The Bookery
PO Box 283, 42 N. Main Street, Rochester VT 05767
Nov 7 12/30/24  6 WFn by Sandy Sandy Lincoln Owner
WFn: 6 Wed-Sun
The Bookloft
63 State Rd, Great Barrington, MA 01230
Feb 10 12/6/24 Sent Giovanni WFn 413-645-3256
Giovanni  Boivin 
  In Berkshires
The Bookstore
8 Conant Square, Brandon, VT 05733
March 28 11/22/24 2 WFn by Barbara Barbara Ebling Owner
WFn: 2  
The Bookstore and Get Lit Wine Bar
11 Housatonic Street, Lenox, MA 01240
Feb 24 12/6/24 Sent WFn to Matt
Talked to Matt. Vaguely remembered it. Will look for it and get back to me. Mentioned Malaprops which he knew of.
1/29/25 Called Matt. Still had not looked for it... Would. Sent him reminder email
Matt Tannenbaum
  In Berkshires
The Bookworm
42 Main St, Gorham, ME 04038
Nov 13 1/9/25 3 WFs by Ruth. Free Shipping Ruth -Manager 
WFn: 3 Free Shipping for all orders.

The Briar Patch
27 Central Street, Bangor, ME 04401
July 25 1/29/25 3 WFn by Gibran Gibran Graham
207-941-0255 Store
207-249-8553 Cell
WFn: 3 Bookstore  40% rate
The Chandler at White Mountains Gift Shop
30 Arlington St, Bethlehem, NH 03574
  5/23/24 Called. Only tiny one shelf shop right now but planning on expanding next year. 603-869-7777 202-680-8824  
The Country Bookshop
140 NW Broad St, Southern Pines, NC 28387
Aug 28 10/13/23 6 WFs and 2 GB by Kimberly
10/30/24 Called. Have 4 WFs. Sold GB but not reordering it at this time.
Kimberly Daniels Taws, owner
Mary Salazar
WFs: 6
GB: 2
The Country Store
2 N Main St, Petersham, MA 01366
Feb 8 1/7/25 Talked to Josie. they do sell books. Interested in seeing a copy. Sent Josie WFn 978-724-0000
Josie Telepciak 
  near or in Berkshires
The Country Store at Jiminy Peak   
37 Corey Road, Route 43, Hancock MA 01237
July 9 7/10/24 12 WFn by Jason Jason McDowell-Green -Owner -Loves book
WFn: 12   
The Curious Cat Bookshop
386 Main St, Winsted, CT 06098
July 11 1/20/25  2 WFn by Erica Stacy Whitman Owner
Erica Monroe
WFn: 2 Northwestern part of state -Taconic Mountains
Promised Bookstore 40%
The Day Hiker
634 Parkway, Suite 13,  Gatlinburg, TN 37738
Feb 25 CV5/25/23 Sent email to Alannah asking for email and name of the right person to send book to.
5/28/23 Reply from Alannah: Thank you for the information! At this time we have a very limited space where we can put books. And our bookcase is completely full Once we sale down on our current inventory I would love to get more information about your book. I am the one who does our book ordering so I’ll be reaching out to you once we sell down the books we currently have! Thank you for reaching out to us!
5/31/23 Sent her a copy of WFs
Sent Alannah followup email
7/10/23 Resent Allannah email
4/3/24 Followup email to Alannah
8/31/24 Sent followup email to Alannah
Alannah McCord
No phone to store
Joe Gunther, owner
  They sell books and also have a nice online store.
The Eloquent Page
70 N Main St, St. Albans, VT 05478
Dec 17 12/17/24 6 WFs by Donna 802-527-7243
Donna Howard 
WFn: 6 Tues-Sat
The Equinox Golf Resort & Spa The Shop April 15   802-362-4700 x0 x875 gift shop
No email
  Regular gift shop next to restaurant
The General Store
102 Forest Drive, Warren VT 05674
Sugarbush Resort, 1840 Sugarbush Access Road, Warren VT 05674
Feb 25 12/30/24 Sent Chris email . No reply
1/31/25 Sent Chris WFn @ Sugarbush Resort, 1840 Sugarbush Access Road, Warren VT 05674
802-583-7467 General Store
Chris Vannozzi 
Asst Retail Manager (female)
802-552-4007 Sugarbush Resort
  At Sugarbush Resort below Clay Brook Hotel. Nice gift shop and general store. Sell some books
The Golden Notebook
29 Tinker St, Woodstock, NY 12498
    845-679-8000   Upper Hudson River
The Greenbrier Shoppe at Greenbriar Resort
101 Main Street West, White Sulphur Springs, WV 24986
Feb 9 10/7/20 12WFs by Shelly  PO# 10-109051-DA
2/11/22 12WFs by Devin Falls PO# PP610-125626-DA
8/7/23 Sent reorder email to Devin and Shelly
8/23/23 Called Greenbriar Shoppe. Out of books
8/23/23 Left voice message for Devin. out of books. Resent reorder email
9/13/23 Talked to Shelly. She has no money in budget now but hopes to be able to reorder soon. Sent reminder email
11/14/23 Talked to Shelly. Still no money. We laughed about that -at the Greenbriar! Told me to call in the spring
3/14/24 Sent Shelly reorder email
3/15/24 Reply from Shelly:
Thank you for your e-mail.  I will keep you in mind for later orders.
4/16/24 Talked to Shelly. Still no money for books yet. Told me to call in June
6/12/24 Talked to Shelly. Still no money yet
8/14/24 Sent followup email to Shelly
Reply from Shelly:
Nothing at this time. Thank you,
Shelly Weikle Retail Manager
x 7294, x 7569
Devin Falls  Purchasing & Logistics
304-536-1110 x 7367
Rita Antinoro (An-Tie-noro) Nice lady Accounting Mgr
304-536-1110 x5329 -Rita

WFs: 12,12 Ship and bill Receiver:
UPS RETAIL Ground 895W25
Send all invoices to

Debbie McDaniel Accounting
304-536-1110 x7390
The Hatter's Bookshop
929 Mercer St, Princeton, WV 24740
Nov 5
2/13/23 3 WFs by Tammy
8/4/23 Talked to Rowan. Still has 2 copies.
7/22/24 Talked to Rebecca. Out of copies. Asked me to email her. Sent Rebecca reorder email
8/7/24 Talked to Rebecca. Places books in local author section. Waiting for space to open up.
1/23/25 Called. Talked to Rebecca. Not ordering  because took too long to sell. Will reach out to me if....
Delete if no reorder
Tammy Dotson, Owner

Rebecca Snow
WFs: 3  
The Hound Books
3 Union St, Roscoe, NY 12776
    607-290-4088   Catskills
The Kimball Shop
135 Main St, Northeast Harbor, ME 04662
April 4   207-276-3300    
The Lake House on Canandaigua Gift Shop 
770 S Main St, Canandaigua, NY 14424
March 26 9/20/24 5 WFn by Lisa Amei Polimeni Director of Retail
Lisa Rease
-Spa Director
WFn: 5 Finger Lakes are in the Appalachian Hills region.
The Little Book Place
74 Bridge St, Tunkhannock, PA 18657
The Local Hiker
173 E Main St, Spartanburg, SC 29306
Aug 23 6/11/20 12 WFs ordered by Kathy
8/16/22 12 WFs by Kathy
8/16/23 12 WFs by Coleman
8/23/24 12 WFs by Coleman
Coleman Troup owner   Very nice man, loves otters
WFs: 12, 12,12,12 sells outdoor books
The Lodge at Glendorn Gift Shop
1000 Glendorn Drive, Bradford PA 16701
March 20 4/22/24 Sent Megan WFn
Talked to Megan. Got book and loves it. Would definitely order but cannot now because of budgeting. We agreed I would check end of summer.
9/10/24 Talked to Megan. Iffy on books but will consider plus thinking of using them as gifting item for kids who check in. Sent informational email to Megan.
Megan Yohe Handles Gift Shop
The Lodges at Coleman State Park
1166 Diamond Pond Rd, Stewartstown, NH 03576
The Maine Bookhouse
1545 Main St, Oxford, ME 04270
  Wed-Sun 207-743-9300    
The Merritt Bookstore + Toystore
55-57 Front St, Millbrook, NY 12545
Feb 10 12/1/25 Talked to Kira    Asked me to send email. Sent her email 845-677-5857
Kira Wizner
  Close to edge of Ct, Upper Hudson River
The Nature Foundation at Wintergreen Gift Shop
Route 1 (Box 770), 3421 Wintergreen Drive, Roseland, VA 22967
Sept 2 7/22/20 6 WFs by Liz. paid by cc
9/6/22 6 WFs by Morgan
8/5/23 6 WFs by Linda
9/3/24 Talked to Michelle. Has 5 copies

Michelle Maggiore  Gift shop Manager
Gift Shop open only on Tue, Wed, Fri &Sat

WFs: 6,6,6

Billing Address: The Nature Foundation at Wintergreen, Route 1, Box 770, Roseland, VA 22967

The Nature Inn at Bald Eagle Gift Shop
201 Warbler Way, Howard, Pennsylvania 16841
May 30 1/30/24 Talked to Jacque. Very small gift shop but interested in seeing book
4/1/24 Sent Jacque McCarty WFn. Bald Eagle State Park Gift Shop 149 Main Park Road, Howard, PA 16841Committee just wants book with only Penn animals in it. Great Smokies Park all over again.... Jacque loves book and will talk to folks at Nature Inn. Told me to call in two weeks
5/9/24 Talked to Allison. She talked to Jacque. Told me to call in August when fiscal year starts. No money right now. My guess is he wants to order.
8/13/24 Talked to Jackie. Had not had chance to talk to Nature Inn yet. Agreed I would call in two weeks
9/4/24 Talked to Jacque. Had not had chance yet. Busy.....
Agreed I would check Mid Oct
11/1/24 Called.Jacque now at RB Winter State Park. In process of hiring her replacement. Should have new Administrative Assistant hired by end of Dec
1/23/25 Called. Allison answered phone. She will send me email for Andrew Leidich to contact regarding book. Emailed her for that 
2/4/25 Called Allison said she forwarded email to Andrew
Wait until later to check again
814-625-2879 Nature Inn Gift Shop
814-625-2775 x5 Office Staff  Closes at 4
Andrew Leidich

  Located in Bald Eagle State Park. 
Bald Eagle State Park Gift Shop
149 Main Park Road, Howard, PA 16841
DGS vendor
The Nature Museum Gift Shop
186 Townshend Rd, Grafton, VT 05146
Aug 13 1/15/25 3 WFn by Nikolas Nikolas Katrick Executive Director
WFn: 3
The North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences at Whiteville Gift Shop
415 S Madison St, Whiteville, NC 28472

July 23
3-year cycle

10/13/22 5 WFs by Marlene
9/29/23 Talked to Deborah Stephenson. Loves book. down to 3. Asked me to send her price list which I did.
11/22/23 Talked to Deborah. Still has 3
9/24/24 Sent reorder email to Deborah
11/12/24 Talked to Deborah. Still has books. Shared it is a slow area for book sales.
Deborah Stephenson Mgr Gift Shop Sweet lady
910-788-5107 Deborah
Shelby Gull Laird, Head of Whiteville Branch
WFs: 5 Gift Shops for two museums in NC run by different support groups
The Not So Empty Nest
1209 Broadway, Bangor, ME 04401
    207-307-7703   Also in Bangor Mainely Mercantile
The Old Country Store and Museum
PO Box 186, 1011 Whittier Hwy, Moultonborough, NH 03254
March 11 12/17/24 Talked to owner Jo -told me to send a copy to her father Steve. They do sell guides and nature related books
12/20/24 Sent Steve WFn
Called -Steve died in Jan
Jo Hayden -Owner
Steve Holden
-owner's father
The Old Mill General Store
160 Old Mill Ave, Pigeon Forge, TN 37863
Feb 24 11/15/23 12 WFs by Kelly  Vendor PO OM32646B
11/29/24 Sent Kelly reorder email
Kelly Cross, Buyer   Really nice lady
865-908-7629 x507 
865-453-4628 x1 store
Nathan Layman -for credit card payments & accounts
WFs: 12 Multiple stores of various kinds in TN
1,000,000 visitor per year to store
Vendor PO OM32646B
3348 Butler Street   Kelly's office address
The Olde Mill Place
934 Main St, Vassalboro, ME 04989
  seems to be local artists only 207-877-2005   Giftshop
The Otto Bookstore
107 W 4th St, Williamsport, PA 17701
    570-326-5764   Western PA
The Outpost Experience Center at Barnsley Resort
597 Barnsley Gardens Road, Adairsville, Georgia 30103
Feb 17 6/19/23 4 WFs by Katie
8/17/23 6 WFs by Katie through Birchstreet. PO NUMBER : 000000000001013
3/21/24 6 WFs by Katie PO#0005218

1/23/25 Sent reorder email to Katie
Heather Lynn  Manager/Supervisor -Handles gift shop
770-773-7480  x0 x 2115 Office
Katie Brown Outpost Experience Supervisor
770-773-7480 x 2800 Office 
WFs: 4,6,6 Bill To: Barnsley Resort, 597 Barnsley Gardens Rd. Adairsville, GA, 30103 Attn: David Friederich
Ship To: Barnsley Resort,  597 Barnsley Gardens Rd, Adairsville, GA, 30103, Attn: Heather Lynn
The Paper Merchant
340 13th Avenue South, Naples, FL 34102
Jan 17

Dec 2017 Boxed cards since 2017. Discontinued 2022
12/12/22 Sent 75 single cards of Pier and Pelican cards since they overpaid in 2021.
12/21/23 Talked to George. Ok for the moment. Told me to call in a month.
1/29/24 Talked to George. Told me to call in a month.
2/28/24 Called Still ok
11/12/24 Called. George said still ok. Suggested I can back mid January
1/20/25 Talked to George. Still ok

George Buonocore
239-264-5463  Park Shore Center
239-261-5790 13th Avenue South
(Home Address: 2536 Lee Street, Naples Fl 34112)
Pier from Beach: 6, 24, 24, 24, 75
On the Pier: 75
Contact on Nov 1 each year.
Second location: Park Shore Centre
3609 Tamiami Trail North Naples, FL 34103
The Peoples Book Shop
605 Wings Mill Rd Mount Vernon, ME 04352
The Shawnee Inn & Golf Resort Gift Shop
100 Shawnee Inn Drive, Shawnee on Delaware, Pennsylvania 18356
Sept 4 4/26/24 Sent Rob WFn
Sent followup email to Rob
6/10/24 Left voice message and resent followup email
6/25/24 Resent followup email
7/10/24 Resent email
8/9/24 Talked to AJ at front desk. She will tell Rob to check email. Resent email
Rob Howell -General Mgr.
570-424-4050 x0#   Front Desk next Rob's office  
The Shop Around the Corner
Red Lion Inn, 30 Main St, Stockbridge, MA 01262
Nov 19 1/13/25 12 WFn by Janis 413-298-5545 Red Lion Inn
Janis Monachina
Owner Loves book 
WFn: 12  
The Smiling Cow
41 Main St Camden, ME 04843
    207-236-3351   Gift Shop -closes in the winter
The Squirrel & Acorn Bookshop
103 S Allen St, State College, PA 16801
    814-699-9018 x1    
The Swag Gift Shop
2300 Swag Rd, Waynesville, NC 28785
June 13 2/10/23 24 WFs by Kristen.
9/13/24 Sent reorder email to Kristen
Becky Seymour  Management
Kristen Messer Gift Shop Mgr.
828-926-0430  x2
The Toadstool Bookshops
12 Emerald St, Keene, NH 03431
March 7 12/11/24 2 WFn by Don Don Luckham Manager
WFn: 2 Keene and Peterborough
The Tribune Books & Gifts
430 Main Street, Unit 1, Norway ME 04268
April 23 12/624 Sent WFn to Ian
Talked to Ian. Got book. Not stocking now in off season. Agreed I would check in spring. Seemed interested but iffy. Gave him best sales pitch,l
Ian McQuinn  Owner
The Vermont Book Shop
38 Main St, Middlebury, VT 05753
Feb 11 11/21/24 Called. Was told to email Becky. Sent her an email
1/3/25 Talked to Becky. Did get email and will look at it.
Becky Dayton
The Vermont Country Store
657 Main Street, Weston, Vermont 05161
1292 Rockingham Road, Bellows Falls, Vermont 05101
June 16 7/8/24 Sent WFn to Merchandise Product Submission Dept 800-547-7849 Customer Service
Weston: 802-824-3184
Rockingham: 802-463-2224
Attention: Merchandise Product Submission
5650 Main Street, Manchester Center, VT 05225

The Wild Supply Company at The Wild Center
45 Museum Dr, Tupper Lake, NY 12986
July 14 7/12/24 12 WFn by Josh Josh Pratt, Retail Manager
WFn: 12 Winter Hours: Open Fri-Sat-Sun
Open May-Oct seven days a week
The Wrinkled Egg
2710 NC Hwy. 225, Flat Rock, North Carolina 28731
April 15 8/2/22 8 WFs by Virginia
6/27/23 10 WFs by Virginia
6/25/24 Sent reorder to Virginia
6/26/24 Reply from Virginia: Thanks but we still have a couple of copies. Will hope to sell these soon and need more then
Virginia Spigener

WFs: 8,10  
Thomas Wolfe Memorial
52 N. Market Street, Asheville, NC 28801
May 14
3- year cycle
8/1/18 30 TWH1 by Kayla
12/10/21 30 TWH1 by Kayla
5/15/24 36 TWH1 by Kayla
Thomas Muir -Director
Kayla Seay -Buyer   Tuesday-Saturday
TWH1: 30, 30,36 Discontinued GB, House10, Angel8, Ash10, Totes, prints
Cards seem to be on two-year cycle
Call only in late summer when visitation is strong.
Three Bears General Store
2861 Parkway, Pigeon Forge, TN 37863
April 2 Sept 23 Approximate date:  Sent WFn to Fran
Had given up on her and added to No List since she never responded.
4/26/24 Reply from Fran: Lee, To be honest I have not looked at catalogs or samples that have been delivered in the past couple of months. We are under a remodel in our offices and we have stacks everywhere. At this time I can tell you we are very well stocked in books for the store. I do appreciate the email. We are good right now.
9/24/24 Sent followup email to Fran
Email one more time
Fran Delozier -Owner


Tims Ford State Park Gift Shop
570 Tims Ford Drive, Winchester, TN 37398
August 6 9/9/22 15 WFs by Edwina
5/8/24 12 WFs by Edwina. Send after June 1
Edwina McGee, Mgr. Nice lady
WF: 15,12 Displays books in two places
Town Hardware & General Store
103 W State St, Black Mountain, NC 28711
March 18 9/6/23 2 WFs and 2 GB by Beth
3/8/24 Called Beth. Has 1 GB still. Asked me to email her re WFs book inventory. Sent reorder email
3/13/24 Reply from Beth: I am good on your books currently. Thanks for checking in. Beth
Beth Ballhuassen, Owner
Not there Thursday -Day off
WFs: 2
GB: 2
Town of Long Lake Tourist Information Center
1130 Deerland Rd, Long Lake, NY 12847
Trapp Family Lodge Outdoor Center  
700 Trapp Hill Road, Stowe VT 05672
Feb 12 5/25/24 Sent Lisa WFn
Sent followup email to Lisa
7/23/24 Resent followup email to Lisa and left voice message
8/23/24 Resent followup email to Lisa
9/4/24 Talked to Lisa. Had not seen book yet...  negative on buying books, family center.  Gave her my bet sales pitch and got through. She will look for it. Asked me to send her email which I did.
11/20/24 Sent followup email to Lisa
2/6/25 Resent edited followup email to Lisa and left voice message to check email
802-253-8511 x6
Lisa Hunt Retail Director
802-253-5804 Lisa T-W-Th
802-253-5791 Gift Shop
Trust General Store
14535 NC Hwy 209, Hot Springs, NC 28743
July 16 Aug 2004 6 GB
March 2008 6 GB
May 2012  5 GB ordered by April
April 2013 6 GB  April no longer mgr, New mgr Jessica Roberson
June 2015 12 boxes of WA10 by Jessica
July 2017 6 GB by Jessica.
July 2017 12 WFh by Jessica
Sept 2018 6 GB by Jessica.
3/15/21 Order by Jo Ann: Wild & Furry Animals book Qty-12 @9.48 each Ultimate Guide to Asheville and WNC Qty-12@8.78 each Boxed note cards-Qty-2 @6.00 each Loose cards-@1.50each, Bobcat-3, Black bear-3, Gray squirrel-3,White tail deer-3,River otter-3,Red Fox-3
Cottontail rabbit -3
6/25/21 12 WFs and 12 GB by Joann
8/13/22 12Wfs, 4 GB, 10 each of animal cards
6/24/23 15 WFs, 2 GB, 10 each animal cards
7/11/24 15 WFs, 12 GB, 10 Bobcat, Bear, Deer, Otters, 9 each Squirrel, Red Fox. No Rabbit cards by Kim
Bill Weldner, Owner
Kim Murphy Owner-Mgr
828-622-7455 store
GB: 6,6,5,6,12, 12,12,4,2
WFs: 12, 12, 12,15
Black Bears1: 3,3,10,10,10
Gray Squirrel1: 3,3,10,10 9
Whitetail Deer1: 3,3,10,10,10
River Otters1: 3,3,10,10,10
Red Fox1: 3,3,10,10, 9
Rabbit1: 3,3,10,10 
Tugaloo State Park Gift Shop
1763 Tugaloo State Park Road, Lavonia, GA 30553
Aug 22
2 year cycle
4/24/20 4 WFs by Caitlin
8/23/23 4 WFs by Caitlin

Caitlin Roberson
WFs: 4,4 They display books on holder face out.
Twin Falls Resort State Park Gift Shop
Route 97-Saulsville Mountain Road,  (PO Box  667)  Mullens WV 25882
March 8 2/10/19 4 WFs by Rita
8/12/23 Talked to Michael, out of books
Rita McAllister -Gift Shop Mgr.
304-294-4000 Lodge Front Desk
304-294-6000 Office
WFs: 4 Gift shop right next to front desk
Twin Farms Gift Shop  
PO Box 115, Barnard VT 05031 
  4/25/24 Sent Sarah WFn Sarah Swamp, Retail Supervisor
800-894-6327 x4
  Little bit of everything, some coffetable type books
Tygart Lake State Park Nature Center Gift Shop
1240 Paul E. Malone Road, Grafton WV 26354

March 8


4/19/23 6 WFs by Jessica Dolin -WVCBS Jim Browning Supt, Pat Miller Asst
Ben West -Gift Shop Buyer and Lodge Manager 304-265-6148
Jacob Jackson -Nature Center Director  
304-265-6148 (8am to 2pm)
WFs: 6  
Tyler Place Family Resort Gift Shop
PO Box 254, 175 Tyler Road, Highgate Springs, VT 05460 
March 30 4/25/24 sent Tasney WFn
Sent followup email to Tasney
Talked to Tasney. Got book, loves it. passed it on to Lyn their buyer.
6/27/24 Sent Lyn followup email
7/11/24 Talked to Lyn. Iffy because of short season. half way through, but agreed I would send informational email. Sent Lyn followup email
Wait until spring 2024
Tasney Ottis Oversees Gift Shop
Lyn Cortley
Buyer -works at gift shop
typical gift shop
Umbagog Lake State Park Gift Store
PO Box 181, Errol, NH 03579
May 28 9/11/24 Talked to Ann Marie
9/24/24 Sent Ann Marie WFn
Sent followup email to Ann Marie
11/5/24 Reply from Ann Marie: Good afternoon, I never did receive your book. The shipping address is: Umbagog Lake State Park PO Box 181 Errol, NH 03579
11/6/24 I think I resent copy of book. Not positive though
Ann Marie Chaisson
Unicoi State Park Campground Store
1788 GA-356, Helen, GA 30545

July 3
5/11/23 Sent Patti WFs
Talked to Patti. Sweet girl. Got book, and will place an order after fiscal year starts in July
6/30/23 Sent W9 to Patty
7/6/23 Talked to Patti. Was told by management to pull books out of store... She was frustrated because wants book. Agreed I would check in a year to see if things have changed. They do sell the book in Lodge.
Patty Alexander -Campground Store Mgr.
706-878-2201 x0 Front Desk x551 Patty x550 campground store
WFs: 2 Stores: Lodge and Campground. Each order separately. Location of Anna Ruby Falls
Campground store has nature display
Unicoi State Park Lodge Gift Shop
1788 GA-356, Helen, GA 30545
August 27 6/30/23 5 WFs by Cassie. Sent also with books W9
2/3/1/24 Called Cassie. Still has 4 books. Displays book properly
9/25/24 Talked to Ashley. Has 3 books in store            
Cassie Pineiro -Unicoi Lodge Gift Shop Mgr.
706-878-2201 x549 Gift Shop x0 Front Desk
WFs: 5 2 Stores: Lodge and Campground. Each order separately. Location of Anna Ruby Falls . Paid by corporation in Florida
United Ads
Jan 21 Yearly

1/1/22 Ads #1,2 & 3 for $285
1/6/23 Renewed ads for $285
1/31/23 Ad#4 for $125
1/12/24 Liza's Reef Ads: Kept Ad #1 on Melanesian Region for $125 and added new Ad #2 with three links on Rain Forests of the World for $150
2/12/24 Liza's Reef Ad #3: New ad on Hope for the Oceans at bottom of page under Oceanic Legal Info for $150

1/22/25 Kept Ad #1 on Melanesian Region for $125 and added new Ad #2 with three links on Rain Forests of the World for $150. New Ad #3 -Hope for the Oceans -Bottom of Western Caribbean page for$150
Madelyn Ross
United Ads, 124 Sixth Street, Scotia, NY 12302
Text Link Ad:  2017, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,25

Madelyn: Your text link ads on my Environmental website are due for yearly renewal at this time.  Please let me know if you wish to renew any and/or all, or place news ones. 
#1 AD 2025: $125  
#2 AD 2025 on  1:
$150 Placed on:
Below your "More Resources" links at the bottom of the page, could you please add this new text:
Organized Crime in Amazon Rainforest: Headline
Deforestation Environmental Crimes
Amazon Underworld Organized Crime
Criminal Attorney in Columbus
#3 AD 2025:
*Below your last paragraph which ends "Just click on the University of California Press link above to do so" could you please add this text in a new paragraph:
Caribbean Cuisine:
Caribbean Barbecue
Barbacoa Recipe
Indigenous Cuisine

University of Vermont Bookstore
590 Main Street, Burlington, VT 05405
July 21 1/12/25 2 WFn by Sherry . Arrived damaged. Resent  2 WFn 800-331-7305 x3 gifts or x2 textbooks x2  Close at 4:30
802-656-3031 Sherry Irish
Catamount Store 802-660-0868
Brendan Andrews Mgr Main Store
Sherry Irish Cafe section of Bookstores Books other than textbooks. They do display cover out
WFn: 2 Multiple locations:
Catamount Store on Church Street
Unnameable Books
66 Avenue A, Turners Falls, MA 01376
Feb 8 1/3/25 Sent Adam email as instructed to correct email. Had previously sent it to wrong address. 413-863-5022
Adam Tobin
  In Berkshires
Valley Falls State Park Gift Shop
720 Valley Falls Rd, Fairmont, WV 26554
June 2
April to Oct
8/8/19   6 WFs ordered by Diane
12/20/21 Talked to Diane. Shop only open May to Oct. Agreed I would check in May. Relatively unpleasant lady, when I asked for her email to follow up, she said "No".
6/22/23 Called Diane on call. not interested in reordering -hung up.
Try again in 2025. Talk to someone else in gift shop?
Diane Oliva, Gift Shop Mgr. & Foundation Treasurer
304-685-1815 cell
833-987-2757 WV State Parks
Superintendent Brett Harshbarger
WFs: 6 Open only April to Oct
Gift Shop run by Valley Falls State Park Foundation
Not part of the WV Centralized Buying system
Vance Birthplace
911 Reems Creek Road, Weaverville, NC 28787
August 27
3 year cycle
10/18/22 10 WFs by Lauren
9/7/23 Talked to Lauren. Still has 8 copies.
Lauren May, Asst Site Manager
Kimberly Floyd, Site Manager
WFs: 10 2002-2012 Sold Vance10, prints
Not interested in cards (2022)
Victoria Bryant State Park Gift Shop
1105 Bryant Park Road, Royston, GA 30662
August 23
2-year cycle
11/30/21 10 WFs by Erika.
5/19/23 Talked to Erika. Still has 7 copies
Erika Williams, Adminstrative Clerk/Gift Shop Buyer
770-389-7286 Georgia State Park
WFs: 10


Village Square Booksellers
PO Box 245, 32 Square, Bellows Falls, VT 05101
June 29 11/21/24 Talked to salesperson. Store emphasis is on children. Sent Myles copy of WFn
12/6/24 Talked to Myles.  Maybe in the back... will check. Agreed I would followup in January.
Talked to Myles. Still clueless. Probably had not checked. Emailed him.
If no reply delete.
Myles Mickle
Owner Buyer
VINS Nature Center Nature Store
149 Natures Way, Quechee, VT 05059
USPS: PO 1281 Quechee, VT 05059
May 26 7/24/24 6 WFn by Amy Amy Gillam
x4 store
WFn: 6 Vermont Institute of Natural Sciences
Virginia Living Museum Gift Shop
524 J Clyde Morris Blvd, Newport News, VA 23601
Feb 11 1/23/23 24 WFs by Stacy  PO#109637 Stacy Queensberry, Store Buyer
757-595-1900 x0
WFs: 24 Stacy: I just received your signed book and letter! The book is a PERFECT fit for our store. Thank you for thinking of us. The otter is our mascot, so the cover is a great marketing tool for us.
Vogel State Park Gift Shop
405 Vogel State Park Road, Blairsville, GA 30512
Feb 28 9/6/22 6 WFs by Terri
7/20/23 12 WFs by Amy
7/19/24 Sent reorder email to Amy
8/16/24 Called. Amy is dealing with an illness
9/16/24 Called. Amy still ill. Ordering freeze in place
Amy Biagianti  Buyer
WFs: 6,12  
Walkabout Outfitter -Lexington
21 S Main St, Lexington, VA 24450
May 15
4/24/20 Sent Suz WFs
6/18/20 Sent Suz followup email
9/18/20 Talked to clerk. He will let her know I am emailing her
9/18/20 Emailed Suz
9/21/20 Talked to salesgirl. She did forward my latest email to Suz who just went on vacation. Follow up in Nov. Give her time to respond.
11/17/20 Sent Suzanne another followup email
12/30/20 Talked to Suzanne. Loved book, and would like to probably get some copies. Agreed I would contact her late spring
9/14/21 Sent Suzanne followup email
7/25/22 Sent Suzanne email
8/1/22 Reply from Suzanne: Thank you Lee!  I really appreciate you following up.  At this time we aren't able to bring in anything new - with inflation and low sales at this time we have to be really careful.  It's possible I could do it at holiday time, maybe check back in around mid Oct. Thanks for your patience, 
10/24/22 Sent followup email to Suzanne
10/27/22 Resent email after talking to headquarters who would let her know about email.
11/14/22 Resent email after leaving voice mail to check
11/15/22 Reply from Suz: Thanks for the follow up. At this time, unfortunately we are way overstocked in inventory due to back ups in supply chains and now it’s all landing. I’m not in the position to add another product. It will likely be until next May before I can. Suz
5/1/23 Sent followup email to Suzanne
9/5/23 Resent followup email to Suzanne
10/2/23 Reply from Suz: I’m so sorry for not returning your email. Things have been pretty busy around here. At this time, we just can’t add anything to our mix, we are still trying to get through the overstocking issues. I’ll reach out if ever we get there! Thanks!
Suzanne Mayerchek, Buyer for all stores
540-461-8899 Headquarters
540-460-2849 Suzanne
540-464-4453  Store
Walkabout Outfitter -Blacksburg
1560 S Main St., Blacksburg, VA 24060
Walkabout Outfitter -Harrisonburg
90 N Main St., Harrisonburg, VA 22802
Walkabout Outfitter -Richmond
3015 W Cary St., Richmond, VA 23221
Walkabout Outfitter -
304 Market St. SE, Roanoke, VA 24011
4822-J Valley View Blvd NW, Roanoke, VA 24012
Washington General Store
7 Waldoboro Rd. Washington, Maine 04574
June 2 12/23/24 Sent Sean WFn
Talked to Mary. Thinks he got it.
2/6/24  Talked to Mary. She talked to Sean. Not buying anything now, she suggested I try end of spring.
Sean Donaghy
No email
  They sell lots of books
Water Stone Outdoors        
101 E W Wiseman Ave, Fayetteville, WV 25840
April 23 10/27/20 12 WFs by Maura
4/21/21  20 WFs by Maura 
PO 11245
5/24/22 12 WFs by Maura.

7/15/23 12 Wfs by Stephanie
7/24/24 Sent reorder email to Stephanie
7/24/24 Reply from Stephanie: We still have a handful, I'll reach out if we run low!
Stephanie Bragg, Buyer
Holly and Chris Russell, Owner
WFs: 12, 20,12,12

Send  invoices to:

Watson Mill State Park Visitor Center Gift Shop
650 Watson Mill Road, Comer, Georgia 30629
March 18
8/7/23 6 WFS by Lori Hamby
2/28/24 Called. New manager Jackson was familiar with book from other park. Not interested in reordering book or carrying it in Watson Mill SP.
Call 2027 to see if there is a new manager and then retry
Jackson Mowor Park Mgr. Gift Shop
WFs: 6 In Piedmont East of Atlanta
Waveland State Historic Site Gift Shop
225 Waveland Museum Lane, Lexington, KY 40514
Oct 18 2025
2-year cycle
April to Oct
4/26/21  6 WFs by Charla
10/26/23 6 WFs by Lashe
Lashe (La Shay) Mullins, Park Mgr.

WFs: 6,6 Daniel Boone related historic site with small gift shop.
Open April to Oct
2 year cycle
Weeks State Park Gift Shop
200 Week's State Park Rd, Lancaster, NH 03584
    Rachel -Manager
West Virginia State Wildlife Center Gift Shop
178 Alexander Road, French Creek, WV 26218
August 22
9/10/20 11 WFs by Mike.
9/8/22 12 WFs by Billie Jo
9/1/23 Talked to Billie Jo. Still has 5 books. Agreed I would call in March
3/28/24 Sent reorder email to Billie Jo
4/12/24 Resent reorder email to Billie Jo
4/24/24 Talked to salesgirl. Has 3 on shelf
4/24/24 Talked to Billie Jo. Just opened 3 days ago. Cant reorder yet. Will do so. Agreed I would follow up in a month
8/9/24 Sent followup email to Billie
8/23/24 Reply from Billie Jo: Just letting you no I have Cancer and its going to be a long road ahead. We will not be needing anything this year. Will get back with you in 2025.
Billie Jo Donovan
304-924-9001 Gift shop
304-924-6211 Wildlife Center
WFs: 11,12 Bill invoices to Just4Fun
West Virginia Centralized Buying System
1900 Kanawha Boulevard East, Charleston, WV 25305
March 19

See Webpage WV State Parks
51 WFs by Jessica after sending 2023 Inventory
Status Spreadsheet. Shipped via Fed Ex in one box
3/12/24 27 WFs: Blennerhassett 6, Coopers Rock 10, Kanawha  5, Pipestem  6 .
7/12/24 12 WFs Blackwater Falls   Shipped to Blackwater Falls

WVCBS: West Virginia Centralized Buying System
Jessica Dolin
Buyer in Charleston and  Promotional Merchandising Manager
Centralized Buying System
304-558-2764 To reach Jessica's office. Tourism office for all state parks.

Their new centralized buying system allows for parks to buy some items on their own, others by her but all purchases are coordinated through her. She checks parks and orders as needed
4/18/23: 51
3/12/24: 27
7/12/24: 12
Email invoice as well as in shipment
Reply to my enquiry about 10 stores prior to 2022 that she has not reordered for: Thank you Lee. At this time we are taking 2-3 seasons to sell through your book. We have other stores that have them on the shelf now Appreciate your concern. We will continue to purchase once they are low or out of stock.

Babcock SP
Beech Fork SP
Blackwater Falls SP
Blennerhassett Island SP
Bluestone SP
Cacapon Resort SP
Cass Scenic Railroad SP
Chief Logan SP & Lodge
Cooper's Rock State Forest
Hawk's Nest SP
Holly River SP
Kanawha State Forest
Kumbrabow State Forest
Little Beaver SP
Lost River SP
Moncove Lake SP
North Bend SP
Pipestem Resort SP
Seneca State Forest
Twin Falls Resort SP
Tygart Lake SP
Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge Association Visitor Center Gift Shop
PO Box 239, Decatur, AL 35602
April 9 6/14/20 12 WFs
9/1/22 Talked to Theresa. Shut down and not buying now. Visitor center under major construction. We agreed to call next summer. Nice lady
8/4/23 Talked to Theresa at 256-318-7974 Hoping to open by next summer. Still under construction. She is no longer involved. Gave me Ranger's name.
8/15/24 Sent email to Wheeler Wildlife Association as to status of gift shop.
11/8/24 Sent reorder email to David Young asking if the visitor center is now open and who is the buyer for the gift shop
David Young, Ranger in charge
256-350-6639  Wheeler Wildlife Center
WFs: 12 Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center Gift Shop, 3121 Visitor Center Rd, Decatur, AL 35603
Gift Shop run by Wheeler Wildlife Refuge Association
Whistlestop Bookstore
129 W High St, Carlisle, PA 17013
Feb 27 12/12/24 Spoke to Jeff. Busy. Asked me to email him. Sent Jeff email
Talked to Jeff. "skimmed" it. Agreed I would call back in a month.
Jeff Wood 
Whispering Sands Gift Shop
3 Main St, York, ME 03909
White Birch Bookstore 
PO 399, 2568 White Mountain Hwy, North Conway, NH 03860
Nov 14 1/7/25 6 WFn by Laura 603-356-3200
Laura Cummings
WFn:6 40% bookstore rate
White Deer Park  Nature Center Gift Shop
2400 Aversboro Rd, Garner, NC 27529
April 10
7/20/23 Sent email to Katie. Talked to receptionist. they have a few themed items for sale at front desk.
7/20/23 Reply from Katie: Hi, Lee. Thanks for reaching out. We’re looking at a refresh of the Nature Center next fiscal year, and merchandise is a part of the conversation. We have a very small facility (2,500 square feet for the lobby, classroom, two offices and restrooms), so all space is at a premium (even 8.5 square inches, which I love that you have calculated) and we haven’t found much success with selling our branded items. In short, we need to determine if we’re the kind of place that really needs to sell merch.
Check in 2026 to see if things have changed. Sold book to Katie for staff in July 2023
Katie Lockhart, Outdoor Education and Parks Manager
White Lake State Park Campstore
PO Box 41 West Ossipee NH 03890
    Kim Johnson, Assistant Manager Not W-Th
White Mountains Visitor Center
PO Box 10, 200 NH-112, North Woodstock, NH 03262
March 20 1/4/25 Called. Send copy to Diane Ryea in spring
3/1/25 Send Diane WFn
Diane Ryea
-Gift Shop and Visitor Center manager
  Privately run visitor center. Their main visitor season is May though Oct, open year round
White Squirrel Shoppe
6 West Main Street, Brevard, NC 28712
March 3 Feb 2017 12 BWS10 by Karen
May 2017 Ok on cards, Talked to Karen Kamp, sales associate. Sent Karen a copy of WFs.
June 2017 20 WFs by Karen
May 2018 12 BWS10. Ok on WFs
8/1/18 12 BWS10, ok on WFs. Ordered by Cindy. Sent sample of BWS single
2/1/19 20 Wfs, 12 BWS10 by Loraine
9/26/19; Ok on WFs, 12 BWS10
12/7/20 Talked to Loraine. Ok on WFs, 12 BWS10
4/28/21 12 BWS10. Ok on books  Past Due Inv sent 7/22/21
6/25/21 12 BWS 10 by Lorraine
8/31/21 12 BWS10 by Lorraine. Sent also 12 BWS1 to try at no cost. Sell at $4.00
9/28/21 12 BWS10, 20 BWS1
3/15/22 Talked to Loraine Ok on books, 12 BWS10, 24 BWS1
7/19/24 24 BWS10s. Ok on books and single cards
11/7/22 12 BWS10
8/30/23 30 BWS1
8/27/24 36 BRS1, ok on books
Loraine Scalla
Karen Camp
Cindy -Sales associate

WFs is slow seller at this store. Displayed properly with cover out.

WFs: 20,20
BWS1: 12, 20,24,30,36
White Whale Bookstore
4754 Liberty Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15224
Feb 26 1/7/25 Filled out online form on website and sent email also
If no order or reply, delete
Ad and Jill 
  in Alleghany Mountains
Whiteface Lodge Gift Shop
7 Whiteface Inn Lane, Lake Placid, NY 12946
Feb 17 5/10/24 Sent Fara Clayton WFn. wanted to order
Fara no longer there. Jenna Lester now handles gift shop.
12/9/24 Talked to Jenna. Looks forward to seeing book
12/12/24 Sent WFn to Jenna
Talked to Jenna. Got book. Loves it. Showing it to her GM also. Told me to check next week.
1/27/25 Sent Jenna followup email
Jenna Lester Director of Operations /Gift Shop
518-523-0500 x2 x1
Wild Book Company
47 West Street, Newfane  VT
Molly Hill 
  Opens seasonally. Closed winter
Wild Birds Unlimited- Asheville
946 Merrimon Ave, Asheville, NC 28804
Aug 12 11/27/23 12 WFs by Casey
12/5/24 Talked to Leslie. Still has 4
Casey First, Mgr.
WFs: 12  
Wild Birds Unlimited -Charlottesville
810 Twentyninth Place Court
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Nov 1 2/27/24 6 WFs by Scott. Used $11.37 price for this order
11/13/24 15 WFs by Scott
Scott and Susan Karr, owners
WFs: 6,15  
Wild Birds Unlimited -Chattanooga
6025 E. Brainerd Road, Suite 102
Chattanooga, TN 37421
Feb 21 11/30/23 4 WFs by Joe
2/29/24 Called. Still has 2 copies.
11/8/24 Talked to Joe. Still has a copy or two. Asked me to call in Feb
Joe Renko, owner
WFs: 4  
Wild Birds Unlimited -Hendersonville
638 Spartanburg Highway, Suite 60
Hendersonville, NC 28792
June 3 10/19/23 12 WFs by Lutrelle
11/20/23 Still has 4
Lutrelle O'Cain, Mgr. Really nice lady. Loves book, read it cover to cover
WFs: 12  
Wild Birds Unlimited -Hixson
6415 Hixson Pike, Shop #103
Hixson, TN 37343
June 2 11/20/23 2 WFs by Karen
3/12/24 5 WFs by Karen
11/20/24 Talked to Karen. Good for now
Karen Gajda, owner
WFs: 2,5  
Wild Birds Unlimited -Huntsville
4800 Whitesburg Drive, Suite 9B
Huntsville, AL 35802
Feb 23 10/19/23 Sent Becky WFs
Sent followup email to Becky
12/9/23 Talked to Becky. Got book. Call in spring. Got book. Perfect for her new kid section
Talked to Becky. Asked me to send reminder email which I did
4/5/24 Resent reminder email
5/1/24 Resent reminder email
5/25/24 Talked to Becky. Things on hold due to restaurant fire next door. Asked me to call in November for Christmas season.
11/78/24 Called her. Gonna pass for now. Told me to check in February.
2/8/25 Talked to Becky. Asked questions. Sent her reminder email
Becky Brown, owner  Best time to reach her Sat AM
Wild Birds Unlimited -Johnson City
2112 West Market Street, Suite 60
Johnson City, TN 37604
August 11 11/20/23 2 WFs by Kera
4/16/24 Sent Kera reorder email
5/6/24 Called. Clerk says 1 copy on shelf
8/8/24 Sent Kera reorder email
8/9/24 Reply from Kera: Hello Thank you for reaching out. I’m good right now I still do have a copy in the store
Maybe during the holidays Thank you Kera
12/5/24 Called. Still has 1copy
Kera Brewster, owner Really nice, Loves book
WFs: 2  
Wild Birds Unlimited -Maryville
1714 West Broadway Avenue
Maryville, TN 37801
March 8 3/8/24 12 WFs by Jacqueline Jacqueline Burcham, Owner
WFs: 12  
Wilderness Adventure
50 Middlebrook Ave, Staunton, VA 24401
May 22 4/28/23 3 WFs by Emily
11/7/23 3 WFs by Emily
2/10/24 Called. Still has 3 copies
Wanda Bentley Mgr.
Gordon Barlow, owner
WFs: 3,3 Outfitter Store
Only buys small quantities of books
Wilderness Road State Park Gift Shop
8051 Wilderness Rd Trail, Ewing, VA 24248
March 8 8/16/22 11 WFs by Crystal  PO# PCO2831007 Logged into SAP to use their cc. Card#: 4715291108590459
Expiration: 02/2024 Name: Donna Long
Donna Long, Office Mgr.
Crystal Kirk, Gift Shop  
WFs: 11 SAP Network: VIRGINIA Ariba Network eBS FEM $(sa)
Wilderness Station Gift Shop
Murfreesboro Parks and Recreation
2140 N. Thompson Lane, Murfreesboro, TN 37129
July 23 5/4/23 11 WFs by Bonnie
7/8/24  12 WFs by Bonnie 
7/14/24 email from Bonnie I received the po back from the office. The number is #25000801. I'll be watching for the shipment.  Reshipped books to right address
7/12/24 Books came back again!!
7/13/24 Called Bonnie.Shipped to her home address:
385 Chippen Court, Murfreesboro TN  37128
Bonnie Biles, Gift Shop Manager
Murfreesboro Parks and Recreation,2140 N. Thompson Lane, Murfreesboro, TN 37129
WFs: 11,12 Physical Address: 401 Volunteer Road,  Murfreesboro, TN 37128
Bonnie Biles Home Address: 385 Chippen Court, Murfreesboro TN  37128
William B. Umstead State Park Gift Shop
8801 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, NC 27617
Sept 30 7/6/23 Talked to Jean. Very inquisitive lady. Had to really sell the book but in the end she was eager to see it. Will show it to rangers also. Sent Jean WFs
Sent Jean followup email
8/21/23 Talked to Jean. Book arrived. She had not had time to see it. will check with rangers this weekend. Agreed I would call next week
8/30/23 Talked to Jean, forgot again to check. Apologized. Agreed I would check late Sept
The Umstead Coalition -P.O. Box 10654, Raleigh, NC 27605
919-852-2268 Umstead Coalition 
Jean Spooner nice lady, funny
919-571-4170 x0 State Park
  The Umstead Coalition handles kiosk gift shop.
Williamsburg General Store
12 Main St, Williamsburg, MA 01096
  12/31/24 Talked to salesgirl.  They do sell some books, nature related
1/3/25 Talked to Heather. Seemed interested. Sent her email
Heather Majercik  Owner
  Historic, upscale store
Wind Creek State Park Marina Store
4325 Alabama Highway 128, Alexander City, Alabama 35010
June 5
4-year cycle
6/25/20 10 WFs by Kenyata
10/12/22 Talked to Kenyata. On purchasing freeze. Still has a few copies. Agreed I would check mid Feb
12/28/22 Talked to clerk, still has a few copies.
5/9/23 Talked to Stacy. Said she still has plenty...
5/3/24 Talked to clerk at store -still has 2-3 copies
Kenyata Perry, Gift Shop Mgr
256-329-0845 x2 office x3 marina store
WFs: 10  
Wintergreen Resort Blue Ridge Boutique
39 Mountain Inn Loop, Nellysford, VA 22958
May 3 5/14/24 12 WFs by Doug Doug Caldwell
703-517-7181 cell
x 8160
WFs: 12 Outdoor Elements & Blue Ridge Boutique Gift Shops
WNC Nature Center Gift Shop
75 Gashes Creek Road, Asheville, NC 28805
June 6 7/7/17 12 WFs,
8/29/18  20 WFs by Kerby Agreed to 60% for Wfs.
5/12/19  30 WFs by Kerby
11/29/21 25 WFs

5/28/23 25 WFs
Kerby Price, Manager 
828-259-8080 X4 Gift Shop

15, 20,30,25,25

Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery Visitor And Environmental Education Center
50 Kendall Road, Jamestown KY 42629
Sept 1
May - Oct
10/15/19  5 WFs by Kayla Newell
9/12/22 4 WFs by Lisa
4/17/23 6 WFs by Lisa
5/30/24 Talked to Lisa. Told me to check in a week
6/10/24 Called -still has 5 copies. Agreed I would check later in summer
8/28/24 Sent reorder email to Lisa
9/1/24 Reply from Lisa: I will try get back with you on Tuesday. Sent from my iPhone
9/2/24 Reply from Lisa: Good afternoon, I still have 5 left. If you could reach out to me around December 1.
12/2/24 Called. Still has 5
Lisa Rosenthal, Purchasing for Friends of Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery (Loves my book)
(Lisa cell)  
270-343-3797 x2 Staff Directory  Friends of Wolf Creek
WFs: 5,4 May through October
Wolf Den Run State Park Gift Shop
890 N Hill Rd, Kitzmiller, MD 21538
  9/26/24 Talked to receptionist. They have a gift shop that sells T-shirts, etc but no books.
Call Richard, see if worth sending and who to send book to
Richard Caputo Supervisor
Wolf Gap History & Nature Education Center
2718 Tarpley Shop Rd, Pulaski, TN 38478
April 1
5/1/23 Call from Kelly Hamlin. No gift shop yet but possibly. Very interested in book so I sent her a copy. Sent Kelly WFs.
Check yearly to see if they now have a gift shop
Kelly Hamlin, Executive Director
Wolf Mountain Nature Center
562 Hopkins Crandall Rd, Smyrna, NY 13464
  1/4/25 Google says temporarily closed 607-627-6784    
Wolfe's General Store
14167 State Rte 414, Slate Run, PA 17769
Feb 10 1/11/25 Sent Tom and Kim WFn 570-753-8551
Tom and Kim Kozlowski
  Allegany Mountains
Sell a lot of books
Wonderland Books & Toys
245 Maple St #12, Manchester NH 03103
Feb 18 11/26/24 Talked to Deidre. Very nice, would love to see a copy
12/6/24 Sent Deidre WFn
Talked to Deidre. Just getting over illness. Will look for book. Agreed I would call a few weeks
1/17/25 Called Deidre. Found book. Will be looking at it. Told her 40T%. Said I would check back in a month.
Deirdre Shaw 
Owner  Very nice lady
Woodford General Store
5053 VT-9, Woodford, VT 05201
Sept 23 1/13/25 6 WFn by Ryan Ryan Hassett  Owner
WFn: 6  
PO Box 525, 50 West Main Street, Wardensville, WV 26851
Feb 27 1/23/25 Sent Marlene WFs to consider for both WordPlay and Curious Iguana. Marlene England -Owner        
  Marlene England -Owner of WordPlay as well as Curious Iguana and Dancing Bear Toys and Games in Frederick MD
Curious Iguana
12 N Market St, Frederick, MD 21701
Feb 27 1/20/25 Called store. Salesperson told me to email Lauren.
1/20/25 Sent email to Lauren
1/23/25 Sent Marlene WFs to consider for both WordPlay and Curious Iguana.
Lauren Curator of Curious Iguana
Marlene England -Owner
-Owner WordPlay as well as Curious Iguana and Dancing Bear Toys and Games in Frederick MD
  Edge of mountains
Yankee Bookshop
12 Central Street, Woodstock, VT 05091
Feb 13 11/22/24 Sent Christian copy of WFn
Talked to Christian -really likes book will order
1/16/25 Talked to Christian. Offered 40%. Asked for email so he will order. Sent followup email to Christian
2/7/25 Called. He was out sick
Christian Prewlowski -
Yogi Bear's Jellystone Parks Camp Stores
Crystal McLIndsay, Northgate Resorts, 38 Commerce Avenue SW, Suite 200, Grand Rapids MI 49503
March 6 5/10/24 Sent WFn to Ethan Hasselbauer, Acting Gen Mgr. Station Camp Store Jellystone Williamsport MD
Talked to Ethan. Had not received book but told me the right person to contact is Crystal McLindsey who oversees all Jellystone Camp Stores.
9/12/24 Talked to HR. They will alert her to call me.
9/13/24 Called HR. He told me he talked to Crystal and she said she would contact me. Has my phone number
11/7/24 Sent Crystal WFn
Sent followup email to Crystal
1/21/25 Resent followup email to Crystal
Crystal McLindsay -Revenue Dept. Northgate Resorts Oversees Camp Stores
540-682-6611 Crystal
616-249-8444 x6 Revenue Dept x2 HR Northgate Resorts
540-300-1697 Lurvay VA     At least 16 stores
2250 US 211 Luray VA 22835
Jellystone Resorts – Northgate Resorts
  New Brunswick: Lower Woodstock
New Hampshire:
Glen Ellis, Milton
New York:
Gardiner/Hudson Valley Region, Woodridge/Birchwood Acres, Binghamton, Bath/Finger Lakes,
PA Wilds, Milton, Quarryville
Luray, Natural Bridge
North Carolina:
Asheboro, Golden Valley, Cherokee
Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg, Watts Bar Lake
Youghiogheny Overlook Welcome Center
I-68 Eastbound, MM#6, I-68, Friendsville, MD 21531
    301-746-5230   Thursday-Mon
Zeb's General Store
2675 White Mountain Hwy, North Conway, NH 03860
Dec 8 1/30/25 12 WFn by Ray 603-356-9294
Ray Boutin
Gen Mgr
WFn: 12 Do sell local books